swbf-unmunge - v1.1.1

Started by SleepKiller, July 06, 2017, 10:20:57 PM

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Quote from: SleepKiller on July 18, 2017, 07:01:04 PM
Or you can keep running "desktop\test\swbf-unmunge" and instead change you're whole commandline to.
desktop/test/swbf-unmunge -file desktop/test/rep.lvl -version swbfThat should also let it find the file.
This worked, thank you very much!

When I try to excecute it it just says the application was unable to start correctly.

Quote from: GSLOMG on July 19, 2017, 03:27:20 PM
When I try to excecute it it just says the application was unable to start correctly.

what did you do to execute it?  and what version of windows are you using?
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: RepComm on July 18, 2017, 09:53:48 PM
That's pretty cool. I'm sure people who are unfamiliar with (or just don't like using) command prompts will appreciate your efforts.

As for what is output by the tool. Currently it will write messages to stdout when something goes wrong reading a chunk or when something really goes wrong and an exception hits the handler in main. So there is output, but if everything is fine you'll never see it.

Quote from: GSLOMG on July 19, 2017, 03:27:20 PM
When I try to excecute it it just says the application was unable to start correctly.
Make sure you have the Visual C++ Redistributable 2017, you can get it here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746572

Trivia question time!
Why make something like this in c++ instead of something a little more English like c#?

How possible is it to port the code to c#? (for another person, I know you're busy!)

How difficult would it be to make your code go the other way and write lvls instead?

Is it possible to create a builder class of sorts that would allow you to step through the lvl in programming so we can skip the compilers?

Quote from: RepComm on July 20, 2017, 07:20:03 AM
Trivia question time!
Why make something like this in c++ instead of something a little more English like c#?

Only computer science students use c#  :P
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: RepComm on July 20, 2017, 07:20:03 AM
Trivia question time!
Why make something like this in c++ instead of something a little more English like c#?

How possible is it to port the code to c#? (for another person, I know you're busy!)

How difficult would it be to make your code go the other way and write lvls instead?

Is it possible to create a builder class of sorts that would allow you to step through the lvl in programming so we can skip the compilers?
I'm lazy, so here have a poorly made, poorly recorded video reply! (I really don't know why the colour and quality is so bad in the video. Recording is hard.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JNAwpxp0h4&feature=youtu.be

I really am a little bit sorry, I know my accent and mumbling is probably going to make it hard to understand what I'm saying. If you need anything clarified (or if I misunderstood a question somewhat) just let me know. I'll probably feel less lazy and write a written reply next time.

Quote from: Led on July 20, 2017, 08:47:31 AM
Only computer science students use c#  :P
This is truuuuue..

There is a hot new version of the tool out on GitHub. Go there for the list of changes if you're interested. It fixes a lot of things related .msh file output. (As well as a couple small things here and there.)

Just a quick note to the people who I've told (either in this topic or by PM) that I'll try and work on something. I haven't forgotten, I've just had other more important things in the tool to fix. (Like .msh files not crashing Zero Editor.) They are on my to-do list still.

I don't know if someone have the same problem but in the new versions of swbf-unmunge ,the .exe file closes at the second of open it

Quote from: JTN on July 24, 2017, 04:46:45 AM
I don't know if someone have the same problem but in the new versions of swbf-unmunge ,the .exe file closes at the second of open it

It's command line, you have to use it through command prompt.
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Quote from: JTN on July 24, 2017, 04:46:45 AM
I don't know if someone have the same problem but in the new versions of swbf-unmunge ,the .exe file closes at the second of open it
The usage of the application changed when I introduced commandline options. When I did that I removed the primitive fallback for selecting a file when nothing was specified.

If you don't want to use a command prompt (can't say I blame you) I would recommend checking out RepComm's fine tool here that let's you use the tool in a much more user friendly fashion.

Why only version 0.1.1 work ? :confused:

I've posted a new minor version fixing various things related to world output.

This one should let you extract and use the map you were having problems with Gistech. Albeit with some minor touch ups still, the .sky file will likely crash Zero Editor for reasons I'll try to write up at some point. I'll try to make a complete tutorial on getting the map back into Zero Editor when I have the time. But for now if you ignore the .sky/.prp/.bnd files (don't rename them alongside the .pln file basically) you can edit and use maps extracted by the tool now.

Quote from: RC-1138 on July 24, 2017, 08:01:46 AM
Why only version 0.1.1 work ? :confused:
I suspect it is because you are not using it correctly, you can try RepComm's GUI https://github.com/RepComm/SWBFUnmungeGUI if you're unfamiliar with command line apps and don't feel like learning how to use them.

Now the the tool export the mshs but it looks weird ,It seems as if it had been crushed,For example this is supposed to be the emperor