OverrideTexture compatible Imperial Scout

Started by tirpider, October 18, 2012, 04:52:22 PM

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October 18, 2012, 04:52:22 PM Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 05:50:51 PM by tirpider
OverrideTexture compatible Imperial Scout


tirpider - editing
Pandemic - source materials

A kitbash of the following:
SWBF1 imp_inf_scout.msh (Pandemic)
and the various tga's, .options, and lowres models that they came with.

- Rebuilt NDXL and NDXT tags for compatibility with my process. (only affects console munging, and should be fine.)
- Made OverrideTexture compatible (most of this was in the lowres)
   - Merged unweighted MODL's as SEGM's into main body MODL.
   - Merged unweighted MODL's as SEGM's into first accessory MODL.
   - Created wght's for unweighted parts.
   - Re-indexed ENVLs and MNDXs and adjusted WGHTs accordingly.
   - renamed MODLs.

Possible future edits:

To make use of the override texture, the following line needs to be in the unit's odf
(replace texturename with the name of your texture)
OverrideTexture  = "texturename"  // body, helmet, packs, hands

I left the filename the same as the original as it is meant to be used as a replacement for the original.
It still requires the same tgas as the original

Again, the lowres is more complex than the highres. There are fewer nulls, but more individual geometry chunks.

I'm tempted to sync the complexity and isolate the highres equivalantes. This would be an entirely internal and non-observable edit. The only folks that would know would be future model hackers, and they would have thier own reasons for looking inside the msh.

I'll leave it the way it is, for the sake of moving on to the next unit.

-tirpider (tirpider@yahoo.com)
visit http://www.swbfgamers.com/