Phase II Prototype unit

Started by Giftheck, January 14, 2011, 11:00:42 AM

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March 16, 2012, 06:16:42 PM #15 Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 08:34:01 PM by tirpider
I'm assuming it's the 'lucky foot' thinned out and dragging.
Could be a bad envl refrence, malformed bone, or even a mndx sequence error.
All can be fixed (via hex.)
I'll take a  look.

First look reveals that all the extra geometry (holster, anntenna, kama, ect.. ) arent indexed in sequence with their placement in the bone heirarchy.
2 possible solutions, index them properly (would require rebuilding the envl for everything that has one) or try to shift them all to the end and then re-index their mndx's.

This might take me all night, I'm fighting  a headache and I have KiaDiMundi cut up in my normal work space.

Second look. Yeah, it is definatly because of the sequencing.
It turns out that it will be easier to re-number the MNDX's and re-build the ENVL for the main soldier geometry and shadow volume, than to move the addons to the end.

Moving them to the end would mean building the WGHT and ENVL from scratch and manually translating the POSL locations. It would be a better fix that would offer more flexibility as far as customization goes, but I don't have a reliable method for that at the moment. (I'm facing a simular issue with the bandolier on the Tuskens.)

The addons have no ENVL or WGHTs (just like the hands in some models.) Their wieghting is determined by either their placement in the heirarchy, or the PRNT tag. (effectivly the same.)

I'm looking at the plain model, and hoping that the others are only different in tga reffs.
If that is the case, once I fix one, the rest will only take a cpl of min.
If not, then this will be a long night.

I got the foot fixed.
It was an indexing issue.
The MSH2 was also reporting the wrong size, but I don't think that would have caused that particular error.

I'll go through the other models and see what (if anything) needs to happen there, then up it to the downloads section.

(Ignore the headless Mundi. He is in the process of becomming something else.)

First we had black foot, now we have curly-fin foot. Very nice

March 16, 2012, 09:44:39 PM #19 Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 10:30:28 PM by tirpider
Same model, just different skins. That made it easy :)

Here it is : GGTUCK's Phase II Prototype Unit (reindexed)

Now if I could figure out what happened to Yareal, eh? -edit(I took another swing at him just now aaaand missed :(  )

March 16, 2012, 10:08:59 PM #20 Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 10:13:04 PM by {TcF}Dr.Penguin
Awesome, thanks!

Glad to help.
If ya'll run across any troubled msh's, let me know.
The more broken msh's I have to study, the more breakthroughs come from it. :)

OK Penguin, now that you have made your new rep.lvl and have gotten a lot of help, the way you can help others is to upload your rep.lvl file.  Be sure to include a credits file.

Click on Downloads up at the top.
Select Star Wars Battlefront Mods
At the bottom of the page select Add a Download (in the blue bar)
select your file and upload it.

The community works best when we all help each other.

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

I can't get more then one type of the model into the side, because they are named the same thing so they replace each other, any way to get around this?

Darn still having trouble getting multiple commanders to work on one side.

To get the guys all working in the same side folder, there is a lot of renaming of files to do.

The msh's each need a unique name
The tga's they call on need unique names
Then the references to those tga's need to be updated in each msh. (hex edited)

-or- (theory)
I'm imagining the modl's could be renamed to override_texture and the skins renamed appropriatly, then add the appropriate lines to the odf. (also altering the .option accordingly)
(haven't tried it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work)

The reason I haven't jumped on this is cause it feels wierd doing those sort of alterations to someone elses model.
I don't mind fixing wierd geometry. I see it as repair work.
I wouldn't mind if it were my model.
But I know some folks are particular about how their work is used or altered.

Is GGTUCK still around and does anyone know if he would mind us mucking about in his msh's?

Quote from: tirpider on March 18, 2012, 08:34:20 AM

The reason I haven't jumped on this is cause it feels wierd doing those sort of alterations to someone elses model.
I don't mind fixing wierd geometry. I see it as repair work.
I wouldn't mind if it were my model.
But I know some folks are particular about how their work is used or altered.

Is GGTUCK still around and does anyone know if he would mind us mucking about in his msh's?

He hangs out more over on GT, but it has even been a while since I've seen him there.  Given that he released his assets, I don't think there is a problem, esp. since they are not apparently easily useable in the current state.

I can work on it--just need to find a bit of time.  I don't have any problem tweaking and repackaging, keeping his credit list intact.

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

I messaged him (here and there.)
Don't know how soon to expect a reply.

Upon greater reflection, this is a kinda common modification for side building (I would imagine.)
So I went ahead and did it.

I renamed everything. (didn't do the override texture thing.)

Each msh has a a different name so your Geometry and LowResGeometry lines will need to be updated.
They all share a common pistol texture and the pauldron is common for 2 (based on color)

Is there a way to remove the previously upped version and use this one instead?

Download: Phase II Prototype Unit
[spoiler]Phase II Prototype Unit

If you use, give credit to me (GGTUCK) and those in the readme as well (as
though you were using each separate thing as addon)

Special thanks go to Darth D.U.C.K. for creating the addon kama, antenna and
Phase I fin meshes, to kinetosimpetus for Season 3 pauldron, and to AQT who
helped me with hex-editing problems. Thanks to Deviss for the holster addons,
and for his advice on hex-editing addons.

WARNING: I have not tested this unit fully.

A plain unit has been included so you can create your own troopers.

-edited by tirpider
3/16/2012 - (BF1) Unit has a stretched out foot, I think it's caused by MNDX
            entries for the various addons being out of sync.
          - yep. The MNDX's were shifted by the added MODL chunks. I re indexed
            them and updated the ENVL for the sv_ and main body. All good :)
3/18/2012 - Adjusted file and TX0D names so they could co-exist in the same side

Credit list:
GGTUCK               Phase II Prototype Unit construction
Darth D.U.C.K.       Kama, Antenna and Phase I Fin
kinetosimpetus       Season 3 Pauldron
AQT                  Hex-editing assistance
Deviss               Holsters and Hex-editing assistance

(no tirpider because I had no creative addition to this unit.)

Quote from: tirpider on March 18, 2012, 01:19:01 PM
Is there a way to remove the previously upped version and use this one instead?

done.  thanks!
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet