Kit Fisto's Mini IMP Mod (Online Compatible) 1.5

Started by Kit Fisto, April 13, 2013, 04:24:25 PM

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April 13, 2013, 04:24:25 PM Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 04:26:04 PM by Kit Fisto
Kit Fisto's Mini IMP Mod (Online Compatible);sa=view;down=935

This is version 1.5. I fixed a shading problem for the IMP officer and ATAT pilot.


*Pictures Below*

STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 1: Kit Fisto's Mini IMP Mod (online compatible)

This is a mini skin mod for the Imperials that changes a couple things like adding better looking skins etc. It is for people who don't want a complete overhaul for new skins but still want a little change from the stock sides.

The changes are as follows:

Non-Snow environments

Tie Pilot and AT-ST pilot are now the Imperial Officer.

The Scout Trooper skin is now it's SWBFII version, I did this because the SWBFII version looks better and is closer to how they look in the movie.

The Dark Trooper skin is now it's SWBFII version, I did this because the SWBFII version looks better/cleaner than SWBFI. The specular (shiny) aspect is also gone.

Snow environments

The snowtrooper, Shock Trooper and Scout Trooper skins are now replaced with their SWBFII versions. I did this because the SWBFII version looks better/ cleaner than SWBFI.

The AT-AT pilot is now the AT-AT Commander (SWBFII Imperial Officer skin)

I also fixed the snow scout troopers arms to match his outward skin. For some reason the developers forgot to do this.

GO TO: My Computer/Computer
Local disk
Program files(or Program files (x86) if you are using 64 bit windows)
Star Wars Battlefront
Back up your imp.lvl
Place the imp.lvl you downloaded into the SIDE folder

GO TO: Applications
Star Wars Battlefront (folder or app)
Right Click {on app (should be a stormtrooper helment)}
Show Package Contents
Back up your imp.lvl
Place the imp.lvl you downloaded into the SIDE folder

Kit Fisto for mod
Tirpider for all the OTC Units, this mod would have been a lot harder to make without them. Thank you!
Buckler/Led for swbfgamers, the place I waste my time

Other Mods by Kit Fisto/kitfisto15678 (in order of release date)

Online Compatible 212th Empire Skin Mod
Online Compatible LoweResolution Map Replacements (assets on swbfgamers)
Phase I Republic Skin Mod (2.0 Final) [Online Compatible]
Rebel Forces Mod (online compatible)

If you have any problems with this mod feel free to contact me on

Imperial Officer

AT-AT Commander