an idea of mine

Started by jdee-barc, September 02, 2010, 11:22:33 AM

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My idea is to make a sides mod, of stuff converted from BF2 (like droid gunship, Imperial Officer, etc), stuff left out of the shipped game, and just new things in general. The mod would be something like the BFX mod and conversion pack for BF1. That mod added new eras to the shipped maps, with more vehicles and different units. I'd do something like that by making mission maps with different sides. The convo pack converted BF1 maps to BF2. my idea would have BF2 maps converted to BF1. I already have a Kashyyyk hunt map.
Format like this
Default and regular sides
default shipped rep.lvl, all.lvl, imp.lvl, cis, geo, gar, gun, ewk, wok, des, and gam lvls so its online compatible
new lvls for the mod
a file for the republic with
new vehicles (Flash Speeder, AT-XT, AT-RT, Light Attack Speeder, ARC-170, V-19)
Coruscant troopers, 212th, 327th, 41st, Galactic Marines, and the 501st legions
new heroes and special units (like Commanders Cody and Bacara, a Clone Commando, Commander etc)

New imperials with
TFU stormtroopers
Galactic Marines
Imperial Commandos, sandtroopers, etc
New heroes (Jerec, Palpatine, Starkiller, Bobafett)
New special units (Imperial Officers, Navy Commandos, Storm Commandos, Jump troopers, etc)
New vehicles like the theta class shuttle, TIE Defender, "trooptrans" TIE Interceptor
new droid units
a Droid Commando w/ sword, Droid Marine, Engineer Droid, Improved droideka, Magnaguard, IG-Tactical Droid, OOM Security droid, geonosian).
snow droids, sand camo, jungle camo.
new heroes (jangofett, IG-88, OOM-9, Darth Maul, etc)
new vehicles like the: Dwarf Spider Droid, Snail Tank, Droid Gunship, Trifighter,

naboo guards, improved defaults, CIS droids for a scum/strike mustafar, Tusken raiders for desert maps,
snow and katarns for snow maps.
new vehicles: flash speeder, GIAN speeder, K-Wing, AT-PT, V-Wing Airspeeder, N-1 Starfighter, A-Wing, Rebel LAAT/i Gunship,
new units: bothans, rebel commanders, rogue jedi
heroes, galen marek, chewbacca, etc.

what do people think of this idea
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

Sounds to me you are also thinking of KotOR hero's.

Sounds to me you have a great idea :D

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson

sounds pretty cool from the little things i understand out of it :)

if you do it. keep posting some screenies as you go.

Kotor heroes?Well i have few kotor heroes but still modeling the Ebon Hawk for my Kotor map-pack project.Then i will try to make and bastila.
{back to the topic} Its good to see that not only me and Nikoli have been started something "big".

Sounds good. That's quite a lot of work for one person though... I would start off by doing a side faction, and see if you can get anyone interested in helping out.

Why? To play with others? Do you have xfire? Who do you play with regulary? You have good ideas.

Ok. I need help w/ making a Geonosis map using the shipped as a base. How do you edit a shipped map?
I have the sides very near complete. Format like this
Soldier Class: Carbine (a smaller rifle), same weapon in a semi-auto charge up configuration, thermal detonators, concussion grenades
Marine Class: Rifle, (actual rifle), Missile Launcher, Thermal Detonators
Engineer/Pilot Class: Shotgun, Fusioncutter, Supply dispenser, Mines
Sniper Class: Sniper Rifle, Commando Pistol, Haywire Grenade, Recon Droid
Special: Assault, Commander, Commando, jet/jump/jedi classes
assault: Clone assault Trooper: Repeating cannon, Commando Pistol, wrist rocket, time bomb
Shocktrooper: T-21 Light Repeating Blaster, DH-17 Pistol, Frag grenade, Time Bomb
Rebel Vanguard: Grenade Launcher, DH-17 Pistol, Thermal Detoantor, Time Bomb
B2 Super Battle droid: Wrist Blaster, Heavy Cannon, Wrist Rocket, AV Rocket
Clone Commander: Chaingun, DC-15S Sidearm Pistol, Supply dispenser, orbital strike
Droid Commander/Magnaguard: Heavy Pistol/Radiation Launcher, Bulldog RLR, Radiatio ngrenade, orbitalstrike
Imperial Officer: DH-17 Pistol, Mortar Launcher, Supply Dispenser, Orbital strike
Wookiee Warrior: Bowcaster (now fully automatic), Wookiee Rocket Launcher, Time Bomb, Orbital strike
Commandos (all commandos except imperial and droid)
Clone Commando: DC-17M Rifle, AntiArmor, Frag grenade, Grappling hook
Clone Cold Assault Commando: DC-15S Sidearm Pistol, DC-17M Sniper, Disguise kit, Time Bomb
Imperial Clone Commando: See Clone Commando
Droid Commando: Vibrosword, Radiation Launcher, Rifle, Frag grenade
Storm Commando: DLT-19 Sniperrifle, DLT-19 Blaster rifle, Frag grenade, Orbital strike
Bothan Spy: DH-17 Pistol, Disguise kit, vibroknife, time bombs
Jets and jumpers/jedi
Jet/Jump/imp Trooper: Rifle, EMP Launcher, Wrist Rocket, Thermal Detonators
Dark Trooper: T-21 Light repeating Blaster, Shotgun, Wrist Rocket, Thermal Detonators
Rebel Jedi: Lightsaber (blocks): Force Lightning, Force pull, Force Push, regeneration
Magnaguard: Electrostaff (blocks as well), radiation grenade, frag grenade, regeneration
Rebel Jedi Sharpshooter: Light saber, Sniperrifle, force push, recon droid, regeneration
Shadow Guard (replaces imperial marine): Force Pike, Missile Launcher, Force Lightning, Force push

Where could I get the mission luas or source files for the imp strikeforce/rebel scum conversions (Mygeeto, Mustafar, Utapau)?
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

Quote from: barc on September 04, 2010, 08:05:44 AM
Where could I get the mission luas or source files for the imp strikeforce/rebel scum conversions (Mygeeto, Mustafar, Utapau)?

They have not been released and the original authors do not have the source files anymore.

(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿"" (-_-*)

o ok. I'll make my own luas.
Geonosis: Prototype is being tested right now
Naboo: imperial Diplomacy: complete
Kashyyyk: Hunt: complete
sides: almost complete
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

Could you post some screenshots... this has got my interest.

Quote from: gogo12 on September 02, 2010, 12:59:50 PM
Kotor heroes?Well i have few kotor heroes but still modeling the Ebon Hawk for my Kotor map-pack project.Then i will try to make and bastila.
{back to the topic} Its good to see that not only me and Nikoli have been started something "big".


"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson

I can't get screens up until the mod is working yet. I've had to drop: Mygeeto, and a Geonosis custom map. Right now I'll release it as a sides mod first, then when I'm on winter vacation, I'll work on the multiplayer part. Right now its a sides mod with some mission maps  :confused:

As I said, I'll continue with this when I'm on winter vacation.
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

Just to put it out there about me. I like anything new for swbf1. I will be here when this becomes playable.

I want to get the shocktrooper's backpack on a wookiee or other rebel soldier, and to give a scouttrooper model a jetpack (to make a felucia scout with a jetpack).

Is there a guide of how to add addon models to trooper models. Do you have to hexedit, or actually edit the msh file in XSI?
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

sorry for not posting for so long. I haven't gotten the mutiplayer part yet, but I do have some new things for the actual mod itself
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)