Finally Gone..

Started by Snake, August 07, 2014, 04:08:50 PM

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Well, my retirement has finally arrived. The museum took far longer than I expected but I think this is a fitting end to my SWBF life. It's hard to believe so many years have gone by since I first watched the Pandemic logo come up on the screen.. I have always been a very sentimental person. I don't cope well with big changes in my life. Probably because of how much I moved around as a kid. So now I have to go through another big change that everyone has to go through. I'm looking forward to going to college but I will definitely miss all of you. I've made a lot of friends along the way and I'm glad you guys put up with me for all this time, especially the ones I've known for several years.. I got as close, if not closer, to some of you on this game as I would if we knew eachother in real life. It's crazy isn't it? Well, I'm sure I will check up on the site every now and then but pretty soon I'll be busy fighting for the good ol' US of A. So think of me fondly and enjoy the maps I've been able to get out over the years. I especially hope the Museum gives you all a little nostalgia, as it has given me every time I test it. Sleepkiller will post the release thread since it was such a large file.

Well, I leave for college Saturday morning.. Goodbye guys! Keep God close to you in these crazy times! :bye:
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

 :bye: Time flies by so fast. I wish you good luck on your education bro, be sure to go in study groups, thats what helped me man.
Battfront Stuff if your interested.

Yea its sad to see you finally go, epically after all of your maps and mods you've released :'(. But your not out of the woods yet, we still have to have a Museum Server.
"I would explain it to you but your head might explode."

Man, so sad to see you go. :( I agree a Museum server is a must, but for now we must grieve. :'( Good luck with the education, and may God bless you in all of your ventures. :bye:
Join the BOBclan Discord: click here | Proud member of the BOBclan since 2014

It's been nice knowing you Snake. Good luck with the real world!

Take care, man.  Keep in touch when you can.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Goodbye, have fun, stay safe!
You have been an integral part of the community for ages, sad to see you go, but happy to see that you have more exciting things to do than battlefront ahead.
Stay Safe!

It's sad to see you go. We may not have talked much, but I have known you (seen your work and your posts)  since I first stumbled upon this site a year ago. You were one of the users I took for granted, until recently. Though, I understand, that real life always comes first. And I hope you enjoy college, have a good education and do good service to our country. Farewell, Snake.  :bye:

I hate to see Battlefront lose a very dedicated and talented modder.

I commend you for fulfilling your promise to finish the Museum despite all of the road bumps you faced.  I will be downloading it as soon as I can, and I'm sure it will be fantastic.

Best of luck in the Army!

It seems I've known you for a long time, you've taught me modding, we've collaborated countless times and even managed to co-found YAK.
It's been a blast and your contribution to the community has been pretty darn legendary.

Stay safe!

You'll be missed Snake. Your contributions to this game have been brilliant, I can't wait to play museum. :)
I hope you do get a chance to read the site or have a quick game of battlefront (it's easier now) in the future but whatever happens I hope you do well in life. Good luck.  :cheers:
I play less now but I'll always be around, lets keep this site and battlefront going. :)

Enjoy college while you can and good luck in the army! [spoiler]Remember, nade jumping doesn't work in the real world quite well[/spoiler]

I do hope you still manage to check up on the site once in a while, good luck in the real world!

Remember, there are ways to play video games overseas when fighting in the army ;) (Maybe you could find an xbox, PS2, PSP with SWBF  ;))

You have made such a positive mark in this game and this site, thank you so much for all the work you have done!  :cheers:

Ask your friendly WgT member about joining today!

See you later Snake! May the Force Be With You Always. :)

Good luck with your journey, Snake. We will be miss you :bye:.
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf:

Good luck on all your future endeavours, Snake.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1