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Messages - SirPimped

I honestly don’t know the first thing about modding. I still need help from people to install new maps for events like the ICW. But here is my theory on the situation…

I have played this game for about 8 years now. Lately, I feel like my skill level is peaking. In other words, I think of it as a “ceiling” that I am approaching, but I will never actually hit or never go higher than in the confines of the game as they are. I think of it in terms of a graph in algebra with an asymptote I cannot cross. I will always approach the asymptote, but never hit or cross it. Now to raise that “ceiling” level, people have used things like mods to raise their ceiling level so they can have better skill level potential. At some point I may experiment with mods (possibly radar), because as it is now, I don’t feel like I can improve at any higher of a rate than I am at the moment (which I feel is pretty low).

To conclude, this is just a game, but it is a game I really enjoy playing. I really like to improve my skill every time I play. Seeing as how I may not be able to improve any more within the normal confines of the game, I may look to outside sources for improvement such as mods. If a crosshair can make me a better player, then I may try it to improve myself. If radar can raise my ceiling level then I may try it to raise my skill level potential.

As a side note, my playing style is very aggressive. The use of radar for me would be to find where the action is. I am in favor of anything in this game that promotes fighting and more of it. I always want to be in the middle of the action, so if I can use radar to help me find where that is, then it sounds ok to me.
A CIS pilot air killed me once. It was an AI  :confused:

I'm sure I've had some strange thing happen like that before. I've played for a long time, but I just can't remember them right now :slap:.
This is the TWA clan's video channel. It has many different video editors, and features clips from a lot of different players. So just look in the discription for those details:

This is Dumbledore's video channel. He makes videos featuring clips from himself and sometimes other players as well:

This is BlackAir's channel:

This is SWBF1miniclip's channel. I don't know who runs the channel, but it is a collection of many different editor's videos:

And here is Inoobishh* 's channel. He probably has the best clips of anyone. I've seen his clips on his channel as well as others, and I have to say he is the best air killer I have seen. He also has some great kill streaks.

Here is my channel, but I usually use XFire for my video uploads:

Quote from: DEAGLE on September 23, 2012, 08:15:43 AM
wow, thanks to all of you for your positive feedback! :D

I'm actually working on my last video atm. Some of you may know that editing/cutting videos is really time consuming and since I have great plans for my reallife in about two months I will not have any time to continue making fragvideos. But if you enjoy swbf editing you should check out therealK238, he was the very first swbf editor, and also blackair123456789 and lukiopfer, they are pretty good too ;)

thanks again guys, I'm really happy to have viewers from the swbfgamers community :P

Great work DEAGLE! I really enjoy your videos and can't wait to see your last one. You are one of the guys who really inspired me to make my own videos. I know how time consuming the videos can be, so I understand why it's you're last video. I don't plan on making another video for a long time either, because it just takes too much time  :dry:
His Xfire is markdeagle if you want to add him. I see him on a lot on the weekends.

Quote from: Kit Fisto on September 22, 2012, 07:35:36 PM
Your vids are very good for the equipment that is available to you.  :tu:
I am a huge fan of Deagle and his vids now. If he is still active someone should send him this topic!  ;)

Thanks ^^

If you enjoy DEAGLE's videos there are a lot of other Germans who make videos as well. I can post links if you would like.
I really wish I had thier editing software. It's too expensive for me though. They can also record thier videos in HD. But again it cost money to record in HD with the website they use (Fraps). And they also have freecam. Boy I'm really out matched when it comes to making videos  :(
And since you said you like Naboo the best Kit Fisto, here is another video that focuses on just Theed, Naboo. It's not as good as the ones made by DEAGLE, but still well made. Again I did not make this video. All credit goes to the creator, Gamergirl.

At the moment, I really enjoy playing on Tatoonie.

Here is a really great video for people who love the maps on battlefront for thier style and design. This video is called "The Beauty of Battlefront | Part II". This video was made by DEAGLE. All credit goes to him.

I like Part II the best, but here is Part I as well:
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / SWBF Video
September 15, 2012, 05:17:21 PM
Hey guys and gals, I just uploaded my new video on my Xfire page. It's a community montage featuring clips from BlackScorpion, Elite, Kishan, NacHo, and myself. Enjoy!
The CIS trooper can be a really dominate unit if you use it right. The tri-shot is a great weapon to use up close on enemies and especially on jet troopers. The wrist rocket is much more effective than grenades IMO. This unit is all about inflicting a lot of damage quickly. All the other troopers are about the same to me.
I really like darktrooper. The shotgun-pistol combo is great. Wookie is awesome. Really one of my favorite units, but I'm just not as good with it as I would like to be. I think I'm going to work on that soon. Clone jet is ok. Pretty easy to master. And not a fan of Deka.
The Rebel rocket is one of my favorite units. I love the rocket-pistol-rocket combo. It's the easiest of all the rocket troopers to throw mines with. And to air kill darktroopers with this unit is one of the hardest things to master on this game, but very rewarding. I also like the CIS rocket trooper a lot. I don't always use the Empire or Clone rocket, but they are about the same for me.
A Droid pilot actually air killed me once when I was a clone jet trooper with a mortar shot in the PLA server. Well played AI. Well played...  :confused:
The Rebel pilot is my favorite. The Droid pilot is a close second. Third is the Empire pilot. And I never pick Clone pilot, because I take pride in being able to shoot people without an auto targeting weapon.
The rebel sniper is my favorite. CIS sniper is a close second.
I like rebels the most, because it is the most fun and diverse of the 4 legions IMO. Plus, I really enjoy killing darktroopers in the air with vanguard, sniper, wookie or pilot.

SirPimped / Weapon X