Maps you'll be seeing in the mod

Started by jdee-barc, September 05, 2012, 06:43:49 PM

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This is looking great! Cant wait to play it

Is this mod alive?
If you are good at something, never do it for attention.

The last release was over five years ago, so probably not.

I don't even know if jdee-barc still comes here.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Long overdue map feature:

Ginev's extended Geonosis: Spires

Whats new:
several new Command posts, and prop ships in the sky, eventually i'd like to turn them into command posts (unspawnable of course) that must be destroyed, as just is the case with the techno-union ships. A prop core ship (don't fall in the pit!)

a spawnpoint for a single Droid Gunship on a platform west of the TechnoUnion ships, somewhat resembling the entrance to where the final lightsaber battle happens in EP2. pretty inaccessible to you unless you happen to spawn there (rare). best leave it for the AI.

a Republic command post far south of the "forward center", featuring a single gunship, two IFT tanks, a few speeders, and an AT-TE.

-Clone Heavy Trooper firing at a Droid Gunship

-Sniperscope for REP side's rocket launcher. The Rebels and Droids rocket launcher can lock on to just about anything from soldiers to animals, but the range is not as far as the Republic/Empire which can zoom in like a sniper rifle and take out farther away targets. HOwever the clone/stormtrooper rocket launcher cannot target anything except vehicles.

-Near the spawnpoint for the droid gunship

Sereja's LAAT/i

-by the core ship command post

-at the republic outpost at the very end of the map

screenshot creds to sereja for the laat/i, ginev for the map design, gistech for the clone trooper w/ skirt, BF2 droid gunship, and BF3 MPL model
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

It seems that we need permission to view your screenshots.

I'm loving what I'm reading so far and it's nice to have another modder back.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

 Clone Wars-era forest-y map, - for now lets just say its Endor. I did this primarily through reskinning the stock hoth map and assets. In place of snowspeeders and Tauntauns, the CIS have tanks and speeders. For now the Clones have two ATTE's and several AT-XT's.

To do , short-term
-reskin lowrez textures:
-tweak the terrain textures
-add tree props and generated foliage
-more ground vehicles
-remove Death Star II from sky
-3rd and 4th teams  (extra clones+rep heroes+planet locals vs. extra B1 droids and
-replace hoth shield generator w/ Techno-Union ships in various places around the map

to do, long-term:
air-battle/airstrike component featuring bombers and capital ships (this could be where the third and fourth teams come in handy)

1. The CIS Base (reskinned Echo Base, full of Tanks.
2. Moments before a Clone gets absolutely murdered by a Hailfire droid
3. a Clone Stealth Trooper: Features: disguise, slow health regen. Weapons: Disintegrator Sniper Rifle (gonna switch to a different model as this one sticks through the character's arm, Disguise, Detpacks, Thermal Detonator
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

Lol are thouse the BF3 cis AAT and hailfire tank?And if so are they released somewhere or you convert them on your own?

May 26, 2017, 12:54:20 PM #38 Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 02:00:01 PM by jdee-barc
It's just the BF3 AAT, that should be on this site i think, converted by Chadbad
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)