General Announcement to the Community

Started by Anyder, August 02, 2017, 06:01:54 PM

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August 02, 2017, 06:01:54 PM Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 07:13:22 PM by Led
Good night Community,

A member of the community who used to be around for quite a long time was invited to leave us because he claimed the administration of SWBFSpy was built out of "tyrants" who turned against him.

Here is the history of SWBFspy:

SWBFSpy is managed by Led at and supported by the Community Ambassador, Anyder.

SWBFspy was the name give to Kalle's (Gameshare) Gamemaster Master Server (MS) program that allows players to find and choose a server aka "server browser".  One of our members, Sleepkiller, thought up the name, for the logical reason that it has the same number of characters as Gamespy (the original MS program that came with the game) and that it is primarily supporting SWBF. 

Led purchased the domain name called and Anyder made the appropriate hexedits to allow the games to get to the new MS.

Kalle, contacted by Anyder, and Jedikiller got the MS installed working for us, and with help from oldsnake, Mike, and others in the PS2 community, we got it working for PS2 players in addition to PC players.  Many players have donated money to keep the MS and game servers running for us all.

At this time, Phobos mentioned that he thought up the name "SWBFspy".  Although there is no evidence of this, he is listed as independently thinking up the name.

Unfortunately, Phobos seems to believe that he has some role in the administration of the MS.  He edited his profile to list himself as an administrator of SWBFspy.

This was posted to a YouTube webpage called "SWBFgamers".  This YouTube user was made by Phobos to be confusing to people searching for the legitimate "" YouTube page:

SWBFSpy is the official multiplayer substitute for the previous GameSpy Master Server currently undergoing development. Phobos (me) and Wolf created SWBFSpy in 2013 as a SWBF1 and SWBF2 master server replacement for GameSpy. In 2016 Anyder and Led attempted a Coup d'état to take away my authority and control over SWBFSpy, unwilling to share the power equally. They purchased SWBFSpy Dot Com which is a fake master server and not the real one. Originally I was ok with delegating some control to them, but then they got too big for their britches and had to be demoted, for not respecting me as the admin & founder of SWBFSpy. In return I've taken over youtube channel and will use this to announce the new master server publicly, along with a new public forum being launched soon! Currently I'm improving the GameMaster source and building the Official SWBFSpy Master Server.  An official patch and announcement will be released to the public when it is finished @

Clearly phobos has felt some serious resentment about his non-involvement in the MS.  Led found this offensive and purchased the domain "" since it was still available.

Phobos became enraged by this and purchased the domain

Recently Anyder made a public a website which contained all the info about SWBFSpy - - and because we wouldn't list him as a SWBFSpy admin, he started threatening Led and Anyder, telling them he could not be stopped.

He claims to be building a master server himself, which we never discouraged, but the problem came when he started creating fake groups and pages, which were copies of what Anyder had written, but changing to so as to cause confusion among the player base.

He recently posted these quotes in his copied websites:
- "Anyder tried to usurp my SWBFSpy Leadership like a thief"
- "Anyder is currently posing as an ambassador and admin of SWBFSpy, but the truth is that he has no involvement with the project. Same goes for Led, another poor poser who thinks he is admin, but in reality is nothing."
- "Led/Buckler stole the .com domain registration, and then Anyder stole the SWBFSpy steam community registration, asserting himself as the unofficial SWBFSpy project leader/manager/admin and community ambassador, without authorization from the actual community leader, myself."
- "Neither of those tyrants have any authority over {his MS} or"

We want you all to understand why we banned him.

Led & Anyder - SWBFSpy
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
SWBFSpy Discord:
SWBFSpy Info:

The forum boards and subdomain related to phobos efforts will remain on SWBFgamers, but will eventually be moved to a private area.  He can ask me to have someone that he chooses be allowed to visit those boards and get any of the files or posts from there so that he can get what ever information he needs for his new site.

I have always wished him well in his quest for his own master server program and continue to do so.  I know enough about it that I know it is not an easy task at all, and I know that he has the perseverance and intelligence to figure it out.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

By reading everything Anyder is posting here doesn't sound good.
My YouTube Gaming Channel:
Don't forget to subscribe, and like my videos!

Phobos is clearly obsessed with his own image when you consider he has no real authority over the SWBFSpy servers. It almost felt like somebody had framed him or something when I saw just how similar his website is to Anyder's website.

It's a shame to watch someone waste their talent and try to harm battlefront and it's players instead of supporting the community but in the end, however childish they act, there's nothing anyone can do so hopefully he can take a step back and see how he looks and we can get on with enjoying the game and the hard work that goes into keeping it alive.  :cheers:

I play less now but I'll always be around, lets keep this site and battlefront going. :)

The fake websites keep getting rolled out on various platforms, so please don't be fooled by them.  Most of them only have phobos and his aliases as members, with the exception of the ICW6 group on Steam that he took over, kicked me out of, and renamed to suit his purposes. 

I suggest that everyone leave that group so he can also have it by himself.

This is perhaps the biggest tantrum I have seen anyone throw.    ;)
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Man, we've got a Rogue over here now.
Recently watched Star Wars Ep. 1-3 again, and now I can't stop connecting Palpatine and Phobos together.
Generic Sig goes here

Darn shame to see someone of his talent become enraged over something so petty.

Now he knows what it's like when everything you have gets kicked out from under you.
Unfortunately for him, he didn't have much, but this was ultimately his own doing.

Quote from: Davenport on August 03, 2017, 12:03:19 PM
Now he knows what it's like when everything you have gets kicked out from under you.
Unfortunately for him, he didn't have much, but this was ultimately his own doing.

Except in this case, he kicked it out from under himself and is trying to kick us too.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: Led on August 03, 2017, 12:09:29 PM
Except in this case, he kicked it out from under himself and is trying to kick us too.

Yes, certainly.

I don't know what kind of life he had outside of this, but he's not making it seem like he had one at all.

August 03, 2017, 03:40:04 PM #11 Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 03:52:12 PM by Anyder
I was contacted today about a ban, which I found pretty much funny. Everyone who posts here is getting banned from Phobos' mental delusion, so I invite you all to post here.

Also, apparently someone is crashing everyone's servers on SWBF1. Not SWBF2 cause he lacks the knowledge to do so.
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
SWBFSpy Discord:
SWBFSpy Info:

Quote from: Jean on August 02, 2017, 10:35:45 PM
Phobos is clearly obsessed with his own image when you consider he has no real authority over the SWBFSpy servers. It almost felt like somebody had framed him or something when I saw just how similar his website is to Anyder's website.
He desperately tries to follow the steps of SeargentMarkIV, although with way way less panache, since I still like Sarge.
Quote from: Commander Awesome on August 03, 2017, 09:13:51 AM
Darn shame to see someone of his talent become enraged over something so petty.
Also, check out my total conversion for BF1: Ferocious Battlefront


August 11, 2017, 02:59:30 PM #13 Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 03:07:57 PM by Gistech
He has become more than petty: he's quite clearly paranoid and obsessed with what we think. He's mentally ill. He's accusing everybody who is against him of being "Nazis", which in this day and age appears to be taken to mean "anybody I disagree with". The last I checked, none of us tried taking over Europe and gassing the Jewish to death.

I actually went over there to see his 'forum' and he took what we've written and has tried to pervert it. It's quite cute, actually, how he appears determined to burn every single bridge he has. It's also quite cute that it appears everybody on that site is just a clone of him.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

I suspect he will continue to thrash about for a very long time and continue to make fake accounts here by which to voice his displeasure with me and anyone else that doesn't stand with him. 

I will try to minimize the disruption, but thanks everyone in advance for your patience.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet