How to extract audio from mod map

Started by mcneb10, July 19, 2022, 07:29:06 PM

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I recently have been trying to extract the music track from the rathia designated days map 5 (factory). I tried shazaming it first (no results). Then, I unmunged the lvl files from the sound directory. Inside of one of the lvl files was a .mus file, so that lvl file has the music in it. In the munged directory, there are 3 files. 2 are 24k, one is 113MB. The 113MB one most likely has the audio in it. I haven't been able to find a WAV header in the file, and when I raw imported it into audacity, I got a horrible, ear damaging sound. Any ideas?
QuoteSpace cowboys are the best cowboys
George Washington after completing the Kessel run in 11 parsecs

I don't mean to sound like a stickler but have you asked the creator if that's ok with them? There've been a lot of incidents in the modding community in recent years that make asking for permission before extracting others' assets a good idea.
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Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM
'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

I have not asked the creator. I'll ask them if they know what the track is, and if they are OK with me extracting it.
QuoteSpace cowboys are the best cowboys
George Washington after completing the Kessel run in 11 parsecs

If you're just interested in finding out what the track is, feel free to share a video clip of it.
Someone here might recognise it.

Usually the credits inside a readme should list the sources used as well, including audio files. It's worth checking there first.
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