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Topics - Unit 33

Requests / [SOLVED] Healing Gun
April 21, 2012, 04:56:47 AM
It does indeed work, the bots even use it properly!
ClassLabel = "repair"

IconTexture = "IMP_fusioncutter_icon"

MuzzleFlashEffect = "repairkit"
Discharge = "small_smoke_effect"

GeometryName = "imp_weap_inf_fusioncutter"
HighResGeometry         = "imp_1st_weap_inf_fusioncutter"

RoundsPerClip = "-1"
ReloadTime = "0.0"
HeatRecoverRate = "0.16"
HeatThreshold = "0.7"

AnimationBank = "tool"
FirePointName = "hp_fire"


ModeTexture = "HUD_weap_repair"
//ModeTextureColor = "42 235 42 100"
//ReticuleTexture = "reticule_00"

ShotDelay = 0.5
TriggerSingle = "0"
HeatPerShot = "0.060"

TargetEnemy = "0"
TargetNeutral = "1"
TargetFriendly = "1"

TargetPerson = "1"
TargetAnimal = "1"
TargetDroid = "1"
TargetVehicle = "1"
TargetBuilding = "1"

LockOnRange = 3.0
LockOnAngle = 30.0

PersonHealth = 60
VehicleHealth = 60
BuildingHealth = 60
BuildingBuild = 30
BuildingRebuild = 20
DroidHealth = 20

//RecoilLengthLight        = "0.15"
//RecoilLengthHeavy        = "0.1"
//RecoilStrengthLight      = "1"
//RecoilStrengthHeavy      = "1"

FireSound = ""
//FireEmptySound = "com_weap_inf_weapon_empty"
FireLoopSound = "com_weap_inf_fusioncutter_fire"
ReloadSound = "imp_weap_inf_reload_med"
ChargeSound = ""
//ChangeModeSound = ""
OverheatSound     = "com_weap_energy_depleted"
OverheatSoundPitch  = "0.5"
OverheatStopSound   = "com_weap_energy_refilled"
WeaponChangeSound = "imp_weap_inf_equip_sm"
ClankLeftWalkSound  = ""
ClankRightWalkSound = ""
ClankLeftRunSound   = ""
ClankRightRunSound  = ""
JumpSound           = "imp_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_jump"
LandSound           = "imp_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_land"
RollSound           = "imp_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_roll"
ProneSound          = "imp_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_squat"
SquatSound          = "imp_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_lie"
StandSound          = "imp_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_getup"

I was just wondering within the realms of possibility and I thought...

How about a healing gun?

I have two suggestions for how it might work:

1.Works like the health/ammo dispenser but doesn't drop in an arc so it can be fired over a distance, it would also have a different model than the health kit... I guess?
It would fire one shot at a time, like a sniper launcher... with a lot less ammo.

2.Other-wise is there a way of in-cooperating the healing abilities of the Medical Droid into a weapon; it would appear like the beam-cannon?

This would amount to an improved "Medic Unit" replacing Pilots on maps where there are no vehicles.
Released Assets / Texture Template (Photoshop only)
April 01, 2012, 03:50:47 AM
Texture Template (Photoshop only)

By Unit 33 (Third person reference FTW);sa=view;down=518
Released Assets / Units' Unit Asset Archive 1
March 24, 2012, 02:10:33 PM
Units' Unit Asset Archive 1

FIXED LINK;sa=view;down=504

This pack contains the summary of everything I have compiled and made so far, the assets are divided into the four teams. All credits are given within.

All modders are welcome to use the skins etc, but give credit where due!

Many of the more bizarre models lack low resolution models. You may have to find one yourself that fits.
The majority of the Rebel models can just use the vanguard one, which is why I've dumped it in there without hexing. So it's your choice whether to use it or not.

All Dropbox links will be destroyed in place of this mage-pack.

Another pack will be released over the summer.
SWBF1 Modding / Matrix Mod assets etc (WIP)
March 11, 2012, 11:56:41 PM
QuoteSnake (and I)
Thought it were best to separate the development of the map and the mod.

I could make an agent skin easy!
But I'll do it later...

Here he is!

The only thing is the quiff, which I can't get rid of since it's part of the Luke model.
Since I'm going to be releasing stuff more regularly thanks to getting a MSH viewer (finally) I shall make one topic in which I'll dump it all, and make one big asset pack when I'm done, and stick it in the Downloads section, for now I'll use dropbox.

All available at;sa=view;down=504

Damascus Armour
Credits go to Unit 33 and Capcom[/spoiler]

Rebel Black Ops
Credits to Unit 33 and Icemember[/spoiler]

Rebel Officer
Credits to Unit 33 and Pandemic[/spoiler]

Rebel Brigadier
Credits to Unit33 and Pandemic[/spoiler]
Released Assets / Shadow Trooper skins and models.
February 29, 2012, 01:23:29 PM
I made these earlier and was impressed with the outcome so I thought I'd have an official release.
Use them as you see fit and leave credits!

Icemember for the StormTrooper, Officer and Gunner,
Lucas arts/Pandemic for the Dark Trooper and Han Solo,
Unit33 for numerous skin alterations

Bamdur for catching that the RLE compression was on and fixing it
Tirpider for fixing lowres msh issues and workarounds
Led for munging and remunging and remuning and ...
Requests / Skin Testers please!
February 19, 2012, 06:51:59 AM
Ok, so I've been busy recently making a few skins from scratch and editing a several Ice Member made.

All I need is for someone to screen shot the skin in MSH viewer or whatever so I can make the appropriate edits.
Hopefully I when I get my copy of Win7 soon-ish I will be able to boot-camp etc and will no longer need the assistance.
Requests / Extract audio files?
May 05, 2011, 01:44:52 PM
I was just wondering whether it would be possible to extract the audio files, such as the weapon sound effects and
team call-outs (i.e. "we've captured a command post") as an accessible file such as an mp3 or whatever...

I know that ggctuck managed to add his own music files into his mods... I just thought it could work the other way round?
This isn't for a mod, I'd just like to have the effects...  :D *cough* ring tone *cough* *cough*
Other Games / Bespin Platforms on Halo Reach Forge.
September 20, 2010, 08:52:34 AM

I'm sure there's going to be a whole load of maps based off other games,
but it's nice to see SWBF1 in there !
Scummies / Inactivity
July 18, 2010, 04:12:42 AM
Yeaw... Well it would seem that I'm leaving.
I originally came here for the fruitful SWBF community it once was, I now see that this area has declined greatly, and unfortunately I haven't been able to be interested in the steam community and it's selection of games. I might appear once in a while to say hello, but I'm moving to other forums.
I have to admit I was never particularly good at the game anyway :P
So... Byeeee !

Personal notes;
Verik, don't kill anyone.
Soap, make sure Verik doesn't kill anyone.
Keenie/cull/night friend; look after the chat box.
And if Treeboar's out there; thanks for getting me into the online community of this game.
And all the guys on GR; you just keep killing :)

My only regret is that I didn't get to know most of you better.
Other Games / Super Mario
April 24, 2009, 01:07:05 PM
Wow, this all time greatest example of Japanese gaming
(and one of the greatest examples of world-wide gaming)
has been barely mentioned on this forum...

I'm sure some-one will argue with me over that, but this is my opinion.

Any way I thought I might kick off some discussion out of this, if not complete silence....

The whole point is the discussion of the whole brand and games, I'm sorry that I didn't make it clear...

Yes there are tons of games, so if that is too much, then let's ignore the dull ones....

I know, how about a poll for the game on which we discuss? (Let's ignore party and sports games)
I just thought I might as well make some form of an entrance...
well here it is...
... yeah well I couldn't find any fireworks...