Naboo: Seenland

Started by Darth Verik, January 06, 2010, 08:32:45 PM

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January 06, 2010, 08:32:45 PM Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 09:03:33 AM by Buckler
Naboo: Seenland;sa=view;down=225

Map made by: Khabarakh
Addon name: lakes
QuoteEntry by A-67, soldier of the Advance Recon Commando
"Maybe it wasn't nevertheless a good idea to buy a used YT-1300 of a dealer from Theed. Admitted, the idea of KK-367 to use it for camouflage was one hundred per cent. With the Republic Ship we would probably never find the group of Droids of the separatists, which have landed on Naboo recently according to reports of natives. However, when the ion drive od the YT broke a half standard hour later, I was beginning to have my doubts. We had to make an forced landing, but could rescue us and the speederbikes. When it also began to rain, we hid the speederbikes fast at the edge of a lake and saved ourselves on a peninsula with protecting ruins in the middle of the lake, where we put up our camp. When I fell asleep, it still rained . I was waked up early by our scout. In the sunlight you could see the whole extents of the rain: our peninsula had transformed into a genuine island, both entrances had disappeared under the lake swollen strongly by the endless rain.However, the entrance from a destroid large temple lies only one meter under water, and that to our Speederbikes should be easily crossable by our jet troops. But we should hurry , I already hear the monotonous hum of an MTT of the seperatists...

This is a great map for SWBF. The developer took time and care into making this map polished for it's first release, however there were some times when it felt like things were a little too spread out. I also had trouble finding the speeders at times, which was kinda bad because I would rather fly around than walk

A good map for those that would like to have some fun in the woods shooting the imperial guard. Nice job, and looking forward to your next release!

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson