Insanity Mod v1 (1)

Started by Darth Verik, January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM

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January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 08:43:35 AM by Buckler
Insanity Mod v1 (1);sa=view;down=200

Map made by: Jedikiller
Addon name: Ins

QuoteHere we have yet another Battlefront I modification, this one titled "Insanity Mod." Yes, it is rather insane, as you likely guessed.

The setting of the map is the Bespin: Cloud City map that was shipped with the game. There's no changes to the actual map. This map is only playable in Clone Wars. The layout of the units is pretty much default, with various color changes and color inversions performed upon the skins. The real premise of the mod, however, is the new weapons. The author has taken some of the standard weapons, like rocket launchers and grenade lauchers, given them unlimited ammo, and made them fire super fast. So essentially, you have a bunch of overpowered dudes duking it out.

What I found strange was the fact that some weapons didn't appear to have been changed. For example, the rifle doesn't work any differently, and the pistols do default damage. (Though the lasers are a lot larger) I also noticed that some weapons don't have a model, so it looks like your character is firing rockets out of their stomach.

If you like rocket-spamming and the like, go ahead and give this a play. I'm not giving this mod a rating since it utilizes a shipped map, so most of the rating catagories won't apply.

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson