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Topics - Nikoli

SWBF1 Modding / [HELP] SWBF models
March 08, 2010, 03:50:29 PM
I was wondering if someone could UV map this and then convert it into a MSH for me. My hopes are to use this to replace the ATST. I'm not sure if I have to rig it though (TBH I don't even know how to). Thanks in advance.
Other Games / StarWars:ARC Troopers BETA
February 28, 2010, 11:52:16 PM
Just a game I've been working on in my spare time. It's along the lines of Halo-0.

nothing to install just unzip and run
SWBF1 Modding / Muunilinst 10 Mod WIP
February 25, 2010, 08:13:29 PM
A Rep side mod making the republic into members of the Muunilinst 10.

Credit to Icemember and Deviss-Rex for the heavyARC and JetTrooper Models
Welcome Center / A little Late
February 23, 2010, 05:09:28 PM
Hey-Ho, Nikoli here. I'm dropping a 'New Here" thread. Finally got around to getting SW:BF1 been playing for a while on the x-box and got the PC version so that I can make mods. My hopes are to make a battletech conversion for BF. But that will have to wait till the future since I have no experience what so ever when it come to modding BF. And I want to get some good solid experience before I attempt this.
I also play Rep Commando and Jedi Outcast (although not to much success  :shrug:)

Callsigns for Rep Com (Delta 0316) and SW:BF ('Delta 0316', 'A Giant Fart', and 'That Joke')
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Munge Not Working
February 23, 2010, 04:45:23 PM
I've been trying to get this to work to no avail. When I run the munge.bat file it flashes the command prompt looking window and then closes without compiling. :td: so I was wondering if someone could munge this side folder for me for me since I can't do it for myself.      :confused:

And if anyone know what is wrong I would really appreciate the help. I have the editor here F;\LucasArts\BFBuilder and have tried running it in C;\LucasArts\BFBuilder  so that shouldn't be an issue as it didn't work there either. All in all this has been driving me nutty  :rant: