Hey all

Started by wishihadaname, September 07, 2015, 12:35:22 PM

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Hello all,

A while back I used to write quite a few SWBFII mods (my best one was The Corellian Resistance) , then university happened and my computer had a nasty run in with a spilled beer keg. Long story short I lost all my assets and all my time for making new ones so I haven't been around for a few years.

I'm finishing up soon so I thought i'de pick up my old hobby again and this time I think i'll stick to SWBFI modding (I don't like a lot of the more "gamey" features in 2 like vet awards, playable heroes, ect.

I generally lurk so I won't be posting much but its good to see that the modding community is still around.

Welcome to the site.  :cheers:
I play less now but I'll always be around, lets keep this site and battlefront going. :)

Welcome aboard! If you need any help with the modding, feel free to ask.

Yep, I could use some help getting BFBuilder working. The Battlefront 2 mod tools worked just fine on this laptop (Intel i5 windows 7 64 bit). But BFBuilder is getting all sorts of undefined/null object script errors. I created another topic for this, any help would be appreciated:
