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Topics - awjones3000

I was wondering if anyone knew of any tools that existed to be able to freecam around a model of the game's maps, or for any tools that were able to extract the map models for importing into programs such as Blender?
I have been looking through the forums searching for the original Imperial Officer msh file, but have not had any luck in finding it.  I do have a downloaded map with the Imperial Officer as a playable unit, and he exists in his own .lvl file in the mod's SIDES folder.  Is it possible to extract the contents from the .lvl file to get access to the officer msh file?


I checked out the tga files for the B1 Battle Droids, wanting to do some reskinning, but their files are almost totally transparent.  I am assuming the tga images are used for detailing of the model, and the model itself is just prefab'd with the main color of the droid (that tan color or whatever).  I was wondering for anyone who has had success in reskinning a B1 Battle Droid, how were you able to do so?
