Borderlands Screenshots

Started by aeria., November 19, 2009, 09:54:26 PM

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I just got Borderlands at GameStop. Ported it to OSX by through compiling wine yada yada...

The game is REALLY fun. It's an FPS with RPG elements and they were able to do it correctly. It's something fresh to play :D
Due to my aging Mac, I can't run the game at high settings :( Either way, the game for me is pretty much flawless (except it can't detect my Shift Button but that's ok, I remapped Sprint to Z) If anyone wants my wrapper so that you can play it yourself, feel free to PM me.

Screenshots (Running through OSX)


I went to a friend's house yesterday and played co-op with him all day, and this game was definitely enjoyable. Brick is easily my favorite character. He is a beast, and his punching powers combined with his crazy yelling during berserk mode yields hilarious results.

played this at my cousins all day yesterday also, incredibly addicting, unfortunatly i doubt ill find the same awesome guns when i buy it.

The number of guns you'll find in this game are around 3 million-ish. The replay value is incredible :D