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Jon, your ping was 120.

If you lag with that ping, it has nothing to do with the server--that means it is fixable by doing things on your end.
Hi MPC'ers,

I am looking for a link to Battlebelks resolution changer for widescreen monitors.  I searched gametoast, but I could not find it.

Anyone have a link?

Hi Guys,

The DC has been set up for the T1 maps for practice.
see this for maps: 

Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: PW.4?
March 28, 2010, 04:36:17 PM
morphed into T.1


OK, I will jump in here

-CSI9 ----------- Eddie's Italia SP v1.1 ---------------- {9}  Great map. Good online. (ATF:CM)

-bofc -- 91st Assault Corps: The Battle of Coruscant ---- {8}  Epic Space Battle / Hangar Battle Map.

-ddf1 ----------- Tatooine: Fueling Station CW ---------- {9}  Fantastic map. Flyable Millennium Falcon. Great in MP & SP. CW version. (ATF:CM)

-dea1m ---------- Death Star: Infiltration -------------- {8}  (MM); dea1. Great weapons/characters.

Time to be determined, but before April 15th :)


Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: 24/7 DC
March 26, 2010, 08:28:24 PM
ok, i will throw on a few standards for now
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / !11
March 26, 2010, 07:49:03 PM
Hi Guys,

The DC has been set up for the T1 maps for practice.
see this for maps: 

Requests / Help request for anti-glitch training
March 18, 2010, 10:17:43 AM
Hi MPC'ers,

Some of you my be aware of Battlebelks anti-glith/wall hack maps:

I would like to request some help getting the tools and process for adding more death
regions to maps. Could someone help me find the appropriate tools?

I am interested in learning the process.

Hey Quik,

So we need to be more clear about what you mean when you say reduced ping--"real" ping,
or same server with cheat engine speed hack ?

---real ping being reduced I think that's obvious why shots register better

--cheat engine speed hack, then perhaps opponents reflex time enters into it.  It would be hard to say for sure if that were really the case, and I also think it would be hard to quantify "better shots on target" .  i.e. it may be an impression, but hard to gather evidence.
Quote from: quik on March 07, 2010, 11:22:52 AM
Cheat, as the title suggests. But, when you a server host uses cheat engine on his server, and the players do to, the gameplay speed is halved. The ping is also halved because of this.  This gives evidence to support that the slower the game moves, the lower the ping will be. However, if you join a server and try to modify your'll just lag. Since speed is server sided.

Quik, the reason that you think the ping is affected with cheat engine, is that cheat engine messes with the internal program timing or synchronization with the CPU.  In actuality, you have done nothing to affect your actual ping, only the calculation of ping within SWBF,  since SWBF must belive what it thinks is the CPU tick values.

Now, I'm sure that SWBF was made to the best standards of the day so by using cheat engine some strange things are sure to happen if you get too far from the nominal values.
Your uncapped frame rate is both helping and hurting you.
Your screen updates faster than the server.  If your opponent is moving around, and moves in the direction you are anticipating, then it works to your favor.

If he moves differently, your computer must make a more dramatic adjustment.  Then it seems to you that he is teleporting.

Lets put some numbers to this.  Suppose that the tick rate is 30 TPS.  That is one synchronization tick per 33.3 ms.  How many people ping that low?  You will on single player, or on your own server, but normal players are at least 50 ms if you live next to a good data center to 350 ms if you are from Australia.  Thats a whole lot of missed ticks on the high end.

If you set TPS to say 10, then thats 100 ms per tick.  A lot can happen in 100 ms. Who wins the shootout?  You miss fewer ticks,  but in the end I guess what happens still depends on the internal decision making again.

Ideally, we will all ping at 25, and set the ticks to 30.

For me, I can't play 20 TPS servers.  I hurts my eyes.  Knowing that others may be in that situation, I try to set my servers at 30 TPS.  I have tried noframelock, but as you know, its nice, but often flakey :)

And as I mentioned in an old post, I would also prefer to have less of a server load by everyone using noframelock and having the server set at a low, but reasonable tick setting.  (Unlike others, I have put nofraemlock out in the public, instead of keeping it to myself :)

You mention that the ping fall by 2-7 ms when using an upcapped framerate.

I must call you out on this.  :)

2-7 ms is well within standard variance of SWBF ping values, just sitting still and even if you are hosting it on your own computer.

Ping mismatch can certainly cause issues.  There is no way to avoid this.
Players with higher ping not being able to maintain synchronization with the server can certainly cause issues.  There is no way to avoid this (in this game--in SWBF2 you can autoboot high pingers).

That is why some players cheat with "lag" switches, and I suspect, to some extent, with cheat engine.

Using an uncapped frame rate * can not make your shots more accurate though.  Your computer has no idea where my player is at until the information from the server makes it to your computer.  Is your shot a hit, miss, or tie?  Somewhere deep in the netcode of the game, I'm sure a decision must be made, and it does the best it can.

Enjoy the game for what it is--pre-2004 technology. :)

* I agree that life would be easier if everyone's game came with an uncapped frame rate.  But for 1.2, it is not the standard configuration.

Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: PW.4?
February 14, 2010, 07:19:52 AM
Sure, I can host.  If someone else *wants* to host, that's fine too.

Just remember that my number one rule is: no cursing   ;)

Settle on the maps--if you guys pick a stinker I will let ya know  :P

Requests / Ewok Tossing!
February 13, 2010, 05:37:17 PM
Hi MPCers',

Can anyone make Mos Eisley or Cloud City such that Ewoks or Jawa wont die from grenade blasts?

I want to try to have clan games with Ewok tossing into the CC fountain, for example.


Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Snow Day DC!
February 12, 2010, 07:18:22 AM
Shut it down only one person got on it.

myg1        ;sa=view;down=247   
hangerz1    ;sa=view;down=104
pig             ;sa=view;down=124
maz1          ;sa=view;down=9


I will see if I can dig up some links.
Tech Support / Re: Teamspeak 3 server
February 11, 2010, 04:05:51 AM
I have found some TS3 help videos on youtube.  It seems there are a few bugs, so seeing as it is a beta version, I will wait a bit for the kinks to get worked out.

In the meantime, I've setup the TS2 server.
