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Messages - Roguejedi66

Requests / Re: Dead links all over the site?
June 02, 2024, 05:45:14 PM
Thank you! must have been my ad blocker on chrome. Did on Firefox and cam up as a false positive. But it works, Takes again guys!
Hello All! Got a Question, For Bf1 I know in the past when it was sold on disc. There was no split screen of any kind. However, After The GOG/steam release and Classic collection Bf1. It got me thinking that there might be a way to get that working. The question I ask is... Is the split screen code Lua based? Or is it Hardcoded into the .exe of the game.

Because I know someone else here actual came close to cracking it on the disc version. He got the screen to show up. But couldn't get the 2nd controller working.

My situation is That I got the split screen tab to work. As soon as I get in. It crashes.

I feel like I'm very close to cracking it. Any help would be appreciated!
I tried downloading The latest version of Shell/common builder. And the Download link won't work. Any help would be appreciated!
Is there anyway to Fix the controller input for custom mapping buttons on Steam/GOG. Also is the a way to fix The widescreen black bars that show up in the loading screen cutscences?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to add a custom planet to galactic conquest in bf2. I already have most of the planets I want, all I need is death star and tantive 4 plus some others. Plus the camera angles too. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi I was wondering how can the mvs movies be turn into bink, I know I need rad tools and I'm trying to extract movie cutscence from ps2 demo disc. Does anyone know the step by step process. Any help would be appreciated!  :D
Hello there! What I would like to see fixed in Bf1

1. Is Gamepad Mapping. In the past you could bind your controls do on the disc version. This version you can`t bind them to what you want.

2. Is Native Resolution For loading screens and the movie cutscenes.

3. Flicker High to low poly units. When theres too many players they all start to go low poly. Just infantry or Players that happen.

4. Jabbas palace map preview restored.

Thats is all! :)
Is it possible for the shell and common builder for the steam and gog verions to have the freecam option and restore tutorial movies.
also including exit to mutiplayer as well?