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Messages - wsa30h

am not too sure i dont mod bf2 but on gametoast the bf2 modders will help you.
try adding the common side and see if it fixes it.
it cant find one of the laser ordanances for the vehicle.
yes go for it link that video.
very awesome map wish you could play the droids but it makes sense story wise that you cant. I have made a gameplay video of your map i havent played the entire map but i played a lot.
this is very nice looking i would like to put this in to my expanded edition mod and potentially bring it to xbox bf1. Also i can send you new announcers for cross era that dont require the fix and have bf2 voice lines where the empire will say shut down the droids and other lines from the bf2 mustafar mission. Wow very solid map after playing it looks really good and those caves. When you said you were making a cross era map i dint this is what you had in mind.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Why BF1 not BF2?
July 27, 2021, 11:29:58 AM
the statement that more people are modding bf1 couldnt be further from the truth, i only know about 5 modders that are still active including me. there is also a tutorial for converting maps from bf2 to bf1, though am not sure how to do it for other games.
BF1 project xbox expanded is released. raw game folder for your og xbox. For those of you
 who dont know what thee project xbox expanded is it is a mod that brings as much new content to the xbox version of bf1. it brings a lot of the stuff from my expanded edition to the xbox version only the cross eras have been added to this version. there are 10 new maps in this mod amador deep forest , jukot forest island galidraan snowcapped forest kamino arena 17 mustafar labaratory death star from BF2 abridon city talay tak base geonosis freight dock nar shaddaa city scape kotor conversion by teancum.
did you enable vsync ? its a simple fix but it works. also can happen when playing the game at 4k.
Ah yes i converted the lothal map mimban i will get around to doing eventually when my bf1 xbox mod is finished.
Released Assets / Re: SWBF1 & SWBF2 Sound Build Env
July 04, 2021, 09:21:33 AM
Awesome work all 4 bespin missions work on xbox. geonosis doesent work but only because the resample rates are wrong i believe changing just the vehicle resample rates would fix it, since it munges the actual sounds. This makes cross era so much easier and i thank you for that.
Hi everybody here is the new bf1 xbox mod first build. Requires testing on a;; eras but clone wars and galactic civil war. clone wars and galactic civil war on the new custom maps need to be tested along with the new eras.
Pick 3 of your favorites winners will be added after the bf1 xbox project expanded is finished. They will be in the form of installers the same way that bf2 xbox mod maps are.
Thanks ps2 and psp mods are done by Bf2 Anthony not me. This mod will feature new eras and maps from my expanded edition for pc. You will need a softmodded og xbox or a jtagged rgh xbox 360.