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Messages - wsa30h

its mostly hard coded
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Remove low lod character models
April 16, 2024, 12:14:14 PM
works 99 percent of the time if you truly want all units to be highrez anstfers egm mod for steam gog or the classic collection.
nice work cant wait to play your map. must learn how to make a minimaps for my maps.
i have been looking for someone to make tcw style animation rebels. poly count wouldnt matter in that case.
unit 33 is that a tcw clone head ?
very nice :cheer:
so what limitations do the games have that are a result of 32 bit ?
i couldnt even get it to munge when i tried converting this map to bf1. i have ported the kashyyyk map from bf2 to bf1 though
for most trooper its only 3 in vanilla
with 1.2 there is a way around the addon limit by writing to the shell or some other way like appending to stock missionlist lua without having to replace shell.
hey sereja glad you are ok. have you seen this yet ?
Hi Led sorry to bother you do you have a link i searched but couldnt find the subforum. am looking to use custom sides but i know the names since it is my own map that am trying to append to. oh wait i want to add my own new addon mission to an existing addon more specifically if you had a gcw map restricted to just that era i want to add clone wars.
i am looking to append a new mission to a custom addon map trought my own addme. is that possible ?
so as you probably heard of egm which extends a lot of existing bf1 hardcoded limitations and removes others now we have removed another limitation related to cps. now in the mission lua you can set what color your team appears to other teams and even to itself. see for yourself in the below images. also this video showcases a small part of my mod that is early in the works.
General / Re: Happy New Year
January 03, 2023, 05:04:52 AM
thank the maker you are safe