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Messages - Dark_Phantom

The actual folder of most steam games I believe is "Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common" or something like that.  There they are split into the actual games and files which you can switch the exe.
If you could post the .odf, I would like to see how they do it.  It's probably something special under "Areaeffectweapon" but maybe seeing the .odf will help with brainstorming.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Custom shell.lvl crashes.
March 09, 2015, 12:40:07 PM
I would try cleaning the builder first.  Clean will reset it back to default (assuming you haven't edited the "Data\common\" files).  Better yet would be to pull the shell builder before it was edited out of the compressed folder that was downloaded.
Then, I would just try munging a shell with no edits.  Then, if that is successful, copy and paste the original missionlist.lua into the lua folder. Edit that one and munge and see what happens.  I will look closer at the lua if it still doesn't work.
If compatibility mode doesn't work (I don't think it will), then this may help you out.  The 16-bit installer is a big setback.  This site is actually a lot more thorough with issues than I thought it would be.

And now when I go home I have to revive this game... just one time...
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: Led
March 01, 2015, 04:42:01 PM
No, but if you ever want to see any servers (unless a 1.0 community is created again), then they need 1.2.
I have had this issue before, but not automatically when the unit dies.  My unit crashed the game when I hit the button to fire too quickly after the deathpose.  Do those units actually have a death pose?  I would try it with another basic unit (clone trooper or something) and then try it.
Tech Support / Re: Play steam games via workgroup?
February 27, 2015, 06:31:48 AM
I thought about that when I posted my response, and thought "That might be too taxing on the computer".  Let's say it isn't, I'm not sure that you can see stuff like DirectX through it.  It's worth a try.
Quote from: Led on February 24, 2015, 06:03:08 PM
Indeed, everything has its limits. 

IPv4 address space 4294967296 (2^32) addresses
IPv6 address space 2^128

Playable Spawn slots on SWBF1:  5

I had a nice laugh with this :)  We are running out of IPv4 addresses!
Tech Support / Re: Play steam games via workgroup?
February 26, 2015, 03:24:07 PM
From what I have found, I think you need to have, at the very least, Steam downloaded on both computers.

If I am misunderstanding you (you have steam on both, just not the game), then this should help you:

I still think you have to download the game from the Internet, but you don't have to buy it again using that method.
Quote from: Commander Awesome on February 23, 2015, 10:06:26 AM
Well, in truth, we don't know if it is hard-coded in either game. The class limit for BF2 is 10 per team (or 9+1 hero per team). And it is possible to have 5 or less units per team in both games. Though there is an SP-only workaround to add extra units.
You could say we don't have 100% certainty, but we are fairly certain, because of reference in BF2's spawn script, that it is hard-coded under "pcspawnselect.h" or something like it, with the max units defined in the script.
Tech Support / Re: Help!
February 24, 2015, 05:48:49 PM
Basically, if you try to promote any website on the Internet, it gets flagged as a spam comment in many websites/mail apps.  I was trying to send a website to my parents about how to clean their printer, and my Outlook Web App at school threw it back at me saying "Spam Message".
If people wouldn't post their spam/malware-infested/scam sites constantly, especially on Youtube, we wouldn't have to worry about getting flagged for spam.  As it is, good luck finding a way around it.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Creating sides?
February 21, 2015, 09:47:02 AM
Sounds are controlled by the sound file that is loaded.  Sounds should be stock usually, and in the same era.  There is a tutorial somewhere that I wrote to get sounds from different era sounds in the same map but it's a hit or miss thing.  Unless you are creating new sounds, which is a whole different section, and doesn't even munge on 64 bit systems.

Changing "Wookiee Smuggler" is a core.lvl edit.  You will need to get the core.lvl tool from one of the toolboxes or a download on here to do it.  Some of the core.lvl builders just do addons, so you will need to sort through them.

Auto Repair, if I'm not mistaken, is tied to the "Pilot" classlabel.  I think it is "Classlabel = "pilot"", but I would check the pilot odf just in case.

And the fall damage is controlled by something called CollisionScale = 0.0 or something.  I don't have the tools open, but it is in the Jet Trooper and Dark Trooper files.
Let me take a minute to explain my point of view...
On the front page of this website, Led already has this:
New Internet Master Server available!  See this thread for details and ask for help if needed:
This link contains the link to the international instructions right at the top.  Led can change that if he wants and you get some working code, but I don't mind how it is and can run the pages through a translator if I want.  But do what you please.

And I would be very happy if you would give credit where credit is due.  People took time to write those tutorials specifically to help with Gamemaster, and they did not have to.  Not giving them credit shows a great disrespect for those people.  I am very glad that every one of those people spent time to write those tutorials.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Tatooine: Remote Station
February 16, 2015, 11:31:50 AM
Looks cool!  Will download it in a little bit.
Welcome to SWBFgamers!
There are links on the home page and a Search bar on the site.  I think we are fine.
Also, all of the GameMaster language tutorials are on this site as well.  They are stickied.