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SWBF2 Modding / Editing classic collection lua...
Last post by mechageno - May 08, 2024, 09:25:12 AM
Is it possible to edit the lua for the classic collection of swbf2? I'm trying to change some of the maps' heroes to darth vader. Not sure if it's possible, I do have the modding tools installed properly.
Requests / Re: Are their mods for pc that...
Last post by Giftheck - May 07, 2024, 03:33:03 AM
As an addendum, unless you're modding the Classic Collection version of the game or the console versions, you are restricted to a total of 5 unit choices per side.
Requests / Re: Are their mods for pc that...
Last post by Red04SWBF - May 06, 2024, 08:47:05 AM
I have no idea about if those mods have any source to be downloaded somewhere, but these "cut" content mostly comes from SWBF1 Xbox beta I guess...

Apart from that, some units like the Clone Commander can be found in the SWBF Modding Tools assets, even there are textures which were scrapped from the final game. But these stuff needs to be fixed in order to make it working ingame.
SWBF1 Modding Tutorials / Re: BF1 Bonuses Research: Elit...
Last post by Red04SWBF - May 06, 2024, 08:31:07 AM
Interesting findings!

I suspected that Elite Training would indeed be related to an increase in difficulty against the player-controlled side, but I think I have never noticed it enough since I started playing SWBF.
Requests / Are their mods for pc that bri...
Last post by Soulname - May 04, 2024, 12:20:04 AM
Hello Troopers,

I have been looking around, for a mods that bring back the skin/class of beta SWbf1 into the game and saw this ;

Of course their no links (would be great to have the Iso), and its quite old and obscure, but saw it somewhat done.

Wouldn't a "director's cut" mods that brings back all those cut content back in be a good stuff ? their the maps already arounds to play.

And could be nice with the SWbf2 maps/skin pack conversion to had the officier skin too?(magnaguard/male bothan/snow clone;marine)

Have a good week end everyone.

SWBF1 Modding Tutorials / BF1 Bonuses Research: Elite Tr...
Last post by Dark_Phantom - May 03, 2024, 04:56:46 AM
Hello there!

One of my big projects recently has been to try to document some of the bonuses in BF1 and get a much clearer idea of what they do and possibly patch one of the cut bonuses, Surplus Supplies.
In my research, I was trying to figure out what Elite Training exactly does.  I don't have a complete answer, but I have a much better one than I did before, and can confirm that it does work.  The reason it is disputed is because it is tuned so low that it may seem negligible.  I posted this in the GT server but here is a more permanent and visible home for it.
The chunk of code I identified is this.  I've not ran the function all the way down to the nitty gritty but here's the gist:
Code (cpp) Select
                    /* Is Elite Training Selected? */
      if (*(char *)(&mActiveBonus + local_cc) < '\0') {

If Elite Training was selected, it runs the function CombatUtil::SetAISkill(4,0).  Tracing this function down, it does some calculations which boil down to this:

team1difficulty = currentSkillLevel + 4
team2difficulty = currentSkillLevel + 0

CombatUtil::SetAIAimValues() then runs and detects the difficulty levels (set through global variables) and sets a bunch of variables like weapon spread/yaw/damping, whatever all that means other than "their aiming sucks less if the difficulty is higher".  (You can see this behavior in SPTest AI cam, the AI can be looking at you and then practically shoot sideways on lower difficulties)

This is not the only influence on AI behavior, but as far as Elite Training is concerned, this seems to be the impact, although it's quite possible that I've missed more stuff in the AIUtil/CombatUtil functionality.  The way the game calls bonuses is extremely haphazard lol.

As a requested test, I changed the value at 1841e8 in the SWBFSpy exe (which is currently 6A 04 in hex) and modified the 04 to another value.  In this case, I picked 20 in hex (which is actually 32).  The easiest way to select the bonus is to play Birth of the Rebellion and pick any map.  Your AI should perform much better than previously, and in the couple of battles I tried (on Hard!), they won the battle by themselves and it wasn't really close.

My research is mainly conducted using Ghidra.  Let me know what you think.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Sniper range
Last post by Zelenium - April 22, 2024, 01:51:25 PM
All right, I have done it.
It was really hard. The specific number (59) is nowhere to be found, it uses very strange formulas (that don't make sense, I checked).

All bots can now calmly fire at the maximum weapon firing distance. Eventually I'll create a topic where I'll collect my findings on the executable, so that everyone can choose what they need.
Current Instruction:
1. Using HexEditor, navigate to address "141D80"
2. Сhange the code from "D9 44 24 1C" to "D9 E8 90 90"
3. Enjoy snipers killing you through the entire map
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mission.lvl side import he...
Last post by Led - April 22, 2024, 01:42:29 AM
Thanks for the follow-up!
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mission.lvl side import he...
Last post by VulkanMU - April 21, 2024, 08:03:49 PM
I figured out what I needed. There are conflicts if you try to read any items that have the same side name and same side prefix. Example rep_inf_macewindu. Calling this class twice from two separate rep.lvl files will cause the second one to have certain graphics overwritten by the first or just not work at all. I've learn quite a bit about side.lvl and mission.lvl files over the past week. I'm thinking of putting together a tutorial on how to create a new side and add it into a shipped map as a 4th local side.
Requests / Re: Dead links all over the si...
Last post by RevanSithLord - April 21, 2024, 06:30:52 PM;sa=view;down=1138

Hello. This link seems to be broken. Some reason I cannot open .hta files to use BFBuilder for *ANY* reason on this computer, no matter what I do and if anyone has the .exe versions provided in this download, that'd be greatly appreciated. HTA files are incompatible with my OS and no matter what I searched, there were no legitimate ways to circumvent my problems with the regular HTA files. Just thought I'd let people know the link was broken. I would love to mod BF1, but I simply *cannot* at this point.  :( BF2 is great and all, but I want to mod BF1.