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Messages - Lyza

I entered the code I had on my receipt on the day I brought the game home. When I tried to download the DLC it said I didn't have the preorder incentive. I got a new code from an EA guy and it worked.

I noticed that a lot of people who preordered the deluxe edition didn't realize they had two codes to enter with the game, others didn't realize they had a code printed on their reciept if they bought a physical copy of the game at a store. Then there were all the people who just didn't receive a code by email or on the receipt at all anyways.

Quote from: Led on October 08, 2015, 06:35:17 PM
Be sneaky and shoot the enemy in the back while avoiding being shot in the back.  The team that shoots the most enemies in the back wins.

I've been getting pretty decent scores, sneaking around! haha

I noticed that when three enemies show up in front of me and there is nowhere to hide, there is almost no chance that I'm getting out of there alive. I think hip firing helps a little bit in those situations since you can strafe left and right faster then when you are zoomed in.
In the old game, you could fight against multiple enemies in an open area and still have a good chance to survive if you played wisely.
Hi guys! While I wish I could have gotten Battlefront for PC my computer wouldn't run it, so I got it for PS4.

I am super excited for the game, but one of the disappointing things about it ofcourse, is that you can't create or join servers. It's fun to play with people you "know", so if anyone is interested in becoming friends on PSN so we can party up, send me a message. 
I don't believe it's been mentioned here yet - EAStarwars tweeted today that IGN will host live streamed gameplay of Walker Assault at 1pm PDT tommorow
I'll be watching it :)
Sooo... I am gone from July 10 to July 20.  I shall be in Florida.

This means that BS and Phobos should go ahead with the last match.

Edit - nevermind! In the midst of packing I notived BS online, and we had a quick match. Our previous one lasted something like 90 minutes.
Score was 10-4 and I lost :P
Welcome Center / Re: Hi :D I'm Zuna
June 25, 2012, 05:29:05 PM
Hi Zuna :) Nice to see you here.

I look forward to trying out your modmaps :D

I won my match against Sting. 10 to 8.

The match with BS is next! I am hoping that I win this time :P
The score was 10 to 6 for me, if you count kishan falling to his death as a point for me. I actually only killed him 9 times.

My apologies it took so long for the match to happen.
This is not impossible...

I was in the last cp by 2 minutes, and died while taking it :(
It was my second try.
I like the first one because Darth Maul is probally my favorite bad guy, and there is also Jar Jar :D
If I beat Allanon, I shall be facing VanSting and BS again! :D

Oh wait... Des won according to the last post, but the bracket says he lost  :shrug:
Yeah, the server was really lagggy when BS and I first joined. After it was restarted it was fine :D
Finished my match with BS. It was pretty long.
Turns out he was too smart for my sneaking and waiting, and he won 10 - 6, or 10 - 7.
Twas fun :D
Welcome Center / Re: Hi guys!
May 01, 2012, 01:21:33 PM
Bonjour Darth Gamer!
I almost fell to my death a few times :O

And, me and VanSting just went against eachother.
It was a scary and close match. I got 10, Van got 8.