
Modding for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2 => 3D-Modeling, Animation and Texturing => SchMEe Board => Topic started by: tirpider on June 29, 2013, 08:22:22 PM

Title: SchMEe Release Announcements (current build is v0.0.6.25)
Post by: tirpider on June 29, 2013, 08:22:22 PM
SchMEe builds
Short and sweet. Here is the latest version.

Latest Build: SchMEe_v0.0.6.25.rar (https://www.swbfgamers.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=1549)
Latest SRC: : SchMEe_v0.0.6.25_src.rar (https://www.swbfgamers.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=1550)

Build History:
- [fixed] -movepiece  it thought the given SEGM number was the tag number and ended up doing nothing.  Tested and working now. It may fail if a msh has a SHDW since it actually counts SEGMs, and not SEGMs that have a posl.  I'll fix it again....
- [added] -scalepiece(segm,axis,amount) scales a SEGM along an axis by a specified amount. If axis = a then it will scale along all axis.
- [added] -scaleuv(Amount)  requires a -material() to be set. 0.25 would scale the UVs for all SEGMs using that material by 25%
- [added] -moveuv(xSize,ySize,xAmount,yAmount) requires a -material() to be set.
          Moves the UV's of all SEGM's that use the indicated material.
          xSize = x size of the texture for the material in question
          ySize = y size of the texture for the material in question
          xAmount = Amount to move along the x axis
          yAmount = Amount to move along the y axis
- [note] I may add variants of the above that operate per piece instead of per material, but only if it seems useful. I put them on the command line, but not the GUI yet.  The GUI needs desperate fixing/organization/help.
- [removed] pulled out the code that embeded the DrCRC program as the original Pandemic exporter has been released and it contains the polynomial list and algorithm needed to deal with ZeroCRC's.  I'll add that when it comes time to start handling the SKL2, BLN2 and KFR3 tags.
- [version bump] It's time to start doing real stuff like moving bits about. This marks the start of functions that will do that.
- [added] -consolidatesegments (SEGMs) the opposite of -isolategeometries, this will try to consolidate as many of the SEGMs in a MODL chunk into a single SEGM.
- [added] -consolidateenvl  This will remove unused entries from every ENVL (envelope) chunk in the file, then sort them by order of appearance in the msh (MNDX).
- [added] -movepiece(segm,axis,amount) Moves a SEGM along an axis by a specified amount
- [added] -savesegmmap   saves a map of all SEGM in msh as a txt file.
- [hack] Some models have things (wrongly) weighted to bone_root and this causes the Hires to Lowres hack to destroy the envelope for the whole msh.  I just fixed it for that function but will make a function that fixes this on load to catch furure problems.
- [added] -isolategeometries   splits smoothing groups into discrete SEGMs
- [changed] Floating point translation.  AutoIT uses double precision floats for everything with no options for converting to the single precision needed for the msh file format. Previously, it was dumping imported floats into a double, which added decimal places and enhanced the inaccuracies inherent to singles. I now round the values to 7 decimal places on load.  This will result in wierd variance at that precision, but should be small enough to not affect anything visual. If it becomes a problem, it's easy to revert the change.
- [added] Ability to rebuild bounding boxes
- [added] -settx0d"texturename.tga" sets the texture name for the material specified by -material(0)
          The different tx?d fields are specified in the switch. To change the bumpmap texture name, use -settx1d"whatever_bump.tga"
          I went all the way to tx9d, because ZeroEditor does.
- [added] -deltx0d deletes the texture name from the material specified by -material(0)
          Again, this goes from txod to tx9d
- [changed] new icon. It's based on a symbol in the Ralph McQuarrie Tusken camp concept image.
- [fixed] a lot of internal stuff that will help me later.
- [fixed] a small bug with the way I was re-encoding BLN2 tags that was breaking some models.
- [added] -compile"path" to the commandline switches.
- [added] batch files that show example usage. (I also included all_inf_soldier.msh for demonstaration purposes.)
- [added] compile (to reassemble an exploded msh) (Not availiable from command line yet.
- [added] wizard-like option panel if program is run without any switches (this will be changed to a full gui later.)
- [fixed] It handles the animation tags as-is, for now.  I hosed up some OTC guys and though I could fix it by removing the unused data.. turns out it is used and I broke it twice. So It's back to not handling it in a special way.
- [fixed] Rebuild triangle lists missed the last few STRP's in msh's with many SEGM's. I changed a For/Next loop to a Do/Until loop and it operates correctly now.
- [note]  folder recursion will probably remain disabled until we have a need for a custom report, and even then it may only appear as a one-off build for the occasion.
- [added] -defaultmaterial (sets the material to all default settings.)
- [added] -diffusecolor(123,123,123)
- [added] -setmatunk1(1.0)
- [added] -ambientcolor(123,123,123)
- [added] -setmatunk2(1.0)
- [added] -specularcolor(123,123,123)
- [added] -setmatunk3(1.0)
- [added] -explode (Simular to MSH to Chunks. doesn't include MODL types in the folder names, otherwise the same and is 100% compatible with my previous build tools.)
- [added] -scaleallgeometry(1.0) scales all geometry by a given value
          (1.0 = no change)
          !note -scaleallgeometry does not affect bounding boxes, yet.
- [changed] -setsinfname behavior. It no longer accepts a string and uses the filename only.
- [fixed] a ton of display messages. I'll probably change them in the future, but it's better for now.
- [disabled] folder recursion. it needs more work to operate in a general way. (I broke it)
- [disabled] -verbose It's way messy and uninformative
- [disabled] -debug same as verbose.
- first features working. They can be used as "templates" for future features.
- I feel comfortable calling it by name now.
- First private distribution.

Old Versions:
[spoiler] These old DropBox links are dead. msg me if you need these for some reason.
SchMEe_v0.0.6.20.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.6.20.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.6.0.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.6.0.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.5.81.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.5.81.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.5.77.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.5.77.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.5.49.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.5.49.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.5.43.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.5.43.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.5.37.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.5.37.rar)
SchMEe_v0.0.5.15.rar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58361588/SWBFG/Projects/SchMEe/SchMEe_v0.0.5.15.rar)

(I may continue attaching the current build to this post but will continue to put it in my dropbox as an alternate.)

edit: Changed dropbox links to the SWBFGamers downloads section.
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