Rocket Launcher Differences For Factions

Started by Phobos, October 17, 2012, 03:26:04 AM

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DamageRadiusInner = "0.75"
DamageRadiusOuter = "2.0"
BuildingScale = "0.25"

DamageRadiusInner = "0.75"
DamageRadiusOuter = "2.5"
BuildingScale = "0.0"

Non-modders ask what does this mean? Well first it means the droid rocket has 25% greater splash damage radius than the clone rocket. This is one of the reasons I prefer droid rocket over clone rocket. However, the clone rocket can damage CIS buildings, while the CIS rocket cannot damage clone buildings. Clone jet trooper EMP launcher has the same splash as CIS rocket.

DamageRadiusInner = "0.75"
DamageRadiusOuter = "2.0"
BuildingScale = "0.25"

DamageRadiusInner = "0.75"
DamageRadiusOuter = "2.5"
BuildingScale = "0.25"

Empire also gets 25% greater missile splash damage range than rebels and both rockets can damage command post buildings. I prefer empire vanguard usually except on certain maps.

I knew there was some difference... otherwise the magazine sizes would have all been made the same. Good info, Phobos.