[WIP] Random Characters

Started by Nikoli, April 15, 2010, 09:31:22 PM

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Thanks Link for the offer, but as for reference pics I'm good. If you really want to help out, I could really use help in making character textures. Those buggers are a PIA to have to do all by my self. Plus I kinda get writer(er texturer's) block when trying to come up with original ideas for the sides and how they should look.
I already have a pretty good idea for how I want one side to look but the other side I'm not sure if it should be a super power type force (SPvsSP) or an insurgent type force (SPvsIN)
Ok, I've been thinking this one over alot. I've decided that the current mod that I'm working on is going to be changed to a future mod. It will be set in 2040 and will have a mix of real life weapons and some futuristic guns. It will feature VTOLs, Tanks, and Motorcycles.

One of the deciding factors for me was that the modern day soldiers have way too many pouches on their vests or way too much gear. And the SWBF engine can't handle enough polys to make them look convincing. You end up running into the same issues as the rep commandos. Changing to a more modern future allows me to make the characters more 'clean' and still have them look good. It also allows me to branch out to more vehicles and also allows me to use laser weapons and jetpacks without them seeming out of place.
I know it's a bump of my own thread (don't ban me!!), but I really would like some feedback on the above comment regarding changing the of the time line. Also it seems like there is little interest in this mod as it is, if you disagree please let me know. As I have no interest in spending what little free time I have on something that no one cares about.

And again all help with said would be appreciated.
Just thought I'd add these links for those who don't know what Battlefield 2142 is


/bumped for sweet justice


I'm really looking forward to your mod. It should be great. Don't quit this one.

I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.

Sounds like a fab idea !
And of course we care !

BTW Nikoli, if you're interested in doing something in the not-too-distant future, I would highly suggest you to watch the old Ghost in the Shell movie. It's probably my favorite piece of anime and it's absolutely brilliant how they portrayed warfare in the year 2029. :)


@ Nikoli- I got your reply. My suggestion for sides is to go for something not obvious; the USA vs. Russia idea has been touched on often in games and fiction, and I wouldn't go for a USA vs. Middle East/Terrorist or China conflict either. Maybe look into various ongoing international disputes which could presumably develop into war.

Off the top of my head, I can kind of envision a US vs. Mexico mod, where A: Mexico collapses under the might of drug lords and attempt to extend their cartels into the US, or B: Mexico tries to reclaim their long-lost Texas territory.
Or maybe even a new American Civil War scenario. It could even be for the same basic reason as the original war; people are divided amongst themselves as to whether the States should carry more authority than the Federal Government, especially during recent events. Some states are trying to opt out of the federal requirement of citizens to purchase health care, and California's prop. 19 directly challenges Federal drug enforcement laws. Now, not that I'm predicting civil war will break out anytime soon, but it may be a realistic scenario for years in the future.

Just some thoughts.  :P

I just wanted to let you guys know to keep your heads up for some pictures of the some of the new soldier units.  :tu:

Oh lovely, can't wait to see what you've been up to !

Here are is a sneak peak at the new soldier models I'm working on and also a nice little render of the new Famas F2

Quote from: Nikoli on November 18, 2010, 10:53:01 PM
Here are is a sneak peak at the new soldier models I'm working on and also a nice little render of the new Famas F2
Woah!!! Very nice job, the troopers look very cool, and the famas is beautiful.

Keep up the amazing work.

Ok, I know that it's been a while so I decided that I'd post a teaser pic of part of what I've been working on.  8)

That looks like the merc gunship from Avatar.
In Progress:
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy Edition)
--Endor: Imperial Base

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

lol Yeah I was kinda going for that look mixed with that of a cobra helicopter

looks awesome , so are you not gonna go on with the other project of yours?
Former {FD}Leader.Fire

I'm going on with it. Just changing up the era a bit because of some game engine limitations. Don't worry, it will still have real life guns and some other stuff. It's just going to have some scifi-ish stuff thrown in there as well.