Death Star: Infiltration (Mission Map)

Started by ggctuk, June 16, 2009, 06:39:05 AM

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June 16, 2009, 06:39:05 AM Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 07:14:54 PM by Buckler
I made this Mission Map for the Death Star. It's called "Death Star: Infiltration", based off "The Force Unleashed". I may make more "The Force Unleashed" mission maps if you tell me what you think.

STORY: After finding the location of the Rebel Alliance leaders, inside the Death Star, Galen marek heads there for the final confrontation.

NOTES: It requires "Death Star: Interior" (dea1) to work. It has its own sides. You must play as Galen Marek, because, as like all 'survival' maps, if you play as the opposite side, there is nobody to fight against. CPs cannot be captured either.

Link is MegaUpload only for the moment as FileFront is freezing up and disconnecting randomly.

edit by buckler:  local link:;sa=view;down=53

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Yeah ! Great job ggctuk !
I guess gogo12 inspired you then?
Such a simple change to the level resulting in a whole different gaming experience.

Yep, gogo12 did inspire me a bit, but I was also thinking of the Tusken hunt mission map Napseeker made.
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Very nice outcome, i love flying around and murdering the Empire in its own backyard!

Only things i saw, is Saber Animations for when your crouching don't seem to swing? don't know if this is the same for all jedi never tried it really.

Also i found myself pretty board, anyway to make the Empire faster? they seemed under powered by far, but they just didn't spawn fast enoghe, i mean i was flying across the map back and forth to kill 147 (yes i knocked the rest off the map)

And btw if your playing this online as a hunt game, better kill instead of throw them off you won't get the kill for death by ship impact :P

EDIT: played another round, went online for this one- your Mission objectives say to take and hold CP's i don't know if you edited these tho, however you can not take CP as eather side. that may want to be changed or just give the Empire all but one CP? would more it more intresting, and players wouldn't have to walk forever if they tried out the Empire side against a player.
QuoteSow the wind and reap the whirlwind
Through the rain and through the shine
Only something with a meaning can stand the test of time

Sadly this uses the sum/strike conversion, of which there are no source files for.  The CPs thing was a mistake, I left it in there, and the Empire just seems to hang around (they think they can capture CPs). As for the saber animations, there was no default "swing when crouch" anim, you'll notice this in the main play mod. So the game uses the default "pistol" crouch and shoot animations.
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With the capture problem, did you set the bots to not be able to capture CPs?

Viruses are like the New York Lottery. "Hey, you never know"

Yeah, no units can capture CPs but they still huddle around CPs. It might be a fault with the map itself as I have not seen Napseeker's Tusken Hunt map do this.
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Most likely what he did on the Tusken hunt one is put a "Keep Moving" hintnode on the CP to keep them from huddling.

Viruses are like the New York Lottery. "Hey, you never know"

Sadly, as I said, I don't have the Death Star Source.
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I'll Download it and try it out! Seems Cool!

"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours."

I thought it was a nice simple map, fun to play if you like slaughtering  :wizard:

It could benifet from having more imperials on the map, and as HC said make them faster.

I like the custom sounds, I should look up how to add those, it really adds atmosphere.

Overall, I give it an 8/10, it's just a fun map, though for more of a challenge, chaning Mareks reinforcements to 1 would be much more fun i my opinion.

Keep modding!

Glory shots-

If redone, i'd love to see it faster pace, and maybe harder? i found that with regin it really wasn't hard, however if it was faster pace it might be otherwise. - as BD said things like 1 ticket and so forth, having 10 lives on a more or less SP level is silly.
QuoteSow the wind and reap the whirlwind
Through the rain and through the shine
Only something with a meaning can stand the test of time

That second shot looks really nice HC!

Are you uploading this to SWBFFiles ggctuk?

No, I am not because the Death Star map is not available there.
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