
Started by Shotty, March 02, 2012, 05:50:01 AM

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Hey, do u mean the Rocket, Sniper or what Crosshair?!

Sniper please but in the video it has a circle in the middle thats what i want please and thank you!

ah yes, idk.
I try it, but im not so good in Crosshair Modding.

the vid is too low quality to get a good view of it, but it looks pretty easy to make.

Hey, i said, im not so good, my first and second attempt was not really good, maybe Phobos can make this crosshair?

Combined stock sniper reticule with inner circle from stock rocket reticule. not exactly what you see in the video but a similar concept. This will improve headshot accuracy IMO but a good crosshair can always be improved is my saying.

here you go download the attached tga and put in your common/custom/interface then munge

Good Work Phobos,
But the "ring" should be a little bigger, to the "X-lines" from the original ch

can someone please help me i need help placing it.

Look at your other topic, there is your crosshair (as Common.lvl)

Make it bigger if you want but it's the perfect size for lining up enemy heads

ok :D

I have tested it, its perfect! :D

You'd be surprised to see how good some of the crosshairs are that have been made using combinations of pieces from only stock reticules.

Yes, i have made my (new) pistol reticule with the ring reticule_00.tga, now im good at pistol <.<   :P