
Modding for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2 => SWBF2 Modding => Topic started by: Stormy31 on May 12, 2016, 12:50:34 AM

Title: Tides of War: A Warhammer 40k MOD for Star Wars Battlefront 2
Post by: Stormy31 on May 12, 2016, 12:50:34 AM

It was the 41st Millennium and Mankind has reach its Glory with the guidance of the Holy Emperor himself sitting upon the golden throne of Terra,as time passes the Galaxy grew very hostile place for the humankind. Orks,Eldars,Tau,Dark Eldar,Necrons,Tyranids and Chaos. emerge to wage wars across Galaxy for Ultimate Glory. as the Imperium Caught in the Middle of unending tide. with the help of the Imperiums finest warriors Space Marines and the Emperors Hammer Imperial Guards. fights back and defends Humanity to the last drop of their blood.for the sake of Humanitys survival.

Since this is my First MOD for Star Wars Battlefront 2. everything here is still WIP and research is still ongoing
so some WH40K fans dont scould me.. lol but Ideas and infos are Welcome and to be heard. WH40K has a vast lore
and maybe i can just add the most iconic battles and chapters that fought for the Imperium. Chapters who are well known to everyone. and may The Emperor of Mankind guide me

Space Marines (affiliation: Mankind)(https://www.swbfgamers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwh40k.lexicanum.com%2Fmediawiki%2Fimages%2Fthumb%2F7%2F79%2FSimple_Badge_Space_Marines.png%2F96px-Simple_Badge_Space_Marines.png&hash=38c1ea52132eb3dbcc8538d48d97d70a61291b83)


Tactical : Being the basic unit in a Squad a Tactical Marine is Equiped with Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Krak grenades

Assault : with its specialty in Close combat. equipped with Jumpacks, Bolt Pistol and Chain sword to Devastate Hords of Enemeis from the skies to the ground.

Devastator : as the name says, a Devastator marine is equipped with heavy weaponry from the astartes, heavy Melta,Heavy Bolter and Heavy Plasmas.

Scout: Light infantry with cloaking ability that wields a Sniper Rifle to infiltrate enemies and kills from a far.

Terminator: Terminator Marines are heavy units That can Equiped heavy weapons and melee weapons at the same time, being a terminator can change the tide if battle.

Orks (affiliation: Waaaggh!)(https://www.swbfgamers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwh40k.lexicanum.com%2Fmediawiki%2Fimages%2Fthumb%2Fd%2Fd8%2FSimple_Badge_Orks.png%2F96px-Simple_Badge_Orks.png&hash=46413c32861a333887a68e604f13562bd82c1713)


Boyz: Standard Troops of Orkz equiped with Shoota a Lght costumized Light machine gun due to its crude design its very effective in firefights.

TankBustaz: a specialist Ork unit designed to take out enemy vehicles.equipped with Rokkit Launchas  and Tankbusta Bombs.

StormBoyz: Equipped with Jumpacks and equipped with Sluggas, Choppas and Stikki Bombs

Lootaz: an Ork equipped with the heaviest weapons looted from the battlefield. a counterpart to Devastator Marines.

'Ard Boyz: Ardboyz are heavily-armoured Ork Boyz who wear 'Eavy Armour. In the Ork hierarchy, 'Ard Boyz tend to hold a position just below Nobz.

thats it for NOW other Races can be inlcuded if the Community wants more :D

Research on-going and i need people who can help me to work and establish this MOD
i can work as a texturer but yeah i can learn new things from this awesome Community and create this MODification :wave:
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