Mos Eisley w/ more vehicles!!

Started by prodigy206, August 08, 2012, 01:52:39 PM

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Can someone make a better Mos Eisley with tanks and speeders? The stock map only spawns 1... :td:

I'm not sure there's a whole ton of driving space in Mos Eisley. You can probably put some speederbikes and STAPs without an issue. But I have a feeling big tanks like the IFT-X and Combat Speeder would get stuck in too many parts of the map.
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Imagine bombers on Eisley...  :blink:

Speeders would drive into too many buildings, you would have to know the map well to drive it successfully. AI would die, no doubt. STAP would work, they are easy to drive, but you would be more vunerable to gunfire on them.

Rends managed to make a map of your description for SWBF2 and all of the assets are available, so it is entirely possible.

Ah rends, the greatest mapper who ever mapped a map!  :P I wish that was ported to swbf1.

Can someone make a better Mos Eisley with tanks and speeders? The stock map only spawns 1...
Like this? :D

rends' spaceport is the best mod map for swbf2, nice to see it posted. shame it crashes in mp