What would you like to see in EA's new Battlefront?

Started by Roxas, June 13, 2013, 08:42:19 AM

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Better yet, you have the ability to place down an "autoturrent" type weapon which shoots any enemies and if a friendly goes near it, it also heals you!

Quote from: Kit Fisto on June 17, 2013, 02:19:43 PM
Better yet, you have the ability to place down an "autoturrent" type weapon which shoots any enemies and if a friendly goes near it, it also heals you!

Mmm, I'm all for the placing of auto-turrets, but if you mean shoots enemies trying to heal, that doesn't seem Star Wars-like. I think maybe hunting down bacta will be the only way to settle the balance without health re-gen. Unless you include something like supplies of bacta needles around the map, in which case the player can stock up on bacta, and when in the heat of battle has limited healing supply for themselves/teammates. I guess that could technically work.

Or, hear me out, or. They use the same exact system as SWBFI/SWBFII.  :o

I want first and third person view.The gameplay must be the same like BF1 and 2.I am sure they will make the maps we know but personally i dont want them to be the same like in Bf1 and 2 simply because the are very small.I love big maps!Thats the main thing why i move to Battlefiel 3 and leave COD.

Quote from: Ginev on June 21, 2013, 05:56:08 AM
I love big maps!Thats the main thing why i move to Battlefiel 3 and leave COD.

You know, between this and the Battlefront reveal trailer on Hoth I'm reminded of the Big Hoth mod map, which hugely expands hoth and adds tons more vehicles to it. I think if DICE makes maps similar to that, with more going on in the tunnels/structures on the map, and supports 64 players, this game will be unbelievably entertaining.
Raoul Duke: feels redneck
Raoul Duke: have to bring the family tree when looking for women

Lilly Satou: also oh my god
Lilly Satou: fried chicken in the lingo is the best thing ever

Quote from: Droideka on June 21, 2013, 09:11:38 PM
You know, between this and the Battlefront reveal trailer on Hoth I'm reminded of the Big Hoth mod map, which hugely expands hoth and adds tons more vehicles to it. I think if DICE makes maps similar to that, with more going on in the tunnels/structures on the map, and supports 64 players, this game will be unbelievably entertaining.
I couldn't find it here. So here is the filefront link: http://starwarsbattlefront.filefront.com/file/Big_Hoth_Map;37087

Hmm. I searched for it but I guess I didn't have some boxes checked. :shrug:

Pick up guns that people have dropped (have a persons weapons stay on the ground for like 30 seconds after they die). But keep the different classes to choose from before you spawn. Maybe customize the clothing of each class of troops, so everybody doesn't look the same. I'll have to start playing video games again when it comes out.

I just want the game to have 3rd person,AI and to be able to mod it.If you can't mod or make new maps this game will be nothing more than a few screenshots and videos for me...

I want to see some new achievements when a battle is completed. I also want to see new maps. Maybe different versions of maps. idk.

I'd like to see events that happen in a previous battle affect the next, or at least determine what the next map will be.

For instance, if the Empire can't destroy the shield generator on Hoth, does that mean more Rebel reinforcements are able to escape and aid in the next encounter? Or did too many get killed defending it and so even though the day was won, then next battle is fought with fewer resources.

Or if the Empire captures and boards the Tantive IV, but is un able to capture Leia before she escapes to Hoth, does Alderaan become a more active part of the Alliance?

If the Battle of Endor is won by the Empire, what happens to the remains of the Rebel Fleet?

Perhaps there would be an inclusion of 3rd factions like the Hutts, or pirates, battling with or against the main factions to maintain control of a region.

I digress.. Basically each map or battle field should have a multitude of unique ways to be won or lost and the outcome should reflect in the next level/map.

If it has singleplayer instant action I will buy it. Then we will know it is a battlefront game.

Quote from: Ltin on June 28, 2013, 09:43:32 PM
Are you talking single player or multiplayer?

Mostly single-player.
I don't play multi-player very often.

But since you bring it up, I would imagine some sort of built-in tournament management settings with persistent achievement buffs/nerfs (per team only, of course) would be cool.

In that way, league matches could be properly handicapped in the software instead of by handshake. 

But, anything like that would have to be set up and maintained outside of the client environment.  If they go with another Gamespy server lobby thing, it would all get hosed when they inevitably drop support for it down the road.

MP should be easy and not rely on an unreliable 3rd party (imo.)

But like I said, I don't play online much, so I don't know what would be useful or fun in that regard.