SWBF2 Converted maps with Links [WIP]

Started by Led, May 24, 2012, 04:51:37 PM

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May 24, 2012, 04:51:37 PM Last Edit: September 05, 2024, 03:38:04 AM by Giftheck
From this post (big list from Schtick):  http://www.swbfgamers.com/index.php?topic=4588.msg44601
Note:  Ports in Black or more stable than ports in OrangeBlue indicates a mission that uses a converted map. It may now be possible to use a more stable port for the mission than was originally available.

(sorry if you use The BlackIbz forum skin  ;) )

Battlefront II   Ported to BattleFront I   Creator/Porter
         PLANET MAPS
Coruscant: Jedi Temple   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Coruscant: Jedi Temple   Yes   SleepKiller
Coruscant: Jedi Temple   Yes   SleepKiller ( has custom sides )
Coruscant: Jedi Temple   Yes   Jango ( less accurate port )
Coruscant: Jedi Temple   Yes   Scum/Strike
Coruscant: Jedi VS Clones   Yes   Napseeker works with SleepKiller port

Dagobah: Swamps   Yes   SleepKiller
Dagobah: Swamps   Yes   Sereja
Dagobah: Swamps   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Dagobah: Swamps   Yes   SleepKiller ( SWBFII Custom Sides )

Death Star: Interior   Yes   Sereja
Death Star: Interior   Yes   Sleepkiller

Death Star:  Interior  Yes  Scum/Strike
Death Star:  Interior  Yes  ggctuk mission map based on port by Scum/Strike

Endor    Yes             BF I/Lucas Arts

Felucia: Fungus Forest   Yes   Sereja
Felucia: Marshland   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Felucia: Woods   Yes   JediKiller

Geonosis: Dust Plains   Yes   SleepKiller

Hoth: Echo Base   Yes   Sereja

Jabba's Palace   Yes   BF I/Lucas Arts (SWBF2 version not ported yet)

Kamino:Cloning Facility   Yes   SleepKiller
Kamino:Cloning Facility   Yes   Sereja
Kamino: Cloning Facility   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Kamnio: Changing of the Guard   Yes   ggtuck ( uses BF1 Kamino )
Kamino:Cloning Facility   Yes   Scum/Strike

Kashyyyk: Beachhead   Yes   ggtuck

Mos Eisley   Yes   BF I/Lucas Arts
Mos Eisley: Hero Assult   Yes   Scum/Strike
Mos Eisley: Hero Assult   Yes   ggtuck

Mustafar: Refinery   Yes   Scum/Strike
Mustafar: Refinery   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Mustafar: Tying up Loose Ends   Yes   ggtuck ( uses Scum/Strike's Mustafar )
Mustafar: Shocktroopers dual at Mustafar   Yes   Napseeker uses Scum/Strike port

Mygeeto: War Torn City   Yes   Scum/Strike
Mygeeto: War Torn City   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Mygeeto: War Torn City   Yes   Jango
Mygeeto: War Torn City   Yes   BattleBelk

Naboo: Theed Nighttime   Yes   Sereja

Polis Massa: Medical Facility   Yes         Sereja
Polis Massa: Medical Facility   Yes         BattleBelk
Polis Massa: Medical Facility   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Polis Massa: Medical Facility Dark Lord Rising   Yes         Napseeker (uses BattleBelk map)

Tantive IV: Interior   Yes   Sleepkiller
Tantive IV: Interior   Yes   Sereja

Utapau: Sinkhole   Yes   Sereja
Utapau: Sinkhole   Yes   Sleepkiller
Utapau: Sinkhole   Yes   Red04 (part of his SWBF2 pack)
Utapau: Sinkhole   Yes   Scum/Strike
Utapau: Sinkhole   Final Battle at Utapau Napseeker based on port by    Scum/Strike

Yavin IV   Yes   BF I/Lucas Arts  (SWBF2 port not made yet)

         SPACE MAPS
Space Tatooine
Space Polis Massa
Space Naboo
Space Geonosis
Space Dagobah
Space Kamino
Space Endor   Yoda the Froggy
Space Felucia
Space Hoth       Karnage ( Not specified, but it could be Hoth )
Space Mygeeto
Space Mustafar: Preventative Measures            No
Space Yavin IV: Vader's Fist Strikes Back          No
Space Coruscant: A Desprate Rescue             Napseeker
Space Coruscant: A Desprate Rescue             Karnage
Space Kashyyyk: First Line of Defense             No

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

June 17, 2012, 09:50:58 PM #1 Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 08:14:15 AM by kitfisto15678
Buckler, I think you should add an AI Pathing rating 1-5, 1 being worst and 5 being best, because whats the point of downloading a map where people just stand around! ;)
I'll do a rating IMO for the ports in black.

Dagobah: 5
Death star: 3.7
Kamino ( Sereja ): 5
Polis Massa:5
Tantive IV ( sleepkiller ):4.8
Tantive IV ( sereja ):5
Space Endor:3

NOTE: this is AI Pathing only. Not how accurate the port is. If you are wondering why which rating got what just ask! :tu:

No offence fisto but before you rate the AI Pathing you should have an understanding of how SWBFs AI Pathing actually works; also you should also know what it is like in the original SWBF2 maps. I know you are just doing it in your opinion just keep in mind what I said above before rating them.

This is from a pure gameplay point of view. I understand that modding of any type is difficult. This is for those who want to play the map. Not admire the way it was ported. If it was like that then all the ones in black would be a 10/5!!!
You are right about me not knowing how they are in bf2 though. I don't think they would have any Pathing problems
Since it was professionally made...

From a pure gameplay point of view all the pathing in SWBF sucks period. The system is dated and even in its day could have stood to be better, the reason it wasn't though was so we could have all the AI running around. (Imagine 64-Bots all using advanced pathing on a mild class computer back in 2004?)

I think all problem, with gameplay, in this: creators, of SWBF2 assets, in some reason, set a barriers, wich blocked most of passes. If you forget to delete some of them, AI start to "meditate".
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf:

Quote from: Sereja on June 17, 2012, 11:57:07 PM
I think all problem, with gameplay, in this: creators, of SWBF2 assets, in some reason, set a barriers, wich blocked most of passes. If you forget to delete some of them, AI start to "meditate".
The barriers are set there for campaign purposes. They are killed through scripting upon an objective being completed.

By AI Pathing I was mostlty speaking  of what Sereja said about the AI meditating. If the rating has under a 5 AI somewhere are "mediating."  :)

What exactly are grey-highlighted mods for? Are those sort-of-stable?
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Ports in Black or more stable than ports in OrangeBlue indicates a mission that uses a converted map.

Assuming you are using the default skin for the forum:  those that can not be clicked are not ported, but those that are in black are more stable ports (collision fixes, etc). 
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

No, what I mean is, unless I'm going color-blind, some of the links are dark grey. Like my Kashyyyk conversion. I assume these dark-grey links are meant to be black links, in other words, the most stable versions.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

ah, fixed it.  I made it bold but not black.

My eyes failed me (with FireFox anyway).

Thanks.  Let me know if you see others.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

It ls strange, but I still can't find my Kamino, in this list...  :(
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf: