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Messages - hellish hellbird

Videos and Screen Shots / Re: Funny SWBF pics
May 09, 2014, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: CommanderAwesome on May 09, 2014, 08:34:52 PM
My brain thinks that anyone with a female as their avi is a girl. Even when everyone refers to that person as "He/Him/His". Especially with MMO's. On a related note, on Wizard101 my dad made a girl character on his account, and other players flirted with him  :blink:.

What about me awesome?????
General / Re: moving up my suicide date.
May 04, 2014, 06:08:37 PM
Exactly sleep killer like  :censored:in in Star Wars original trilogy it was like yoda and obiwan were the very last of the Jedi and you felt like there was a real struggle against the Moore like all hope REALLY was in luke and even though the prequels sorta ruined how a Jedi was trained like basically being born into the religion cult and trained from birth to be a Jedi luke wasnt and like he still managed to take down the empire and the sith by just simply not fighting and then there's now all these other Jedi who aren't dead after order 66 and it's like take for example the sith hid for a thousand years in secrecy and there were only two of them now with the continued abundance of all these  :censored: new  :censored: Jedi it really begs the question....all those remaining Jedi could they not have waited as long as the sith in secrecy or even better how about going to a distance planet like the order of the prophecy of the sith or what darth anneadus planet was largy undiscovered hard would it have been to find any other Jedi over the course of the years since many of then apparently escaped order 66 bring them to a safe place and build up forces to attack the empire  :censored: rAhm Kota is a prime example of what I'm talking about it makes it very hard to believe that luke was literally the last of the Jedi with the death of Luke it woulda been leia and who woulda trained her? There were no other Jedi left in the galaxy according to yoda....I'm predicting that mace windu will be making a return somewhere if darth maul can get his body cut in half and fell down a pit how far fetched would it be to bring back mace windu? He only fell out of a building and his arm got chopped off? Luke in empire strikes back did the exact same thing it's all  :censored: I could literally go on for hours about how many thing the prequels and the clone wars 2008 ruined but it's a waste of text as probably half of you haven't bothered reading to this point xd
General / Re: moving up my suicide date.
May 04, 2014, 12:13:33 PM
I could drink myself into oblivion but eventually ill come back and remember bits and pieces of what happened...and that's what's goin on with Star's like an extremely brutal relationship where were just being beaten constantly and were trying out very best to remeber the good old days when it was at the peak of its greatness but we keep getting lured into a false sense of security by them offering all these new and "revealing"   :censored: and then when we get what we wanted its something not even remotely close to what we wanted....I'm just gunna call it right now. Remakes of 4-6. When that happens god  :censored: i sure hope aliens blow us up right after or something happens cause that'll be it xs
General / moving up my suicide date.
May 04, 2014, 02:59:11 AM

they couldnt just let the prequels be not at all...they had to take the eu from us.....and then they HAD to ruin the orginal series somehow. SOMEHOW they wanted to do it and there it is. i honestly saw that and thought it was a joke becuase it was on a commerical for youtube. i literally could not believe the abortion my eyes had was worse than any of us could possibly imagine. one can only imagine how  :censored: :censored: :censored: THESE  :censored: SEQUELS WILL  :censored: BE! my god im going to burn every star wars related thing in my house and hit myself in the head to try and forget star wars so my childhood wont be ruined any further than its already being ruined also my the  :censored: force be with us all....before they make the force something worse than midichlorians....
Quote from: Unit 33 on May 01, 2014, 02:22:02 PM
66% off because non of them are canon.

i seriously hate you intensely right now unit D;
Looks like in takin another mortgage on my house....thanks wolf I hate you :c
General / Re: Star Wars VII Main Cast Announced
April 29, 2014, 02:53:26 PM
Quote from: -RepublicCommando- on April 29, 2014, 01:54:56 PM
Could you make out the Ariel skills to a folk named "Republic Commando" ?  He's told me that he could really use some of them..

im writing this manifesto in aurebesh. if someone wants to translate it into mando ill publish that too.
General / Re: Star Wars VII Main Cast Announced
April 29, 2014, 01:13:52 PM
Time to write my will.
[spoiler][/spoiler] if you can stand some vulgarity then watch that video but on a related note watch this video for star wars greatness :D
can i ask for permission from someone to post links about why this was a horrible idea? it has like swearing in it so thats why im asking... but its really relevant to this whole thing
Do they mean the 2003 clone wars too?
ill just do a quick reason as to why its bad. general grevious in episode 3 revenge of the sith was coughing up a lung. in the television series the clone wars in like 2003 its showed that his lungs got force crushed by mace windu. because everything is now noncanon that whole reason for him coughing up a lung no longer exists so now hes just doin that causes no reason