Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition - RELEASING 09/17/24

Started by Giftheck, March 07, 2016, 01:43:36 AM

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Hi, all! I am pleased to announce Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition - the revival of the former Star Wars: Battlefront Legacy. It is a mod intended to celebrate the 20th anniversary since the release of the original game, and thus the birth of the franchise, and pulls what I consider the best ideas from across all entries in the series - including the ill-fated Star Wars: Battlefront III.

You can see the final pre-release trailer here:

This mod will release 17 September 2024 - the 20th anniversary of the release of Star Wars: Battlefront  :cheers:

Quote from: For Archival PurposesEDIT: Official release is done!  :cheer: Go here to download it:

So, as you know, I moved the Uprising mod to SWBFII recently. But I still wanted to produce one last SWBF1 mod before I started on Uprising on SWBFII. So, with that in mind, I want to start a mod I am tentatively naming "The Accuracy Mod" "Star Wars: Battlefront Legacy".

The ideas behind this mod are not quite as sweeping as Uprising was going to be, nor will it be "Uprising Lite". I intend on keeping the exact structure of the classes the same (IE no "Brute" class replacing the "Special" class) but intend on making changes to the classes themselves (IE the Shock Trooper will be based off the SWBFEA Shock Trooper, the Dark Trooper will be a PH3 Dark Trooper, weapons will be altered, new sounds etc).

Heroes will of course still be expanded upon, and I'm considering a new campaign but that one is currently low priority.

Current status of the mod is that it is in beta. Screenshots can be found throughout the thread.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

I have the basics for this mod pinned down now. The class setup overall will be staying the same, but there will be new skins and weapons. Some of those are based on SWBFIII (I'm currently in the process of converting and de-detailing the Phase III Dark Trooper to work with SWBF), some are based on the new game (I already rebuilt a stormtrooper which sadly has less detail than the ones I was using previously but this is an unfortunate necessity).

Much like what I was going to do with Uprising, I want to do the mod in Phases, but Phase 1 will be the main release phase with further phases acting as DLC.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

March 29, 2016, 01:21:03 AM #2 Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 01:40:58 AM by Gistech
So, I'm 100% dedicated to this mod now. But it's going to be the biggest job in a different way to the older mods I have made. See, I want to recreate the sound effects files from the game as well, which we can now extract (thanks go to id-daemon of Zenhax for writing the program that extracts common.bnk sound effects cleanly and individually). I'm also looking to make some changes to the executeable itself to allow for a greater ability to load higher-poly models (though I'll be sticking to a limit of no more than 2500 polys for units). I can either do this with a loader program which runs Battlefront through it and modifies the model memory value whilst the game is in memory, or I can try to modify the executeable itself. In either case, I would like a little bit of help here.

Here's a brief look at what I have in mind:

-Clone Troopers: modified models with proper fins. Phase II models, with the exception of the Sniper, are based off the SWBFIII models. Their jetpacks are now the same type as Jango Fett's original jetpack.
-Stormtroopers: Modified helmets. Shock Trooper is now based off the SWBFEA version. TIE and AT-AT Pilots now have new helmets which I feel are more accurate. Dark Trooper is a de-detailed version of SWBFIII's Phase III Dark Trooper model.
-Rebels: No definite changes here yet. Rebel Vanguard will be based of Rebel Honour Guard of the new game. Toying with replacing the Rebel Marksman model with the Bothan model.
-CIS: No major changes in models though I may give the Assassin Droid a Camo Droid skin

I'm also taking suggestions for the name, as "Accuracy Mod" no longer really applied.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

I made a skin like the royal honor guard. Funny enough I never knew Dice battlefront had a skin like that. Your free to use this/edit it if you want. Or it could be a nice place holder until you find something better.

Here is some good reference if you wanted to kit bash something like that.

Also "accuracy mod" doesn't sound so bad. Lol I would no idea what else you could call it if your trying to stay accurate with what is now canon.
Battfront Stuff if your interested.

Thanks for the advice.

THe blaster rifles will have a slower fire rate and 30 rounds per clip ALA Renegade Squadron. I haven't yet decided whether to make it so that the trigger has to be pulled multiple times or whether you can hold it down yet. The ARC Trooper gets a rapid fire ARC rifle, the Assault Droid gets a mortar launcher, the Shock Trooper gets a T-21 (complete with new firing sound) and the Rebel Honour Guard gets a A280C (which will have a slighly different model to the A280 Rebel rifle) which fires much more rapidly.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Here are my A280 and A280C models. The A280 is a poly-reduced version of the SWBFIII FPM model, while the A280C takes that and modifies it to resemble the A280C of the new Battlefront game.

In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Work has officially started on the mod. I'm running consequetive tests on two stock maps (one for each era) where I can test SFX load: Hoth and Kashyyyk. If the tests are successful, I intend on rolling these changes out widescale.

I will also be using the SWBFIII models for certain vehicles and weapons, though certain ones come from other places (like the T-21 coming from Sereja's maps). That work will be done after the initial test is done.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Which sounds work better for the big walker footsteps?

"Old" features the stock footsteps overlaid with the mechanics I've pulled from "Star Wars Galaxies" and "Star Wars Rogue Commander" while "New" features those same mechanics overlaid with the DICE footsteps.

The final sounds will be layered so the stomp sounds are different when heard up close to the walker.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

April 20, 2016, 09:14:15 AM #9 Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 10:19:28 AM by Gistech
Official title is now "Star Wars Battlefront Legacy".

A couple of tidbits:

I'm working on Imperial weapons ATM. The sounds are pretty much in. Here's what I have planned so far:

-The T-21 can damage vehicles.
-The blaster rifles will have two firing modes: standard auto fire and a 'burst' firing mode. These 'modes' are treated as individual weapons. The 'burst' mode is basically my old light rifle idea.
-Scouts will have no grenades but do have dispensable droids. I have yet to test to see if they can self-pilot or whether they have to be remote.
-If I can get it to work, walkers will have multiple sounds - for hydraulics, mechanics, nearby steps and distance steps. So far, only the nearby and distance steps work as they should. It seems hydraulics sounds don't play.

I will be looking into CheatEngine to see if I can accurately trace back where the low-res call is made and how to disable it or set the threshold higher.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

I love this title!!!! Its a really great name, speaks volumes!
Battfront Stuff if your interested.

Thanks :)

I'm considering changing the weapon I want to give to the Vanguard as secondary. ATM it's an A280C, but I might change it to something else like a DLT-19 or a RTC-97C (which would be easy as we already have a model in Sereja's assets). I got the walker footsteps working but I just need to tweak them.

I tried out the autopilot option for the Viper droid: it only follows you around but does not fire at any enemies. If it fired at enemies I could have accepted it following you. So it's gone back to being a remote-controlled droid now (though it has about half the standard unit health and won't automatically lose health)
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Here's some model screens for you guys.

First up, here are some of the weapons. The A280C and DLT-20A are Rebel weapons. The DLT-20Amesh is taken from 3rd-person LOD models from the new game. The A280C is further modified from the one above and I found out that the new game's A280C uses the same scope as the DLT-20A, so I copied over the DLT-20A scope. The third is the Republic ARC Caster, which was made by combining the first person and third person mdels. The furth is the grenade launcher I have given to the Dark Trooper. I have yet to decide whether to make is shoot standard grenades or whether to have it shoot radiation grenades. Of course, these models are all for First Person mode and each have third person models, except for the Dark Trooper's grenade launcher as that FPM model was unusable since the UVs are messed up.

Here we have the Phase 3 Dark Trooper. it is mapped to the Wookie skeleton.

And here we have a droid that doesn't have a bad motivator - R5-D4, which will serve as the Rebel recon droid. I was going to use the R2-D2 model, then the vehicle recharge model, but I decided to try making the new model here as it hadn't yet been made for SWBF.

In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Nice screenshots, looks like this will be another epic mod :cheers:

Thanks :)

Just got to fix a few issues with the R5 unit - it floats a little bit above the ground.

This is a tall ask on this part of the board but is anybody willing to help me look into increasing the memory limits of the game? Particularly the model memory.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1