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Topics - Giftheck

This pack contains three previously-converted PSP maps bunbled with new sides:

-Cato Neimoidia

The sides are based primarily on those seen in the previous Bespin release, though they have been altered since. See below for more details.

Future Elite Squadron maps in SWBF1 will need this pack as a base.


Quote-Rebellion Developments - Star Wars: Battlefront: Elite Squadron
-Teancum - Elite Squadron map conversions to SWBF2
-Calrissian97 - Kashyyyk conversion to SWBF2
-DICE - Bespin sculpture object
-Free Radical - Battlefront III Dark Trooper, weapons, textures, sounds
-Netmarble Games - Force Arena models
-Zen Studios - AT-AT
-LucasArts - AT-ST (parts)
-milehighguy - Yoda
-Sereja - Yoda's Lightsaber, Lightsaber blade
Released Maps and Mods / The Invisible Hand
August 19, 2021, 02:15:29 AM
And here it is: The Invisible Hand. I am finally happy to get this one out there!


Quote-Pandemic Studios - Mod tools, base models
-Lord_Bandu - initial inspiration
-Lenovo/Disney - Super Battle Droid from Jedi Challenges
-LucasArts - Flak cannon from Star Wars Kinect
-The Collective/LucasArts - objects and textures from Revenge of the Sith
-Sony Online Entertainment - ARC Trooper parts from Clone Wars Adventures
-Free Radical - textures, weapons
-Snakey - scope texture

Released Assets / Improved Clone Troopers
June 22, 2021, 12:41:15 PM
This pack contains improvements to the stock Clone Troopers, based upon the setup of the units in Star Wars: Battlefront (2004).


-Pandemic Studios for the mod tools and the base models.
-Sony Online Entertainment - Clone Wars Adventures ARC trooper models and textures
-ANDEWEGET for the ZETools.
Since the last update, it seems that the old spoiler/hide functions are gone. This doesn't just go for new posts either: pre-update posts that used this feature are now 'broken'. This feature was quite useful if you were sharing large amounts of images.
SWBF1 Modding / WIP The Invisible Hand
May 31, 2021, 04:45:02 AM
Do you guys remember this?

Lord_Bandu began this map a really long time ago. It would have used the same sides as his Jedi Temple Training Hall map, but he never got further than the hangar and the corridors in the video, and he no longer has that project. Alas, it seemed as if we'd never get a map like this - the SWBF2 interior is seriously lacking and not exactly the best thing to make a fully-fledged Invisible Hand map with.

Well, a while ago, I did Star Wars 2015Front II, a mod for Star Wars Battlefront II which was inspired by the 2015 game. I included Space: Mustafar's campaign in the mod, and as part of that, I redressed the hangar. I kind of wanted to give my own version of the map a try someday.

Today is that day. I have already begun working on it. At present, I'm about as far as Bandu was. Here's a couple of in-progress screens.

A couple of snapshots so far

I'm trying to load additional layers for existing maps without having to directly munge entirely new LVL files. Specifically, I'm doing this to add in new vehicles. I did something like this for SW 2015Front II to add additional props to stock maps without having to rebuild them entirely, but the method I used there does not seem to work and I end up with an lvl file that is laughably 8 bytes in size.
Other Games / CORE Engine
February 25, 2021, 09:04:14 AM
It's always nice to see modding going on in the community, but if you want to create some original stuff, you have a wealth of options - Unreal and Unity are two of the most well-known ones. But one that got brought to my attention lately (thanks to postings made by psych0fred on his SecretSociety board - check the Downloads/CORE folder) is the CORE Engine. It's built off Unreal 4, and it's also very much geared to quickly making good-looking, playable games. It uses LUA - the same type of scripting we use in SWBF modding.

Check it out here:

Bear in mind it does have its limitations (primarily you can't use anything not created in the CORE editor), but it's a good place to start as far as making your own games goes. I'm going to be looking into making one of my first non-university games using CORE.
One of Softimage's biggest drawbacks as far as its texture editing tools go is the inability to cut, sew and unfold UVs. It's something that's present both in Maya (which is extremely expensive) and Blender (which has not got full MSH export support right now).

Roadkill is an external app that deals with UV editing and includes these tools. This link also includes the xsiaddon plugin needed to get it working with your Softimage projects.

It works with Mod Tool and should also work with Softimage 2015.

You can download it here:
Here are the source files for the PSP Bespin map

Quote-Pandemic Studios - Mod tools, Asajj Ventress model
-Rebellion Developments - Original map
-Teancum - original map rip
-Free Radical - Map textures, weapon models
-Krome Studios - Refinery model and textures, Lando Calrissian texture source
-Raven Software - Lando Calrissian head model
-Disney - Star Wars Rivals Carbon Freezing Chamber assets
-Sony Online Entertainment - Clone Wars Adventures ARC trooper models and textures
-Sereja - weapon models
-bk2-modder - Dark Trooper jetpack FX and X-Wing skin
Here's my conversion/update to te Elite Squadron Bespin map. I was supplied with the original map rip by Teancum, and I used that to make this map, making adjustments where I felt they were needed or where I thought the geometry could use a facelift.


Quote-Pandemic Studios - Mod tools, Asajj Ventress model
-Rebellion Developments - Original map
-Teancum - original map rip
-Free Radical - Map textures, weapon models
-Krome Studios - Refinery model and textures, Lando Calrissian texture source
-Raven Software - Lando Calrissian head model
-Disney - Star Wars Rivals Carbon Freezing Chamber assets
-Sony Online Entertainment - Clone Wars Adventures ARC trooper models and textures
-Sereja - weapon models
-bk2-modder - Dark Trooper jetpack FX and X-Wing skin
Released Maps and Mods / Hoth: Battle Of Echo Base
December 24, 2020, 07:13:39 AM
Here is my newest map, Hoth: Battle Of Echo Base



Quote-Pandemic Studios - Mod Tools
-Lucasfilm/Lenovo - Viper Probe Droid and GR-75 from Star Wars: Jedi Challenges
-Lucasfilm - Models from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
-Free Radical - textures and Wampa Cavern from Star Wars: Battlefront III
-Sereja - SE-14C model (SE-14R based upon this model), assets from his Hoth: Echo Base conversion and Tatooine: Mos Eisley Spaceport map
-Gogie - Texturing method in Substance
-Ben Burtt - Star Wars sound effects
-John Williams - music from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
-John Powell - music from Solo: A Star Wars Story
SWBF1 Modding / Hoth: Battle Of Echo Base
December 01, 2020, 10:46:54 AM
I have begun work on a new map, this time a new Hoth map. The goal of this map is to create a new iteration of Hoth inspired by the official Blueprints book, with several of the key components that we all know from the movie (the Medical Centre, the Control Room etc) that are completely absent in the stock map.

There will be custom units, but much like Sereja, I will also give players the option to play with stock sides if they so wish.

I've just begun working on it, and have a new corridor system created just for this map.


Released Assets / DLT-19 and DLT-19X Blaster Rifles
September 21, 2020, 02:34:24 PM
It seems I never uploaded the updated DLT-19 and DLT-19X Blaster Rifles. Let's correct that error, shall we?



-Pandemic Studios for the original models and textures
Star Wars: Battlefront came out on this day, 16 years ago! My, how time has flown by! Happy birthday to Star Wars: Battlefront!  :cheers:

I'll be referring to the mod folder as MOD or DataMOD in this tutorial, but it'll be whatever you have named yours.

So, first off, there's two file formats you'll need to implement custom SFX:

QuoteSND - this is the actual configuration file that stores what samples are called, pitch, volume, etc.
ASFX - this is where the samples called by the AU are stored.

Create a folder inside DataMOD/Sounds/worlds and name it whatever you want (most likely the three letter MOD name)

Inside that, you'll also need two folders - effects, and samples.

Basically, this is what the folder will look like:

Quote-base REQ file (the MOD id)
--REQ file for effects and streams called for CW (MODcw)
--ASFX file for effects and streams called for CW (MODcw)
--Same as above, but for GCW
--SND files - doesn't have to be for both, and you can have as many of these as you like. The best practice here is to have an AU file for shared SFX (in this instance it would be the LEGO brick explosions upon death) and a separate one for each era. These can be called whatever you want but for simplicity's sake I'll go with MODcw, MODgcw, and shared.

First, you'll need your sound effects placed into the effects folder. These sounds, ideally, should be saved as 22kHz mono wav files.

Next, you'll need to set up the REQ files. Open MOD.req. This is what needs to be inside:



Now open MODgcw.req. This is what needs to be inside that:



Same would go for MODcw.

The bnk section will look for ASFX and SFX files. However, SFX files are not useful in this instance since we're not making a new common.bnk, these sounds are to be munged and loaded directly from the sound.lvl

The next step is top open up the ASFX file in Notepad. It should be blank. All this will be is a list referring to the .wav files. All that needs to be is thus:


You can also add -resample pc 22050 (changing 22050 to whatever you want) but if the wavs are already 22khz this is not needed.

Now comes the 'fun' part - the AU files. Open shared.snd. Windows will try to open these in Windows Media Player, but they are, in fact, just text files, so you open these with Notepad also.

This is the 'fun' part because you have to figure out which settings are appropriate for the sound you want to implement.
In this instance I find it much easier to just find one of the stock AU files, open it, look for a sound that is similar to the one you're looking for. In this example we are going to implement a custom death sound SFX.

So find in the sound/gcw folder Any of the sounds that inherit from "imp_inf_pain_vo" will be fine to copy into your au file.


        Sample("IICOM419", 0.33);
        Sample("IICOM420", 0.33);
        Sample("IICOM421", 0.33);

Now, generally, the settings don't need to be messed with. You will need to change two things though:

-The 'name' of the sound
-The samples called in the list.

Name is easy. Just change it to whatever you want to. You can then paste that name into your ODF files' DeathSound line.

The sample list is a tad more complicated.
You have these values bracketed under it:

        Sample("IICOM419", 0.33);
        Sample("IICOM420", 0.33);
        Sample("IICOM421", 0.33);

Sample is obvious as this refers to the file names as defined in the ASFX file. The number defines the 'weight' of the sound - basically, it randomizes the sound called. The number should always be 1 divided by the number of samples in the list, rounded to 2 decimal places.
Let's say this is what's in the ASFX file:


You'll want all of those to be called into the AU, and all equally 'weighted'.
So your sample list will end up looking like this:

        Sample("LEGO_FALLAPART1", 0.2);
        Sample("LEGO_FALLAPART2", 0.2);
        Sample("LEGO_FALLAPART3", 0.2);
        Sample("LEGO_FALLAPART4", 0.2);
        Sample("LEGO_FALLAPART5", 0.2);

That should conclude the setting up of the ASFX, SND and REQ files, but if you try to munge now, you'll get nothing. Unlike the SWBF1 mod tools, the SWBF2 Mod Tools aren't automatically set to allow for munging of custom sounds. So, there is a bit of tinkering left to do before you're ready.

Open up the soundmungedir.bat file
Find this line:

for /R %%A in (*.sfx) do @echo Munging %%~nA%%~xA & @soundflmunge -platform %4 -banklistinput %%A -bankoutput %MUNGEDIR%\ %CHECKDATE% -resample %CHECKID% noabort %SOUNDOPT% %BANKOPT% 2>>%MUNGE_LOG% 1>>%SOUNDLOGOUT%

Paste this under that line:

for /R %%A in (*.asfx) do @echo Munging %%~nA%%~xA & @soundflmunge -platform %4 -banklistinput %%A -bankoutput %MUNGEDIR%\ %CHECKDATE% -resample -checkid noabort %SOUNDOPT% 2>>%MUNGE_LOG% 1>>%SOUNDLOGOUT%

You will also need to do this for the original Data folder (BF2_ModTools\Data)

Next find BF2_ModTools\data\ _BUILD\sound\munge.bat, open that, find this line:

@for /R %%A in (*.sfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A

Under that, pop this in:

@for /R %%A in (*.asfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A

Lastly, you'll need to edit an entry in soundmunge.bat inside your DataMOD folder. Find this line:

@call soundmungedir _BUILD\sound\worlds\snd\%MUNGE_DIR% sound\worlds\snd sound\worlds\snd\%MUNGE_PLATFORM% %MUNGE_PLATFORM% _BUILD _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\sound _BUILD\sound snd

Change snd to whatever your base REQ file is (which assumedly is your MOD id)

The last step is calling it in your LUA. Find this:


Then add this above


One other thing is that it seems the Sound folder won't copy over to the addon folder, at least not when I test munged, so you will have to do that manually.

Munge, test... and if your sounds work (there is a chance that a sound will not play if it's not in the correct format but usually the munger catches that), then that's it!

(NOTE: I am not able to test the munged sounds directly myself since I cannot get munged maps to even run in SWBF2 - however, the steps I have outlined produce a functioning sound file)
Released Assets / Shoretrooper
September 19, 2020, 12:04:00 PM
Here is the Shoretrooper I used in Scarif: Beach. Not much to say on this one, it's mainly based off icemember's though I did make a few choice adjustments to it.



-icemember - original models
2024 Update! A new version of the map is now live!

Here's my Scarif map for SWBF1.

PLEASE NOTE! This map does not work in the Classic Collection version of the game.


Changelist from the 2020 version:

Quote-Reworked some skins
-Tweaked barriers and AI planning
-Tweaked bleed thresholds - destroying the AT-ACT will result in Empire bleed as intended.
-Tweaked weapon stats on pistols, rifles and hero weapons
-Added foliage and extra props to the east of the map. Please note that owing to
-Tweaked AI unit priorities to favour the Rebel Soldier on the Rebels side
-Replaced the Rebel Smuggler's MPL Homing Shot (which AI didn't use) with a DH-17 Blaster Rifle
-Reduced health on hero units
-Implemented new animations
-Added an option to play the map with stock sides
-Increased fly heights for starfighters
-Created first-person and third-person models for weapons


QuotePandemic Studios - Mod Tools
Myself - weapon models (A180 pistol, A180 rifle, A280CFE Rifle, A280CFE Pistol, A300, DL44, DH17, M45, Time Bomb, E11, E11D, DLT-19, DLT19D, EC-17, MPL-57, HH-12, RPS-6, Sonic Imploder), additional world models
Sereja - weapon models (SE-14C, DL18)
icemember/Designated Days Team - base models for the Death Trooper and Shore Trooper
Gogie - Scarif buildings and assets
Netmarble Games - Death Trooper texture, and Director Krennic parts from Star Wars: Force Arena
Disney - Scarif Trooper helmet from Star Wars: Rivals
Zen Studios - DT-27 model, AT-ACT model, U-Wing model
InspectorJ - Ambient sound (
Mark Griskey - music from The Force Unleashed II
Michael Giacchino - music from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
John Powell - music from Solo: A Star Wars Story
Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood - sound effects from Star Wars films and games
Ryan Hank - animations for the rifle
Snakey - A280 Scope texture
Here's the world folder for Cato Neimoidia: Hanging City, plus side and audio files. It's heftier since I included the custom music.

EDIT: Download removed


-Rebellion Developments - Original map, General Kota model
-Free Radical - certain map props, General Kota textures, Master Ferroda model
-Pandemic Studios - Asajj Ventress model
-Teancum - original map rip and conversion
-Krome Studios - Imperial Jump Trooper model
-Mark Griskey - music from The Force Unleashed and The Force Unleashed II
Released Assets / Various Heroes Pack
August 18, 2020, 02:51:25 AM
Here's a pack of heroes I've rigged/edited.

QuoteAsajj Ventress
General Kota
Master Ferroda
Nien Nunb
X1 (Empire and Republic versions)
X2 (Rebel and Republic versions)


