Started by Sereja, August 06, 2012, 11:06:18 AM

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August 06, 2012, 11:06:18 AM Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 01:44:35 PM by Sereja
This is my version, of SWBF2 converted map, Dagobah: Swamps

some pic:

1. Fixed collision.
2. Edited sides with new effects, reticules, huds, hex edition, and chargable weapon.
3. Decreased weapon impact effects.
4. 5th weapon added.
5. Secondary locals added.
6. Decal added.


Put the 005 folder in your Gamedata\AddOn folder.

1. Muzzleflash effects become appear in random places. Not sure, but looks like this bug was added by SWBF creators.
2. R2D2 and Geonosia Sonic cannon has no sound. Reason: sound making is a most hard thing to understanding for me...

WARNING: my map is still overload with effects, so, if you have slow PC, it may crash or lag!
To solve this problem, you may use alternative sides, with more decreased effects quality, from my Sides folder. Just replace normal sides .lvl to alternative.

tester: kitfisto15678

This is only "beta" version, and when/if tripider released caped models, I am surely reuplad it...
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf:

I propose this map for the next DC! ( whenever it is ) It doesn't need a custom common.lvl and it's freakin' awesome!!!