Open Beta - thoughts

Started by Giftheck, October 04, 2017, 08:33:48 AM

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October 04, 2017, 08:33:48 AM Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 12:44:22 AM by Gistech
So, I've played some Open Beta for the past couple of hours, and I thought I'd just give my thoughts on it.

The first thing that I thought was: why was THIS not the 2015 title? This plays a lot closer to the spirit of the classic titles than the 2015 one. It's quite fun!

I have played two rounds of the "Roger Roger" Arcade scenario, one of the "Wipe Them Out" scenario, one round of "Strike" and one and a half rounds of "Galactic Assault". The "Wipe Them Out" Arcade scenario was a waste of time: you just mow down clone troopers as either Darth Maul or the B2RP Battle Droid, but the "Roger Roger" scenario is essentially offline Team Deathmatch (or "Blast" if you will), in which you can choose any of the four classes to play with. The AI is actually pretty good, much more competent than the AI in the 2015 title, though there were occasional moments where Clone AI got stuck on doorframes.

Strike takes place on Takodana and you get to play either the First Order or the Resistance as the First Order attempts to steal something from Maz's Castle and return it to their base. I played as the First Order here, and I spent most of the match as a Specialist (funnily enough, both the Resistance and the First Order use a mixture of weapons from the new films and from the Imperial era - the First Order Specialist, for instance, is armed with the DLT-19D, one of the weapons of choice for Imperial Death Troopers) helping to snipe from a distance. I really like this mode: it's a smaller mode but it feels a lot closer to the classic style of gameplay. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses, with the Heavy Class being quite tank-like in health but its rapid-fire weapon works best up-close and personal, where the Heavy takes a lot of damage. The Officer works best as a support unit, rallying troops. The Specialist is basically a sniper, so use it to hang back and pick off enemies from afar. The Assault Class is the jack-of-all-trades class that has average health and decent guns.

I played a match of Galactic Assault, which was quite fun. I got a taste of both the Reinforcement classes on the CIS side (There are two Reinforcement classes which act pretty much akin to the Special classes of the original SWBF2 in that you need points to unlock them (though you consistently need to earn points to keep using them once you die as them, as you would a hero or vehicle). In the beta, Clones get the Wookie Warrior and Jump Trooper, Droids get the B2 and B2RP Battle Droids, First Order gets the Flame Trooper and Jump Trooper and Resistance gets the Wookie Warrior and Resistance Jumptrooper.) but alas I did not get to try out being a hero on this occasion. I played half a match as the Republic before I had to switch off for a bit. The Republic actually has legion markings unlike the closed alpha/E3 version, and it sounds like those markings change dependant on map.

All in all, this open beta is a very promising look into the finished game. This carries with it the spirit of the old games quite well, and it's made me look forward to what's to come.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Very pleased with the way the game is going so far. But I thought this was the Closed Beta currently, the Open Beta doesn't start until October 6th...

Mirky and I have been chatting on Discord. We were both eager to see the singleplayer mode and I think I can speak for both of us that we're pleased with it so far.

I would like to remind everyone that the DELUXE edition is no more promising than the standard edition of the game, and will only get you 3-Day early access to the Full Release and a few more customization options. Just preorder the Standard and you'll get all of the same game a few days later with almost the same amount of customization. That will save you at least $20.00 USD.

Quote from: Davenport on October 04, 2017, 11:51:29 AM
But I thought this was the Closed Beta currently, the Open Beta doesn't start until October 6th...

It's open to people who preordered the game from the 4th.

I'm having a grand time so far, feels like there's a lot more going on that'll take many an hour to get my head around...

Which is a good thing!

There's plenty to unlock and consider, and I'm sure they'll be thousands of YT videos discussing the best load out for each class.

The only negative thing so far is the FOV on third person, which is a little close, but I would imagine that one would get used to it, or it would be adjustable in the final product.

I suppose this is what many folks expected in 2015, but honestly, I really enjoyed SWBF 2015... so this is just fab.

I also hope that units will eventually have aesthetic customisation, but we'll see (I expect they will).

Quote from: Unit 33 on October 04, 2017, 01:32:18 PM
I also hope that units will eventually have aesthetic customisation, but we'll see (I expect they will).

If you pre-order the Deluxe edition, there are "Exclusive Star Wars: The Last Jedi outfits for Kylo Ren and Rey", so it sounds like there will be cosmetic items within the game, in some fashion.

Looks like it with heroes at least for sure.

Hopefully we'll get the whole face / haircut / species customisation with Rebels etc

Quote from: Unit 33 on October 04, 2017, 01:50:26 PM
Hopefully we'll get the whole face / haircut / species customisation with Rebels etc

Twi-Lek modifiers hnnnnnngggg
I mean yeah that sounds cool

Apart from the issues I had with launching the game, (Where the game wouldn't launch) after like 2 hours, I managed to fix it (Stupid origin, it needed to be reinstalled just to launch a beta? What?)

Now, to the real thoughts.

This game is super super fun, better than the 2015 title, and I can see this game being a contender with the original SWBF2 to be my best game of all time. But, Galactic Assault is all I really played for these past 7 hours, it's so much fun. I also played two rounds of strike, and one round of each of the AI gamemodes.

Overall, I do not regret pre-ordering this game, like I did with the 2015 one. I am now insanely hyped for the launch of the game!
The years just fly past, don't they?

Also - The 'reinforcement' classes are really really fun.

Superbattle droid is a right one-man army.

Quote from: Nyx on October 04, 2017, 02:03:30 PM
Apart from the issues I had with launching the game, (Where the game wouldn't launch) after like 2 hours, I managed to fix it (Stupid origin, it needed to be reinstalled just to launch a beta? What?)

Now, to the real thoughts.

This game is super super fun, better than the 2015 title, and I can see this game being a contender with the original SWBF2 to be my best game of all time. But, Galactic Assault is all I really played for these past 7 hours, it's so much fun. I also played two rounds of strike, and one round of each of the AI gamemodes.

Overall, I do not regret pre-ordering this game, like I did with the 2015 one. I am now insanely hyped for the launch of the game!

I'm pretty much in agreement here, though I think I might favour Strike (and likely Blast) more - it's perfect for the Specialist class, which I seem to be the best with (and man, I just love that DLT-19D).

Though one element of Arcade left me wanting, the TDM match, which played really well, actually has me pretty interested in seeing the mode come out in full (and hopefully get expanded with some newer stuff later down the line like possibly a few online modes).
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Hey everybody - I'm curious if anyone doing the BF2/EA open beta would be willing to help me out - I'm working on a Maz Kanata's Castle map, and currently don't have much to go on as far as modeling is concerned.  Would anyone be able to take screenshots of the following for me? - my PC is not strong enough for the open beta coming up  :'( - I'm not sure if Maz's map is included in the beta, but if it is...?

1. Castle Exterior from all sorts of angles
2. Castle Interor from all sorts of angles - I need things that will help me figure out the layout
3. Screens of the objects inside the castle (that game table, furniture, that weird table with the pipes and stuff) - these are most helpful if they're taken from all angles (front, back, sides, etc.)
4. Photos of as many of the flags as you can get (like straight on shots I could use for materials)
5. Shots of just a big wall of brick (again for use with making materials)
6. That low wall/fence between the castle and the Falcon
7. One of those standing lamp objects between the castle and the Falcon
8. One of the stormtrooper dropships from the side, the front, the back, and the top

Thanks a TON to anyone willing to do this for me - I'd really appreciate it and it would help me make my map a much higher quality! :tu:

Yes, Maz's castle is in the beta as the map for the Strike mode. The palace itself is really well-detailed. It's quite complex. I would suggest though that you create it as close to the film as possible but not necessarily as close to the map in EABF2, because you'll have all sorts of trouble getting it to work as the castle has multiple floors.

I can't give you screenshots as I'm playing on PS4 but maybe somebody on PC might be able to help.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

There is a screenshot function on PS4 isn't there?

If I get it working I'll try and get some nice pictures for you, I'll see if I can turn off the HUD also.

Quote from: Unit 33 on October 05, 2017, 12:50:12 AM
There is a screenshot function on PS4 isn't there?

If I get it working I'll try and get some nice pictures for you, I'll see if I can turn off the HUD also.

There is, but it's difficult to use in the middle of a match (as you physically have to open the Share screen to do it - and the game doesn't pause, so if you get shot, you lose the shot)
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Unless you have to configure your Share button settings a certain way, I know I can just press the Share button once and it will take a screenshot. If I hold the button down, only then will it open the Share menu.