If Rebellion made another "Squadron" title...

Started by ggctuk, February 03, 2010, 01:17:32 PM

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... what would you like to see in it?

Me, personally, I'd like the following:

- More skins. Elite Squadron didn't deliver on that promise, even though there were new units in the Campaign mode (Royal Guard, Imperial Officer, Phase I Clone Trooper etc)
- Expanded Battlefronts - not only should we have just "Ground, Space and Interior", we should have separate parts of the ground battle. For instance, Coruscant might have "City", "Jedi Temple" and "Lower Levels", or Kashyyyk might have "Treetops", "Beach head", "Docked Venator".
- Space battles should have more of an impact on the overall battle. Space Battles also need to be bigger – in Elite Squadron, we had two frigates which were actually 'secondary' frigates, and only a choice of two spacecraft – a fighter, and a landing craft.
- Battles need to be segmented a bit more. For instance, the ground battle would be a Conquest battle, the space battle would be an Assault Battle etc... basically you get two modes in one.
- Bring back some old planets, like Naboo, Kamino, Rhen Var etc
- Vehicles need fixing a bit. The selection in both Squadron games was good. However, I disliked that only one pilot needed to be in there to operate a vehicle. In BF1 and BF2, vehicles had seats which had to be filled by units to take full advantage of the vehicle's capabilities/weapons. I also disliked that you could not control the AT-AT in either Squadron game. You can take control of its weapons but it's railed.
- Reinforcements as well as point-scoring. Perhaps as an option in Instant Action, you can switch between Points and Reinforcements.
- Obviously, we're getting sick of PSP exclusive entries for the series - PS3 and Xbox360, as well as PC, are a must.
- Decent heroes. Battlefront II's heroes were still somewhat overpowered. Renegade Squadron's heroes were sucky, I rarely hit anything with a lightsaber. Elite Squadron improved a bit but the hero controls were still clunky and slow. Some new heroes too, and some old ones restored. We haven't seen Anakin in any Squadron game so far (okay, as Darth Vader, but that doesn't really count)
- Classes. Elite Squadron had classes, but what I mean is that the pre-set classes should have pre-set appearances, like BF1 and BF2.
- Controls need sorting. Troopers felt slow in both Renegade Squadron and Elite Squadron.
- Return of old modes such as Hunt Mode, and Hero Assault Mode. I know Elite Squadron had a version but it was restricted more than BF2's Hero Assault Mode.

Your turn. What would you like to see Rebellion do if they ever made another Squadron title?
In Progress:
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy Edition)
--Endor: Imperial Base

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

I agree with most of what you said, yes there needs to be far more skins,
but i think the weapons them selves should be customisable, such as scopes, grips... and well like COD :D. Going back too skins... legs, body and head should be freely customisable rather than limited to specific unit selections.
Maps, well, most are simplistic to cut down memory requirements so, i'd say that more concise maps would be better, In elite squadron there are 12 maps, of which 2 or 3 are actually acceptable, so they should try avoid attempting to push content to far....
And, i would like to see a customisable hero class, which you can use in any era or planet.

Well, the idea for expanding the multi-layered maps actually came from BF1, where most planets had two maps.

I actually agree that we should be able to customise each body part individually, but there should be presets that we can then modify to suit our own needs. We should be able to choose accessories - perhaps we don't want a kama on an ARC trooper, or we want the Battle Droid without a pack. We should also be able to choose the style of markings. For instance, the Clones would have Camoflague, Phase I, 501st, 212th etc.

Another point about the current Squadron games - no Droideka unit whatsoever.
In Progress:
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy Edition)
--Endor: Imperial Base

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Oh, and of course they need to do a lot better to protect the game from online hackers, within three days of the release of ES invincible hackers wielding lightsabers could be found in most servers !

Well, I think there should be a booting system - if you're detected running a hack - iether via a modified version of the game running off the memory card or via Action Replay - then you get kicked out.
In Progress:
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy Edition)
--Endor: Imperial Base

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Yeah, they should make a customizable battlefront for the pc or the Wii! It would be awesome on the wii (partly because I have one :D) it would be fun to snipe using the remote
Legos, the greatest toy known to man

Quotes from the battlefield.

"FOR THE REPUBLIC!", "Bu-bye!" - Clone Trooper

"Bang", "We need more troopers like you!"- Stormtrooper

"Failure is NOT an option. Fight HARDER!" - I made him mad (=9)

Quote from: CommanderChristian on February 11, 2010, 07:42:00 PM
Yeah, they should make a customizable battlefront for the pc or the Wii! It would be awesome on the wii (partly because I have one :D) it would be fun to snipe using the remote

If you've played any of the maybe 7 FPS games for the Wii, you will learn that sniping on the Wii (or controlling in a FPS in general) is rather annoying than productive. You'll spend more time attempting to keep your hand steady so that you'll hope you'll get a hit. Trust me, Wii + FPS = Fail

Customization is a nice feature however they'll need to spend time balancing out the attributes.


I've played games like Cabela's 2010 and republic heroes on wii. After a while you get used to the sensitivity of the remote.
Legos, the greatest toy known to man

Quotes from the battlefield.

"FOR THE REPUBLIC!", "Bu-bye!" - Clone Trooper

"Bang", "We need more troopers like you!"- Stormtrooper

"Failure is NOT an option. Fight HARDER!" - I made him mad (=9)

I had another idea for a Battlefront game Rebellion could come up with. At the rate we're going we won't see any BF3 before SWBF's 10th anniversary. So that gave me an idea...


-Choose from preset unit looks or create your own unit look, right down to the eye colour and hair colour of units.
-Customize your weapons loadout or choose from seven 'classes'.
-New map layout - now you have four different Battlefronts - two land battles, space and capital ship. Each affect the overall outcome of the battle.
-The choice of reinforcements or points in Instant Action mode.
-Choose how you play - whether you play the entire map as a whole or just one section of it (Space, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 2) as in the old games.
-No loading for space-to-captial ship and vice-versa (and possibly no loading for planet-space or battlefield-battlefield)
-Includes many remade maps from Star Wars: Battlefront, Star Wars: Battlefront II and Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron.
-The return of many vehicles including the ARC-170, the A-Wing and the TIE Bomber.

Maps (including space):
-Bespin - Cloud City (BF1 but expanded), Platforms (BF1).
-Coruscant - Jedi Temple (New map), Surface (Elite Squadron)
-Death Star - Interior (BF2), Superlaser (New map based off TFU)
-Endor - Shield Bunker (mostly based off BF1/BF2), Village (From Reneagde Squadron)
-Felucia - Marshalnd (BF2), Crash Site (New, based on TFU)
-Geonosis - Spire (BF1), Dust Plains (BF2)
-Hoth - Echo Base (BF2), Landing Zone (new)
-Kamino - Tipoca City (BF1), Cloning Facility (BF2)
-Kashyyyk - Beachhead (BF2), Island (Elite Squadron)
-Mustafar - Refinery (BF2), Battleground (Elite Squadron)
-Mygeeto - War-Torn City (BF2), Mountains (New map)
-Naboo - Plains (Loosely-based on BF1 but larger), Theed (BF1, but expanded to include the Palace and Hangar)
-Rhen Var - Harbor (BF1), Citadel (BF1)
-Tatooine - Dune Sea (BF1), Mos Eisley (Elite Squadron)
-Utapau - Sinkhole (BF2), Surface (New)
-Yavin IV - Temple (Elite Squadron), Arena (BF1)

-Play as a Clone Trooper during the Clone Wars, as he defects after refusing to obey Order 66, and joins the Rebellion, eventually aiding in the destruction of the Second Death Star at Endor and freeing the Galaxy.
In Progress:
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy Edition)
--Endor: Imperial Base

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

TEN YEARS !!! Oh dear you're making me feel old...

I was just playing Elite Squadron today actually... out of some sheer coincidence.
Anyway... what you just set out in my mind IS the perfect video game.
(and what the leaked SWBF3 trailer resembled)

I would also like to see:
.Capital ships in the lower atmosphere as well as in space
.Far more AA guns
.A more diverse vehicle selection
.More than 2 heroes on the battlefield?
That is all.

It's amazing how time flies by so fast. :O I'd figure I might post my own thoughts on the game.

I think if there is going to be another Battlefront game, it should look back to the simple fundamentals that made SWBF1 so fun however have so much depth. I mean I'd rather have 2 classes to only play as that were both unique and balanced (rocket and sniper class pretty much from what I recall) than having a load of different classes and "5 minute god-mode heroes". I think that if the series went back to the semi-moon jump and grenade-zoning gameplay, it should definitely catch my attention again.

Of course the game engine needs to be revamped for today's generation. While the bugs where great to exploit (instant sticky nades on cloud city, mine throws to zone opponents), I think that it should look a bit more presentable and certainly be more stable. Breakdown's Raka's adventure is probably the greatest map I've played that wasn't a port or non-star wars related however it was so big that the engine couldn't handle it too well. SWBF2 had some amazing mods as well so with that said, maybe release more complete mod tools.

Maybe greater quality of maps would also help. While SWBF1 and 2 had a great amount of maps, a good number were either too large or just not balanced for both factions. I remember in GameRanger we would only play CC, Maz1, Dea1, and from time to time we would play newer maps and only when Pants were playing would we even bother capturing command posts. It's been maybe a year since I've played SWBF online so I'm unsure of how healthy the online community is these days.

Also that's another thing, the netcode was quite terrible yet somehow we still played it. Lag became so normal to us that we eventually adapted to it. Only when SchTicK, Pants, or someone else with more than average broadband internet would games be able to go over 6 or 8 people. Lag had became second nature for us Mac users. PC side has had great help from Buckler hosting 24/7 dedicated server games but the Mac version never had dedicated server software.

Well that's about it for what's on top of my head. This was a rather sloppy list but I think there's a few good points in here. Just thinking about the 10 year anniversary of SWBF makes me want to play it. >.>