Real Hero Side Online Dotf Duel Server !!

Started by tolgagfbx, July 10, 2018, 05:06:17 PM

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Everyone hello friends
I have a new project. star wars battlefront 1 I am planning to make an Online platform like Movie battles 2 which is the Jedi academy mod. And I set up a Duel server that everyone can play online. You can download and play Star Wars BattleFront 1 Online !!
I am installing the server and all you have to do is download the required file and select Internet and press the Join game button. Real Hero Side server Select and Connect. I really want to come and play together. Please do not break me :)
This Server is not the battle of the Good and Bad team. We can fight with evil evil. Do not forget to fight for purpose and have fun.

First Team
1) Darth Vader
2) Count Dooku
3) General Grevious
4) Darth Maul
5) Chancellor Palpatine

Second Team
1) Luke Skywalker
2) Anakin Skywalker
3) Obi-Wan Kenobi
4) Aayla Secura
5) Mace Windu

Real Hero Side Duel: Dotf !!!
I am sorry for my English. I am writing from Google :)

Made a force be with you ALWAYS !!!