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Messages - FirespraY

Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: SWBF
May 16, 2010, 08:45:03 AM
Quote from: Jedikiller on May 16, 2010, 07:40:49 AM
Yeah, I agree. When I transferred over to the PC side of Battlefront it was much less of a community feeling than the Mac side had. Granted, I still could play with you guys, but it wasn't quite the same as it used to be.

I liked Battlefront a lot. It was easy to play, rewarding, fairly diverse, and had a great community for its earlier days.  It was a great game primarily because of who played it, not the game itself. The game's not that great. But with the people that are in the community, the game became a lot better than it normally would have been. I've played a lot of online games, and I can say that I've never really found a community as good as the Mac SWBF players back in 06-07.

Which, obviously, is why this community is still around.

Definitely all this.  Although I will admit, I fell in love with the MLG community for awhile (hence me coming and going), but I really do love this community.  Of all the places gaming has led me, this place is very special.  Special enough to keep coming back too.

Can't wait to play with some of you on Steam once I get some games.  I'm looking to start playing CS Source, maybe some TF2.

If anything will get me back into PC/Mac games, it'll be Steam.  Stoked to give CS a try.  G9 might hook me up with some games  :D
Welcome Center / Re: What's up guys!
May 02, 2010, 06:00:54 PM
Quote from: Khyler on May 02, 2010, 04:31:44 PM
I have gamer9er on my xbl friends list, how'd you guys get codes?
I have to wait all the way till tomorrow!

We got them from that Microsoft expertzone site.  :D  I'm sure you know about all that.
Welcome Center / Re: What's up guys!
May 02, 2010, 04:15:57 PM
Not much.  I've been playing the Reach beta all day  :D
Welcome Center / What's up guys!
May 02, 2010, 02:35:18 PM
Thought I'd stop by and say hello.  What's new?
Other Games / Re: Top 10 Series - Halo 3
June 30, 2009, 02:45:20 PM
The MLG top tens are better  :P   -think thats the link

Those are good too though.  Lots of insane stuff happens in Halo.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 18, 2009, 06:30:34 AM
Quote from: "Rhino"
Quote from: "FirespraY"
Quote from: "iBlade"SWGC wasnt first. swbfmac was. But yeah, ACW was formed, and withing 2 days (?) IGC arrived.

Actually webmofi/SWBF GR Discussion was first  :) ) I started posting when MXG started.

SWBF GR Discussion was the original name of the old forum I think.  They just changed the name to SWBFmac Forums or something.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 17, 2009, 03:15:03 PM
Quote from: "iBlade"SWGC wasnt first. swbfmac was. But yeah, ACW was formed, and withing 2 days (?) IGC arrived.

Actually webmofi/SWBF GR Discussion was first  ;)  I doubt anyone remembers that.  (Besides JK and MAYBE a few others)

Thats about right about ACW and IGC though.  ACW was first but IGC came shortly afterward.  Everyone here can all thank G9 for starting the whole clan thing.  If he didn't step up and volunteer to start one, a lot of these clans would have probably never existed.  I'm pretty sure Cheese made IGC to compete with ACW.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 15, 2009, 04:41:04 PM
Quote from: "Hardcore"ACW 2 was not "reformed and basically joined by ELD"....for a good long while it didn't have any Eld in it, i may be incorrect about Gamer9er helping reform it tho, that was just a train of thought, we can always ask ;)

I think G9 did have a part in reforming it, but that part was:

Turkle (or whoever decided to do it): Hey, G Dog, wanna reform ACW
G9: Sure.

And thats it.  Lol.  G9 isn't exactly active anymore.  He was considering coming back like I did a few weeks ago, but decided not to.  O well, maybe someday he will.

Also, he got the name G Dog because when MXG was first formed, G9 was "back" and was invited to be a Moderator, which he accepted, and he said he wanted to change his name, and Wrath suggested he should go by "G-Dog".  So he did  :P
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 15, 2009, 06:02:41 AM
Quote from: "Red"I wasn't here when IGC first started, but I joined a few months after. There really is a lot to talk about. Basically, the first two mac clans were ACW and IGC and we had plenty of matches, with IGC winning the majority. IGC was, in a way, the metaphorical "Empire" of mac gaming. We dominated all games and were composed of the absolute best. Months passed like this, during the old "glory days" of mac SWBF gaming (from the late beginning to a few months after the creation of the clans), but it wouldn't last. One thing lead to another, one of our members left and formed a new clan and things spiraled down from there. I believe that just before that mac clan gaming started to become less of a casual, "let's all have a good time", atmosphere into another one where the point was to win and stay loyal to your clan and nothing else. It eventually got very nasty within IGC, and I won't deny that I was part of that reason, with me being completely insane and fanatical about IGC. Eventually, Cheese had to leave for some military business he had in Iraq (I think? correct me if I'm wrong) and leadership was left to NF. After that, ELD was formed and convinced a lot of the older (and mostly better) players to leave IGC and join ELD. Tombolo managed to keep us together, though, and we joined with the old ACW to make IAS. The rest is history.

^^ Red explained it better than I did.  He was in IGC back when he was known as Frank Kenobi 3.0 I think  XD

Quote from: "Captain Rex"Wow Thanks for all this info! So then ACW was the first swbf mac clan made?

Correct.  It was formed by Gamer9er, my little bro.  He was the first member to join the original site besides the Admins (Zak, Weili, Jedikiller) themselves.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 14, 2009, 02:04:05 PM
Quote from: "Hardcore"When ACW was REformed- by as i recall Gamer9er (Firespray should know?) and Turkle, it did have Original members, just not all of them from what i was told.

I was told by Wrath that GF was the only one to beat ELD ever, that is why i said it happened, ill ask him for clarification.

O yea I remember.  SchTicK may have also been an original member idk.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 14, 2009, 09:27:06 AM
Quote from: "iBlade"GF never beat ELD.

GF was another clan that broke off of IGC. I think it is a testament to IGC that ELD, JCA, and GF were all formed as splinters of IGC.

GF was lead by "Da Bomb" AKA Stealth. Second in command was trinidad.

The ACW we have today is NOT the original but rather a second clan formed by...I forget. But it is important to remember this IS NOT the old ACW. IAS has the old ACW as part of it. This was made a while after ACW and IGC merged into IAS.

IGC and ACW merged to form IAS. Tombolo, Jack, MF, and BR were the leaders.

I was here in the glory days of IGC under the name rawblade :O   How could I... lol.  I remember you too blade.  I think you came around right at the tail end of the "glory days"  :P   Imo if the new ACW comes back they should come up with a new name.  Thats my opinion of course, they can do whatever they want  :p  But my opinion is that a team should come up with a new name if NONE of the original members of the old team are still around.  

I remember IGC tried to make a comeback.  Cheese and I tried to do it, but it failed, because Cheese left and I honestly didn't have time to lead a clan, so it just didn't work out.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: History
June 14, 2009, 08:07:20 AM
I think I could help you out with this  :D

The first clan to ever form over the original site (I think it was on SWBFmac, maybe earlier) was the original {ACW} started by Gamer9er.  Shortly after that, Commando Cheese started (IGC).  {ACW} = Arc Warriors, (IGC) = Intergalactic Commandos

For awhile those two clans were the most dominant.  (IGC) later was the one to come out on top, but when they started to decline, {ACW} kind of took over in a way.  (IGC) was in its prime when we (yea i was in it) had Cheese, NF, Hairy Beast, Jack the Knife, me, and a few others who might be still around here.  Imo it started going downhill when Cheese and NF left.

JCA was originally formed by Yatter I think as a third clan to the original giants at the time, ACW and IGC.  Didn't start out too great, but later on, they were the only real clan to challenge ELD.

I can't really give you a detailed history on all this, since I wasn't around for ALL of it.  I know that Gamer9er formed the first Mac clan {ACW}, and Commando Cheese formed (IGC) shortly afterwards.  Those two eventually combined to form <IAS>.  <IAS>'s original leaders were Jack the Knife, Minor Fwan, and Realization (Broken Reality).

[ELD] is what I would consider the BEST Mac clan to ever play.  Imo of course.  They had the best individual skill and some truly amazing teamwork.  I think it was Commando Cheese and Nightfalcon who originally started it, but there was some feud between Cheese and NF, and Cheese left so NF took over.  I know wrath, raje, and a few others were on that team, and there really wasn't a "leader", but if you had to pick one, I'd say Nightfalcon was the real leader of that team.

Those are some info on the older clans.  Hoped it helped.  I'm sure some other old members here could give you more detailed history on all that though.
Requests / Tantive?
June 10, 2009, 09:19:46 AM
I remember plans for the Tantive map from SWBF2 to be converted, but it never happened... Any reason why?  Sorry if its been deemed impossible, I've been away for awhile.  If it has just been forgotten about it, consider this a request to convert it.  IMO it was one of the best maps in SWBF2, and I, and many others, would love to play it in SWBF1.  I can guarantee it will probably be as popular as Death Star if it works properly and doesn't lag.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Changes to SWBF Standard Maps
June 09, 2009, 06:01:04 AM
Quote from: "Master Zen"I think Citadel is fine the way it is. The complexity and numerous amount of routes one can take is what makes it one of my favorite maps.

What I meant is that the map should just be smaller.  "Simpler" was the wrong word.  Your right, the multiple routes is something Citadel is great for, but I think the map should be smaller, simply so there isn't multiple fights going on on different parts of the map, meaning some parts of the map are a little isolated from others.

Anyways, Hardcore's plan for Theed is sounding really, really good  :D  Hope it can be done.