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Messages - xCrISTiAhNx

Quote from: oldsnake on June 12, 2016, 10:51:42 PM
thanks to all that help to get the ps2 players working online again thanks so much Led  :cheers:
here are the side files Led for the swbf1 ps2 server to remove the aim on ps3 ps4 remotes.!rFxExLjJ!shZdfmvB3reDlTJv0EiMvA
in the folder is the no aim sides and the other has no aim unlimited jet fuel. the unlimited jet fuel is the one i have been hosting since the openspy days way back from a 4 man server.  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:
Hi, hey How I can change the port of my SWBF1 PS2 server?