Star Wars canon question…

Started by Kit Fisto, January 02, 2013, 01:51:28 PM

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If the new Star Wars board is created someone can move it there. :)

My question is, in the Star Wars canon universe are deleted scenes part of the canon? If so then Shaak Ti got killed by General Grevious, not Starkiller. But if not then what are they? It it only certain deleted scenes count as canon?

Surely Wookieepedia would be a better place to ask this, but my thoughts if you want them is that they are deleted - so they didn't happen. Although if they have been in books or something else they would be canon. If you have the Blu-Ray set there are some interesting deleted scenes on there.
I play less now but I'll always be around, lets keep this site and battlefront going. :)

Some are cannon some aren't. For example Shaak Ti turns up in "The Force Unleashed" video game which occurs after the events of ROTS (in which she dies horribly).
While deleted scenes such as that bit in ANH when Han talks to Jabba about his debt... well that scene was originally cut from the film and none-canon, but now it's in the new CG "revised" version of the film

If in doubt ask Wookiepedia.

The canon doesn't matter, I ignore most of it because A LOT of the expanded universe is really poorly written rubbish (but a lot of it is quite good too).

Interesting. Ya know that the CG Jabba was added in the VHS special editions of the Original Trilogy that came out in the early 90's.

Quote from: Kit Fisto on January 02, 2013, 02:14:01 PM
Interesting. Ya know that the CG Jabba was added in the VHS special editions of the Original Trilogy that came out in the early 90's.
Yes. That's the one I was probably on about.

Those VHS Star Wars tapes were the ones I watched constantly and I still have them. I really want to get a blu-ray player and all 6 Star Wars films so I can watch it in HD!!!

Quote from: Kit Fisto on January 02, 2013, 02:14:01 PM
Interesting. Ya know that the CG Jabba was added in the VHS special editions of the Original Trilogy that came out in the early 90's.

Perhaps I should share of my Star Wars movie collection:

-Original VHS versions of Original Trilogy
-Special Edition Original Trilogy box set
-Orignal Trilogy on DVD
-Episode I on VHS
-Prequel Trilogy on DVD
-Blu-Ray Complete Saga Box Set

And that's all of it, unless you want me to include The Clone Wars series, because then I just have Season 1, the movie, and 4 episodes of Season 2.

My collection is

-Original Trilogy Special Edition VHS box set
-Episode I VHS
-Episode II and III on DVD
-The Clone Wars movie
-And a couple episodes of The TV show. Mostly on iTunes

I wish I had DVD's so I could watch the movies with the commentaries.

I have the originals on VHS and the 90s Editions on DVD.

Otherwise I have have a large pile of the Cross-Section books and a load of Ralph Maquarrie concept art prints.

Quote from: UNIT 33 on January 02, 2013, 02:44:22 PM
large pile of the Cross-Section books
I LOVE the cross sections books! I literally can spend hours looking at them. No joke. I have the episodes I-VI vehicles book and for Christmas I got the I-VI locations book! ( still reading it )

As far as reference material is concerned, DarthD.U.C.K. has something that should not be ignored.

My christmas present (15 thousand SW reference pics) all up!
All of it is 2.98 gb in rar files.

Probably the most awesome collection of Star Wars imagery ever collected in one place.