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Topics - Darth Verik

Released Maps and Mods / Hammest Outpost (0.04)
January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Hammest Outpost (0.04);sa=view;down=198

Map made by: Kyross
Addon name: Ham1

QuoteEven though this map is still in early beta stages I found it kind of boring. There is really only one texture on the whole map and that's black with red. Look at the screenshots and you'll know what I mean. There is no way to for the rebels to climb on the ridge. Only people on top of the hill can go down and strike into the very heart of the enemy base.

Download this if you want.
Released Maps and Mods / Insanity Mod v1 (1)
January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Insanity Mod v1 (1);sa=view;down=200

Map made by: Jedikiller
Addon name: Ins

QuoteHere we have yet another Battlefront I modification, this one titled "Insanity Mod." Yes, it is rather insane, as you likely guessed.

The setting of the map is the Bespin: Cloud City map that was shipped with the game. There's no changes to the actual map. This map is only playable in Clone Wars. The layout of the units is pretty much default, with various color changes and color inversions performed upon the skins. The real premise of the mod, however, is the new weapons. The author has taken some of the standard weapons, like rocket launchers and grenade lauchers, given them unlimited ammo, and made them fire super fast. So essentially, you have a bunch of overpowered dudes duking it out.

What I found strange was the fact that some weapons didn't appear to have been changed. For example, the rifle doesn't work any differently, and the pistols do default damage. (Though the lasers are a lot larger) I also noticed that some weapons don't have a model, so it looks like your character is firing rockets out of their stomach.

If you like rocket-spamming and the like, go ahead and give this a play. I'm not giving this mod a rating since it utilizes a shipped map, so most of the rating catagories won't apply.
Released Maps and Mods / Concord Dawn (v1)
January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Concord Dawn (v1);sa=view;down=201

Map made by: Jawakiller
Addon name: Jango1

QuoteIt's the motherplanet of Jango Fett. His family got killed on this planet by the Death Watch and then he got rescued by Mandalorians. Now many years later the Alliance and the Imperial Troopers have a big battle on this planet. Many Troopers on both side died until now and NOW are you the second wave of troopers who arrive on the planet! Win the fight to conquer Concord Dawn but be careful! Boba Fett is very angry about the battle hon his planet,be extra careful because he has mandalorian armor!!
Released Maps and Mods / Imperial Rebellion
January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Imperial Rebellion;sa=view;down=202

Map made by: Stealth and Pi man (OUR PI! XD)
Addon name: IRS1
QuoteMod by Stealth and Pi Man. The Imperials have just finished off the final rebel forces. However some of the rebels disguised themselves as Dark Troopers.
Star Wars Battlefront
Imperial Rebellion by Stealth

Story Line: The Imperials have just finished off the final rebel forces. However some of the rebels disguised themselves as Dark Troopers. While Luke, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Yoda were inside Bespin: Cloud City hidden as Imperials, they stole the technology of the Dark Troopers......
Once the rebellion was completed, they were taxed by the rebel forces, many of them were audited.
Released Maps and Mods / Attack of Taspir 6 (0.1)
January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Attack of Taspir 6 (0.1);sa=view;down=203

Map made by: Jorge Fonseca
Addon name: JorgeTaspir6

QuoteTaspir IV Beta is a map where the force is strong, with a lava cannons and volcanoes, with
their fumarols to make it look gloomy. Rain is always hapening as the fumarols cause waters with dense fog.
There are 2 parts, the aerial battles and the inner land building battles. This is a medium sized map that even
thought I said it has land and aerial battle, they do not inmmensly interfer with each other. Bots are smart and
will use turrets and ships wisely, but most of all, makes you feel like you truly are, fighting in SWBF for Taspir

Note: this is beta and for constructive critism for next version please visit:
Released Maps and Mods / Attack of Taspir 6 (0.1)
January 04, 2010, 07:16:30 PM
Attack of Taspir 6 (0.1);sa=view;down=204

Map made by: Jorge Fonseca
Addon name: JorgeTaspir6

QuoteTaspir IV Beta is a map where the force is strong, with a lava cannons and volcanoes, with
their fumarols to make it look gloomy. Rain is always hapening as the fumarols cause waters with dense fog.
There are 2 parts, the aerial battles and the inner land building battles. This is a medium sized map that even
thought I said it has land and aerial battle, they do not inmmensly interfer with each other. Bots are smart and
will use turrets and ships wisely, but most of all, makes you feel like you truly are, fighting in SWBF for Taspir

Note: this is beta and for constructive critism for next version please visit:
Released Maps and Mods / Geonosis: Mining Operation v1.
January 03, 2010, 03:20:46 PM
Geonosis: Mining Operation v1.;sa=view;down=190

Map made by: SWBFnewguy99
Addon name: GMO1

QuoteThis is a mod map for Star Wars Battlefront 1.
It is losely based on the Clone Wars era, but does not depict any particular battle.
My goal was to make a fun, different, small download size map.
As it's name suggests this map is a mining operation set on bespin: platforms over a Gonosis desert, with many walkways, crates, and gas storage tanks for cover.

newguy99 makes his entry into SWBF modding with Geonosis: Mining Operation. It's a different style of map. It's set on Geonosis, but the majority of the actual map is set high above the ground on a map similar to Bespin Platforms.

The main playing field, set high enough to kill you should you fall off it, is made up of Bespin Platforms props. All the various bridges and platforms are connected to each other, and there are virtually no connection bumps. There is a bridge leading up to the platforms from the ground which, should you survive the fall, you can go up to rejoin the fight. There's another set of platforms off in the distance, but you can't reach them. The bots seem to navigate the platforms well, only getting stuck in a few places, and taking two routes to the command posts at the end of the map.

I would suggest perhaps filling out the ground a bit more, or placing some props around the ground CP. It looks a little bare. Also, a minimap would be nice, if only for the sake of appearance.

Overall, a good first map. Give it a try if it looks good!

Released Maps and Mods / GGW: Cantina (1.0)
January 03, 2010, 11:41:07 AM
GGW: Cantina (1.0);sa=view;down=187

Map made by: Unkown
Addon name: GGWC

Small map, cps cant be captured. For me the small map is the most fun....better then 1.1 and 1.2
Released Maps and Mods / GGW: Cantina (1.1)
January 03, 2010, 11:41:07 AM
GGW: Cantina (1.1);sa=view;down=188

Map made by: Unkown
Addon name: GGWC

Medium map (bigger then first one) cps cant be captured. pritty fun to play
gogo12 and Ty294's 1st map pack;sa=view;down=189

Maps made by: gogo12 and Ty294
Addon name: GM1 (More maps in the map pack, but this one is about Geonosis mission 1)

QuoteThis map pack, by gogo12 and Ty294, is a combination of four simple (and some previously-released) maps.

It appears that gogo12's maps, "Geonosis Mission 1" and "Utapau Mission 2" were previously unreleased here, but Ty294's "Tatooine: Desert Alliance" (albeit an earlier version) and Europa: Caves (recently released) were. As such, if you have the new Europa: Caves map, you may want to delete that or overwrite it.

As you'll notice from the readme, there are several documented issues with this mappack, although most seem to be relatively minor. If that's fine by you, and if the contents of the mappack seem interesting (check out the screenshots!) then go ahead and give it a download.
Released Maps and Mods / Endor, Space
January 03, 2010, 09:42:43 AM
Endor, Space;sa=view;down=165

Map made by: Unkown
Addon name: ENDD

Cant find any reviews so ill do it space map....only 2 cps you can destroy the others ships in SWBF II some new fighters

worth trying out

Released Maps and Mods / Europa: Bridge 3.0
January 03, 2010, 09:42:31 AM
Europa: Bridge 3.0;sa=view;down=167

Map made by: Ty294
Addon name: eupb

QuoteLike the previous two iterations, Europa: Bridge is essentially one big bridge suspended over a chasm. It's a mostly straight fight across the bridge, although there are various objects scattered here and there.

Changes from the earlier version are, as the author mentions, pretty minor. The only substantial change is that the sky has actually been given... a sky this time around. Less importantly, the placements of some objects on the bridge were tweaked.
Released Maps and Mods / Europa: Ground Assault 1.0
January 03, 2010, 09:42:24 AM
Europa: Ground Assault 1.0;sa=view;down=168

Map made by: Ty294
Addon name: eupg

QuoteEuropa: Ground Assault is Ty294's third map I believe. The setting is a snowy planet. I can't say much more than that; the sky for the map didn't show up. I'm not sure if this is how the map was supposed to be or just a problem on my side, but the author didn't submit any screenshots for me to compare to.

The command post arrangement is in a diamond shape, with Reps/ Imps starting on one side and CIS/ Rebs starting on the other. Like in his previous maps, vehicles are the deciding factor. From what I saw, the "attacking" team had command vehicles and tanks, while the "defending" team had just tanks. Balance seemed good to me; both teams could hold their own with or without the player's support.

I can't say much about the environment due to the aforementioned sky problem, but I would like to point out that the terrain is very flat and boring. There are hardly any landmarks to hold the player's interest or to help with figuring out where you are. There were also some "mountains" with sharp/ stretched edges; make sure you blend those down. One other thing I'd like to suggest would be falling snow. Not a necessity, but it would help with the general feel of the map.
Released Maps and Mods / The Expanse II
January 03, 2010, 09:42:21 AM
The Expanse II;sa=view;down=169

Map maker: erika12 (NOT ME NOT ME!)
Addon name: exII

QuoteAlso, this is a test map for him. I'd prefer if people released maps that were intended to be played. This one is...weird. It appears to be some sort of large bridge. That's about it. If you use the Republic Jet ARC Trooper, you can go down weird box steps, where there is no action or items besides some pole-type objects.
Europa: Caves (gamma Force 2.0);sa=view;down=170

Map maker: Ty292
Addon name:

QuoteAs with the earlier version, it is entirely Hoth tunnels, although this one has been tweaked slightly so that the caves are more expansive and offer more room for some variety in the battle layout. Additionally, some props have been added to reduce the monotony of the tunnels' homogeneity as well as covering up some of the "holes" in the previous version.

The sides have been changed a little too, with more of a move towards the original units - there's only one custom unit on the Imperial side.

Released Maps and Mods / Gungan City 2
January 03, 2010, 09:42:14 AM
Gungan City 2;sa=view;down=171

Map made by: Stevek12
Addon name: Gcity2

QuoteThis is the final version of this map ever to be made, with one exception. If someone can tell me how to get the Alliance voiceovers (i.e. Hurt, Death, Follow Me, Move Out, etc.) in place of the republic ones in the CW era, I will fix it. This map is the same as Gungan City that was previously released (and is a complete seperate map file so you can play that one as well as this one, with added Naboo Guard units in place of regular units, scenery and cover in strategic places. I paid the water bill, so the fountains work now (LOL). Have fun and GT PWNS!!!!! Please vote and leave your comments on the download page for this map when it becomes available.
Released Maps and Mods / Geonosis: Sand & Rock
January 03, 2010, 09:42:11 AM
Geonosis: Sand & Rock;sa=view;down=172

Map maker: ObiAldKenobi
Addon name: GEO4

QuoteThe Sand and rock map can be played only on the Clone War era.