Respawn more BOTS?

Started by rosolinio, April 16, 2016, 05:09:44 AM

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April 16, 2016, 05:09:44 AM Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 05:52:51 AM by rosolinio
Is any possible way to increase the number of bots that respawn?If I remember correctly the maxiumum bots that can respawn in a map(on one side) is 32-40 but I want to respawn at least 100 per team.
A guy claimed that he managed to respawn 300 bots at once per team so if anyone know please guide me :P
P.S. I'm not reffering to reinforcement (witch normaly it's set at 120)

Do you refer to multiplayer or singleplayer SWBF1?
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: Led on April 16, 2016, 05:14:23 AM
Do you refer to multiplayer or singleplayer SWBF1?
I'm refering to singleplayer but if is possible for multiplayer too ....well...I would like to know for both of them

Quote from: rosolinio on April 16, 2016, 05:38:46 AM
I'm refering to singleplayer but if is possible for multiplayer too ....well...I would like to know for both of them
I'm not sure if i need Zeroeditor or SWBFTools.I didn't find any tutotials to help me with my issue

Quote from: rosolinio on April 16, 2016, 01:11:42 PM
I'm not sure if i need Zeroeditor or SWBFTools.I didn't find any tutotials to help me with my issue

It is a hard coded limit.  There are some ways around it. 

option 1:  You can make local teams that are allies with the other team and make them the same units.  This will effectively give you more AI.  I have a tutorial on adding locals on the tutorials board.  This requires a mission.lvl mod which is easier than option 2.

option 2:  You also might be able to use cheat engine to change the value of the AI spawn limit. 

Phobos may have other ideas, too.

These are advanced topics and ones that will leave you frustrated until you have some modding experience.

If you want start with option 1, download Battlebelks mission level tool and read everything you can about Lua.

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

I'd just like to add that this limit is only for multiplayer, you can add as many AI as you want in singleplayer (though I wouldn't recommend going past 100 per team).

It's possible to go above 32 AI per faction in MP but you have to host a dedicated server using a batch file. Mod the LUA like you would for SP, for example this would spawn 100 units on rebels

--  Alliance Stats
      SetTeamName(ALL, "Alliance")
      SetTeamIcon(ALL, "all_icon")
      AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_soldierurban",20)
      AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_vanguard",20)
      AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_pilot",20)
      AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_marksman",20)
      AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_smuggler",20)
    SetHeroClass(ALL, "all_inf_lukeskywalker")

--  Attacker Stats
    SetUnitCount(ATT, 100)
    SetReinforcementCount(ATT, 500)

Now put this mission.lvl in the server folder and then in the batch file, make sure to put quote marks "" around the number of bots so it overrides the default limit of 32. 

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /gamename "[FC] Battlefront - Chicago" /playerlimit 32 /playercount 1 /bots "100" /difficulty 2

This spawns more AI, however since the memorypool limit for player models is much smaller in MP, most of the units will be invisible on the map and minimap unless you are up close. Make sure to also max out View and LOD Distance in video settings.