Heya folks! I need some help right off the bat!

Started by Hideyori, July 14, 2016, 08:33:31 AM

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Greetings fellow troopers! I would like to aqcuire a copy of the first battlefront on PC but there seems to be no digital copies apart from pirated ones available. I tried one pirated torrent thingy but to no ones surprise it didn't work, I have the jones for some LAAT/i action something fierce and would like some help with that ASAP.

Thank you in advance and hope you accept me into your family with open arms :)

July 14, 2016, 09:13:03 AM #1 Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 09:16:25 AM by Darth Nyx
The first battlefront huh?

I could make this happen, I have the first Battlefront on my PC.

The years just fly past, don't they?

Welcome to the site. Unfortunately battlefront has never been released digitally but as said it cheap to buy online.
I play less now but I'll always be around, lets keep this site and battlefront going. :)