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Messages - dsaf

General / Re: Happy new year
December 31, 2019, 06:18:16 PM
happy new year
SWBF1 Modding / Nboo Royal Guard Assets
December 30, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
Naboo Royal Guard Assets? Where can i find them, with the msh and odf, so i can munge them?
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / 5 weapons slots
December 30, 2019, 06:10:41 PM
Does anybody know how to make a unit have 5 weapon slots?
What is your favorite SWBF1 Map? and why?

Leave your comments down below!

Here is how you change your team to make them have yellow command posts.

Step 1 is download;sa=view;down=319
(Battlebelk's Mission.lvl Tool)

QuoteHow to use:

go edit mission scripts and then press munge.bat for build mission.lvl

Folders structure:

scripts - mission lua scripts for maps

_lvl_pc - munged mission.lvl

bin     - binaries tools from pandemic mod tool

munged  - munged scripts

reqs    - req files for wrap munged scripts in mission.lvl

addon   - folders and files for buil mission.lvl (TATOOINE: JABBA)


We will need:

munged (keeps copies of your files)
munge.bat (VERY IMPORTANT)

Step 2 is to compress it, i recommend putting them into a different folder, makes it easier, by dragging everything from the 7z file to the folder)

Step 3, once everything is in one folder, lets open up the scripts folder. Inside you will see bunch of folders. Those are your planets that contain your maps in the game (BES stands for Bespin, both of the 2 maps, END stands for Endor, And so on),

Step 4, Now lets open one of your planets (lets take BES or Bespin for an example). If we open that we see a bunch of lua files

bes1a.lua - the a means its the galactic civil war era (we use the Rebels vs Empire)
bes1a_h.lua - the h means its a map in the historical campaign
bes1r.lua - the r means that it is the civil war era, (we use the CIS vs Republic factions)
bes2a.lua - the .lua is the type of file (or script) you are opening. (Very easy to edit, no worries!)

bes1 is Bespin Platforms
bes2 is Bespin Cloud City

Step 5 is to open the LUA files. We can open them with Microsoft word, or notepad. Just like a word document.

Step 6 When you open that you will see, lots of information about the map script, (lets open up bes1a.lua for example). Here we can change a lot of things in the game, such as the units, the factions and the command posts. (be careful what you edit though, because if you edit the wrong item, it will crash the game)

Step 7 One thing we can change in the command posts, we can change them to from green to yellow. After we open it you will see information and numbers along the left side of the script. Let's scroll down to line 44 - line 62. (Might be a different line for each map, but for Bespin platforms, Galactic Civil War Era (Rebels vs Empire instant action map) it is line 44 - line 62. We will see this.

--              Alliance Stats
        SetTeamName(ALL, "Alliance")
        SetTeamIcon(ALL, "all_icon")
    AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_soldierurban",11)
    AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_vanguard",3)
    AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_pilot",4)
    AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_marksman",4)
    AddUnitClass(ALL, "all_inf_smuggler",3)
    SetHeroClass(ALL, "all_inf_lukeskywalker")

--              Imperial Stats
        SetTeamName(IMP, "Empire")
        SetTeamIcon(IMP, "imp_icon")
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_storm_trooper",11)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_shock_trooper",3)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_pilottie",4)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_scout_trooper",4)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_dark_trooper",3)
    SetHeroClass(IMP, "imp_inf_darthvader")

Looks like a lot, but I will explain

The Alliance Stats, stands for the Rebel Alliance and faction
The Imperial Stats, stands for the Galactic Units and faction
Under that, we can see the set team name and set team icon, and the classes for both of the factions (how many units of each class are in each map, very interesting stuff).

Step 8 The next step is to look at the part of that that says

SetTeamName(ALL, "Alliance")
        SetTeamIcon(ALL, "all_icon")


SetTeamName(IMP, "Empire")
        SetTeamIcon(IMP, "imp_icon")

Step 9 To Make your team have yellow command we need to look at

SetTeamName(IMP, "Empire"),

This is very important, do not do anything to the team icon line. If you edit the other line, it will not work, I already tried it.

Step 10. All we are doing is erasing the word "Empire" and replace it with the word "locals". If you wanted the empire team to have yellow command posts. (could be uppercase as well).

Locals are the sides, that have the yellow command posts, like the Tusken raiders, or the Naboo Royal Guards.

It should look like this

SetTeamName(IMP, "locals")
        SetTeamIcon(IMP, "imp_icon")

SetTeamName(IMP, "locals")[/b]
        SetTeamIcon(IMP, "imp_icon")
AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_storm_trooper",11)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_shock_trooper",3)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_pilottie",4)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_scout_trooper",4)
    AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_dark_trooper",3)
    SetHeroClass(IMP, "imp_inf_darthvader")

If you wanted the empire to have yellow command posts. This also works for the Republic, CIS, and Rebels side as well, just change their name in the quotes "Alliance", "CIS", "Republic" to "locals". And that is how you do it.

Step 11. Then when you are done, we save this. (As the same name, and you can overwrite it.

Step 12. 2nd to the last step we need to do is is to go to the the folder where we decompressed ( where we put put everything into one folder, step 2)
where it says


We now will need the munge.bat. Click on the munge.bat. It munges your files, and modifies the map of the changes you made. Should only take 30 seconds. It makes a mission.lvl for your game so you can play it.

Step 13 After we use the munge.bat. We need to finally go into the _lvl_pc folder where the munge.bat put the mission.lvl when it was done making it. Now we copy the mission.lvl in the _lvl_pc folder (the modified one we just made with the command post change) and we paste it into your lvl_pc folder of your SWBF1 Directory

If you have the steam version of the game we go to Files (whatever drive you putted steams on (C: or E:) /Steam/Steamapps/common/star wars battlefront (2004)/Gamedata/Data/_LVL_PC and we replace the mission.lvl that is there with this one. (You can overwrite it)

Step 14 Then after you replace the mission.lvl, you can play the game, and enjoy

Step 15 Enjoy!!!

(note that the vehicles disappear for the yellow team)

Hope this helps.
Does this mod, have the LUA files for the main play mod, especially for the clone rebellion map?
Ya, Tatooine Dune Sea is a map that does have yellow command posts. I was wondering how to make like on Bespin cloud city, and have the empire team have yellow command posts. And on vice versa. Is that possible?
I got a question, i been thinking. Is there a way, to put yellow command posts, on like any map  like tatooine dune sea.

ike in Bespin Cloud City, one side can be the yellow commands or the locals, and the other can be red team.

Is there are a way to do this? Do i change the lua file some how?

Please let me know.
Thanks. I hope we can be friends!
SWBF2 Modding / Re: SWBF2 Side Builder
August 18, 2019, 06:42:09 PM
Ok thank You. I Found a swbf1 side builder so i didn't know. Thanks for telling me. I Will try it out. Thanks for the advice!
SWBF2 Modding / SWBF2 Side Builder
August 15, 2019, 01:08:24 PM
Is there a side builder for star wars battlefront 2 2005?

If there is, then can i have the link?
Infantry Mod: 4 of 5 Sniper Class;sa=view;down=1509

Here is part 4 of this mod. This mod, parts 4 puts the snipers vs the snipers. In the galactic era it is the rebel marksman vs the scout trooper. Thr Civil aWar Era has the assasian droid vs the clone pilot. I got to say. I tried the campaign. And the kashyyyk islands, naboo theed, and naboo plains all represent a challenge because, in this class in particular because this may be considered the easiest to kill, compared to the other classes.

To install: Move this mission.lvl file to your gamedata data folder. and override the mission.
Infantry Mod: 3 of 5 Pilot Class;sa=view;down=1506

This mod makes you able to only play as that specific class. vs the enemy, which also the same the class as you. This one is the Pilot Class. A Couple Units are

Rebel Pilot vs Imperial Pilot
Clone Pilot vs Droid Pilot and more!

Here are the links for the 1st and 2nd

Infantry Mod: 1 of 5 Soldier Class;sa=view;down=1504

Infantry Mod: 2 of 5 Rocket Class;sa=view;down=1505

HOW TO INSTALL: Put this into your gamedata data LEVEL PC folder (override the file) and replace it with this one.

Here is a Campaign mod for battlefront 1, that i made, This mod allows players to switch sides in any campaign mission. Even on Naboo, with the Gungans and the royal guards, or even the Wokkiees You can play on as well!  Please check it out, and tell me what you all think. Here is a picture of it.

Let me know what everybody thinks.

Here is a snapshot of it. (Tatooine Dune Sea Campaign Mission)
Battlefront 1 2004 Campaign Mod;sa=view;down=1500

This mod, Historical Campaign mod similar to the Naboo Plains Mod, except, this mod makes the player able to switch sides when playing a historical campaign mission, whether in the civil war era, or the galactic civil war era. In order to play this, you have to go into your historical campaign to play this!

I give credit to Dark_Phantom for teaching me how to make this happen :)


Put the mission.lvl in your Star Wars Battlefront Directory, Gamedata, Data, LVLPC, and replace the mission, there with this mission, (It wont change anything in the game, except the campaign, where it make you able to switch sides, just like in instant action!

Enjoy the map!