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Messages - MjrNuT

Other Games / Re: Trade some Earbudz??
November 05, 2010, 10:02:02 AM
Quote from: ag on November 01, 2010, 01:11:57 PM
I know how to play TF2. >.>

For the record...I didn't say how to play TF2.   ;)

Quote from: ag on November 01, 2010, 01:11:57 PM
I just asked how the trading system works. Sorry to make you go through all of that trouble. :(

But yes, I will gladly trade those buds, I'll just log onto Steam more often.


Since you said you hadn't launched TF2 since Trading was actually implemented and you hardly seemed fitting to embellish!!

Login dude...evening time, after 9pm pacific for me.

bump.....   :moo:
Other Games / Re: Trade some Earbudz??
November 01, 2010, 10:51:25 AM
Quote from: ag on October 31, 2010, 05:54:14 PM
I guess I can trade mine seeing how I don't play TF2 much. Last time I have even launched TF2 was when crafting was new.

With that said, just write quickly how it works and feel free to trade with whatever you utterly do not want.

Bad ag, bad!!!  I won't write quickly how it works.   :P

TF2 is the only game, after 3 years, continues patches, development, content from VaLVe.  If you haven't followed it in some time, then here is a quick spiel.

It's an FPS game of 9 different classes.  Each one has it's own method of madness (ie., weapons and skills).  Numerous game modes called push, attack/defend, payload, payload race, capture the flag, invade ctf, and various other whacky ones or nonstandard.  Probably also the largest custom content community to compliment the above aspects covering maps, player skins, weapon skins, map decals, player sprays, particle effects, competitive, etc.

Major updates historically revolved around each of the 9 classes, to obtain achievements, new weapons, and attributes to those weapons.  All classes have been updated by VaLVe.  But some mini ones do occur yet still, by surprise.

Latest major update was for a Custom Content contest held on Polycount site.  The site conducted a contest for new items of all the classes.  The pyro, soldier, spy, Medic, Scout, and the Heavy recieved weapons and items from that contest.  As a result, the creators of that content also received royalty payments from VaLVe.

Other major updates include drop system.  This means that upon dieing, you find a dropped item, which is by random and covers weapons, hats, crates, and other assorted items.  The drop rate is fixed for every player on a 1 week scale (x number of drop/week).  Valve resets the clock every Thursday I believe.  When players amass items, those items may be crafted or combined together to make scrap metal.  The accumulation of such metal, or certain crafting recipes will obtain a particular (desired) item.  That crafted item could be a weapon that you want or an item like a Hat.  You may also smelt metal, meaning go backwards from Crafting.  Order is: scrap metal, reclaimed metal (3 scrap), refined metal (9 scrap). Smelting a Refined metal will yield 3 Reclaimed metal.  This might be important....for trading or a particular Crafting Recipe.

Trading has been implemented in the past month or so. This allows players to actually trade items between their backpacks.  A backpack is what contains all your items, even the ones you equip on your players to use ingame.  Every player's backpack is publically available to view online.  Trading involves an ingame menu (just start TF2, don't have to be on a server) where one person requests a Trade and you must accept it or not.  There are many ppl that initiate that you will not know.  Move your items to the trade slots and confirm the trade in 2 final steps to avoid any....mishaps.  You may also trade to someone without a return item.  Meaning 1 person provide an item(s) and the other person none.  Just confirm the transaction as-is and it's completed.

In addition to the Trading System is also the Mann Co. Store.  This is a place where players may also purchase items.  Yes, buying directly from VaLVe items that you might be able to attain from a random drop, a trade, or crafting recipe.  I believe...not all items are Craftable though.

I've got all kinds of stuff, but really kinda depends on what you would like to trade bro.  I can't remember what class you like that might be something to start from.  Know what I mean?

Quote from: Soap Mactavish on October 31, 2010, 06:22:09 PM
Do yo need extra buds? :P


Sidenote:  Why is my post count incorrect???? (says 2 prior to this post)
Other Games / Re: steam sale
October 31, 2010, 03:51:03 PM
This request was filled.  ;)

That a really good sale.  Anyone passing it up should just pack their gaming rig up for good.  :P
Other Games / Trade some Earbudz??
October 31, 2010, 03:49:49 PM

Being the MAC players here in the only real game in town, are some of you interested in trading earbuds?

If you are, then put up what you'd like.  It's quite possible I can orchestrate transactions.

Feel free to add me on Steam as well.
Other Games / Re: Steam OSX Information Topic
March 18, 2010, 04:43:30 PM
Quote from: Jedikiller on March 16, 2010, 03:46:00 PM
I would be more than happy to work out some sort of collaboration with you guys. I'm sure that a majority of the members here will be getting games on their new platform and having a nice established community to play with and help them into it would be excellent. :D

Give me some ideas of what you'd like.  We are active w/ our own Tf2 server and also have L4D(2) games going.  Some servers are known and used for better dependency.  Meaning, I really hate modded L4D(2) servers b/c of its game play type.

Let me know publically or privately good buddy.
Other Games / Re: Steam or Xfire?
March 18, 2010, 04:41:02 PM
Quote from: ag on March 17, 2010, 04:28:48 PM
Russell, you are very misinformed.

Steam allows you to download games directly to buy games online and download them immediately. Gameranger allows you to host and join multiplayer games online. Xfire allows you to take screenshots, videos, do live broastcasts, and chat ingame.

They are all different programs. All of them have instant messaging implemented however. It doesn't mean you have to be dependent on only one of them. Both Steam and xfire allow you to message people while you are ingame, which is neat feature. Gameranger on the other hand, sucks. It's a bad program but SWBF Mac users rely on it.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

I concur with what ag has posted.  Except I've zilch experience with Gameranger.  :P

Quote from: Jedikiller on March 18, 2010, 03:52:38 PM
Xfire and Steam are two very different applications. The only similarity is that they both allow you to browse the web ingame and chat with people ingame.

Xfire is more social-networking focused. Steam is more buying-games focused. Just get both. If your computer is powerful enough to run games, then you won't notice any decline in performance. If you don't have good internet, then Steam won't be of any use to you since its primary purpose needs a good internet connection. Plus Steam is limited to games you tell it to be in, or else it just runs as a background process for all games except the ones you buy off of it or add to it.

I doubt any of the people on this site are "hardcore' enough to worry about 1-2 extra MS on their ping or slight decreases in available memory. I don't think hardcore gamers worry about that either, tbh.

I would toss in some other slight differences though.

Steam and Xfire both are for networking, no matter what.  Both allow for creation of groups, however, I think the SteamGroups are much more accessible.  This is only b/c the Steam UI you regularly have to go to, as opposed to the Xfire Client running and on occassion you go to a web browser to do the activity desired.  The Steam UI is different in that respect, more contained.

Both programs have to go through adding compatibility for games.  However, Steam Games are already available.  Non-steam games CAN be added to steam though.  For the most part, like adding SWBF1, your game time is tracked, you can launch it via Steam.  Some games like this have almost same features available as a Steam Game, others not.  For instance, when you are playing a non-steam game that is registered, other people might see it show up as you are playing, sometimes not.  Just a bit glitchy.

Another feature I'd like to point out about Steam is that you can change your Screen Name very easily (yes like Xfire), however, with Steam you can view all the previous Alias' (Screen Names) that person has used.  It's a simple feature and not major compared to Xfire.  But comes in handy when you are looking for someone and like...errr, where'd they go?

I can't remember in Xfire w/ the groups, but SteamGroups you can post up Announcements and Events and other things that get broadcast to ALL members of the group.  Meaning a notification.  With Xfire, i don't every recall, for instance getting a reminder of something put on the calendar.  You had to actively go browse to the group.

No matter what, if you're going to use Steam, it will be for a certain playerbase that you have connection with, which still remains true for Xfire.  I do think Steam is more powerful given its integration w/ the store, security, VAC, game download (which you own for life), and other available free tools (servers), etc.

Hope that helps as both are still valuable to a Community such as this.

Speaking of which, JK have you made the MPC SG yet?  LOL  :D
Other Games / Re: Steam OSX Information Topic
March 16, 2010, 03:07:22 PM
From my other post recently, I would welcome any collaboration with MPC to [FLASH] on this interaction.  Sort of, flog it all, and see what the glitches are that ppl experience and such.

Even do bug reports from ingame (TF2), as that is there for all players.

I thought this response by was related to this topic as it is for compatibility.  But feel free to move if the need arises.
This is indeed a great thing.  Shame on them for not tapping it earlier....

I have some threads/posts on my site related to this.  One of them you all should appreciate.  :)

1st Announcement on L4D Blog

See post #5 of this thread:

Fancy New Steam UI

Then General Steam News Item see post #12:

Honestly, I believe it has been in the works for awhile and the hold up was the new Steam UI.

Feel free to join up with [FLASH] on some games.  Add me to Friends, same name as the username here. 

Awareness though at least on your TF2 is adult oriented.  There is cursing and sprays that would not be considered family friendly.  However, it is still managed under extreme respect guidelines.  We have moms and dads in our Clan and Community.  You can always use the ingame Mute function though.   :tu:

Some of you older SWBF players that know me.....know this.  ;)

Lastly, so far pretty much everything will be hosted by PC for MP games.  Nothing as of yet for MAC based servers.  I don't see the point to support another OS, quite frankly.  As evidenced with older's just a client translation.   ::)

No problem my good sir.  Most likely you haven't heard it b/c quite frankly....there just aren't that many adults in the game.  :P

Admittedly, the game has a small following and of course remember its genre, when it came out. 

Considering the link I gave you, the /noframelock effectively allows you the client to provide more I/O ONLY on the client side.  So when you're at 100 FPS that you see, of course it will be "choppy" considering a 30 FPS lock.  Kind of a bad analogy but i KNOW you will understand this:

finite element model with 4 elements thru the thickness vs, 40.  How much fidelity in results are improved with the latter?  :D

FPS is NEVER the same as TPS.  A bad thing is when the FPS (server or client) goes BELOW the TPS.  Means the gfx card on the client can't handle the action and/or the internet connection is getting choke.  Also, server FPS is also NOT the same as Client FPS.
Quote from: Buckler on November 24, 2009, 08:19:42 AM
Hi MPCers,

If you have ever hosted a SWBF game, you are aware that you can set the TPS (ticks per second) of the server.  For a DC based game hosted with the game cd/dvd you can set 15, 20, or 30 TPS.

1.2 version PC dedicated server software allows the admind to set other TPS values with the server command /tps 30 for 30 TPS, for example.

The TPS setting sets the mininum frames per second (FPS) for users on the server.

My question is:  are TPS the same as FPS ?

The question arises because I have recently become aware that it is possible for players to un-cap their client side framerates, to what ever their video card can handle using an undocumented client command.

My impression is that TPS are used to define server syncing with the client.  FPS is used for the visual smoothness for the player.

The motivation for asking the question is to determine if players are gaining an advantage using an uncapped framerate.

What do you think?



I just had to chime in here for you b/c it's something I've investigated a long time ago when undertaking TF2 servers.  You ask great questions and the principles are the same for SWBF.  The only thing is that SWBF lacks more controls then TF2 or other newer games, but these ones you are speaking of are the same principles across the games.

Here is a link that explains alot, some of what quite familiar from JK's post.  ;P

Answer to your first question: No

Answer to your second question: No

The /tps command is ticks per second.  On the tweak guides it says it sets the maximum frames per second, which is correct.  The reason for this is create a level playing field. 

That playing field is meant to weed out the high latency players (i.e., poor connections).  They send less data and receive less data.  The effect of this are players that skip around on your screen, or you die unexplicably, or other such similar situations. 

To you with the 30 fps, you didn't see anything but a blip or a glitch possibly.  To the opponent, they see you as somewhat smooth.  The server calculates the world at those times where that opponent sees you in their target and fires, hence you die, whereas it didn't seem anything like that on your end.

So by this, the advantage goes to the person with the highest ping!! 

This is not related to the command that you've mentioned, which is only client side.  All that is doing is allowing them to not be locked into the server, if set at /tps X.  Only effect is what you've said, higher frames possible which is only b/c the gfx card is allowed to receive and update more due to more available I/O from you, the client.  Another effect is smoother or more accurate game play -- to a certain extent b/c of what I described earlier.

Games that really benefit for higher tickrate are ones where the player models are the same for each side, thus the same hit zones.  So accuracy and precision mean alot more in those games (i.e., counter strike, cod, battlefield, etc.).  SWBF, I think are varying player models, more than just different skins...I think.  Been a long time for me, so the accuracy is out the door.

The other part about SWBF for the advantage where /tps is not set or even if it is set are those ppl that use a Lag switch.  They are acting like the player with a bad connection, but in this case know they are rather than unbeknowst to them.

If I were to recommend, keep the server at a set /tps and use the /noframelock.

Happy TG man!
Quote from: Buckler on November 07, 2009, 04:45:31 PM
Ya, I have grown intolerant of inappropriate language.

:( :( :(
Welcome Center / Re: Im an oldie
October 28, 2009, 12:51:19 PM
Quote from: Buckler on October 26, 2009, 02:15:59 PM

Here is a link to the gametoast topic about Battlebelks AntiGlitch server side mod.
(Note that it is not completely glitch proof, but it discourages most of the glitch-noobs :)

Long Live SWBF!
Long Live Battlebelk!



I have the anti-glitch stuff installed.  Thanks for that. Would never have known to find that site.

Quote from: SchTicK on October 26, 2009, 03:00:32 PM
Welcome back Mjrnut. Good to have oldies on this new site. :)

Word to your mutha.   ;)

Quote from: Vanir on October 27, 2009, 08:04:55 PM
NUT!! good to see the oldies return!

Sup dawg!  no  :'( please.   :cheers:
Welcome Center / Re: Im an oldie
October 25, 2009, 09:21:42 PM
Quote from: .invertus on October 25, 2009, 12:23:40 AM
Hey Mjr, your name rings a bell somewhere, what clans have you been in for SWBF? I just can't put my finger on it XD But welcome to the forums!

Formerly, 502nd and NJO.

Quote from: Buckler on October 25, 2009, 07:31:04 PM
Hey Nut,

Yes, most excellent ping on the server.  Lots of people on it tonight.

Let me know if you want the anti-glitch package, or if you need anyone
to help admin it  ;)


Nice. thanks for the report.  Just got my game installed and saw it was about 17 ppl in there.  :moo:

Thanks for the admin offer and I'll get with you on that.  Please let me know about this anti-glitch thingy too.

Quote from: Jedikiller on October 25, 2009, 02:38:06 PM
What version of the game do you have? CD or DVD?

If CD, then I think the file is spread out across disks 1 and 2 or something. You might take a look on all of the disks?

if not, it should be relatively easy to grab a cheap copy off ebay if need be.

Yo, I have the CDs.  :D

I'm taken care of.  Buckler was able to get me the big phat file I needed.  I'm all installed and such.

Now, I've get to get up to date on this...wall-hack fix thing.
Welcome Center / Re: Im an oldie
October 24, 2009, 09:29:45 PM
Thanks peeps! 

Just looking to have some good remeniscing.  Got caught up a little with Buckler today actually.  :D

Anyways, just let me know if you would like at least test the server.  Just got it up a few moments ago, but if you've seen the tech support forum I can't test it myself.  :(

Buckler is helping me get my installation to work to play.  (fingers crossed)

No worries if the server is declined.  Just offering if one is needed.

IP: -- called ````CoMe-GeT-SoMe````
