
Modding for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2 => SWBF1 Modding => Topic started by: Snake on December 11, 2011, 06:08:04 PM

Title: [SOLVED] .msh.option commands
Post by: Snake on December 11, 2011, 06:08:04 PM
What all can you put in an .msh.option file?

I have:

-bump name of bump texture
-8bit (unsure what this does)
-compress (unsure what this does)

I remember things about scaling, could someone refresh me on how to do that?
Title: Re: [HELP] .msh.option commands
Post by: SleepKiller on December 11, 2011, 06:11:44 PM
Quote-keep <string>   Any   Keep the named node as a hardpoint in the exported skeleton.
-keepall   Any   Keep all nodes as hardpoints.
-keepmaterial <string>   Any   Do not combine geometry attached to the named node with other geometry, so that it may be accessed in game to set material properties, such as texture scrolling, dynamically. 
-lefthanded   Any   For historical reasons, msh files are stored in lefthanded format, and must be mirrored along the Z axis to make them right-handed.  –righthanded is now the default.
-scale <float>   Any   Rescale this model by the given factor when exporting.  Default is 1.0 (no change).
-maxbones <int>   Any   If this model is skinned, split the skinned segments up so that no segment accesses too many bones.  Default is 32 on PS2 or Xbox, 16 on PC.
-lodgroup <string>   Any   Set the LOD group of this model to one of: model, bigmodel, soldier, or hugemodel.  Default is model.
-lodbias <float>   Any   Set a bias on the distance at which this model will LOD.  Larger numbers will cause the model to remain detailed at larger distances.  Default is 1.0 (no bias).
-nocollision   Any   Do not export collision geometry for this model.
-nogamemodel   Any   Do not export LODing data for this model.
-hiresshadow <int>   Any   Generate a shadow volume directly from object geometry for the given LOD or 0 if no int is given.
-shadowon   PS2   Export any shadow volumes this model has.  Default on the PS2 is no shadow volumes.  On the Xbox and PC, shadow volumes are always exported.
-softskinshadow   Xbox/PC   If the model has a skinned shadow volume, export full 3 bone skinning weights.  This is expensive at run time.  Default behavior is to reduce all shadow volumes to hard skinning (1 bone per vertex).
-hardskinonly   Any   Force all skinned segments to 1 bone hard skinning.
-softskin   Any   Export full 3 bone soft skinning weights for segments which are not explicitly hardskinned.
Default behavior is hard skinning on PS2 or Xbox, and both on PC (hard skinning for fixed function, soft skinning for vertex shader enabled cards)
-donotmergeskins   Any   If this option is not set, any model with at least one skinned segment will have all non-skinned segments merged together into one hard skinned segment for performance reasons.
-vertexlighting   Any   If this model has any geometry with vertex colors, interpret them as burned in vertex lighting.  Default behavior is to interpret them as a modifier to the diffuse color of the object.
-additiveemissive   Any   Interpret any materials in this model with the lit checkbox unchecked as additive blended.
-bump <string> <...>   Xbox/PC   Any normal materials with a diffuse texture listed by name after –bump will be converted to use bump mapping using the texture <diffusetex>_bump
-boundingboxscale <float>   Any   Adjust the scale of the bounding box for this model by the given factor.
-boundingboxoffsetx <float>
-boundingboxoffsety <float>
-boundingboxoffsetnz <float>   Any   Adjust the location of the bounding box for this model by the given translation.  To set a negative offset for z, use –boundingboxoffsetnz.
-kcollision   Any   
-donotmergecollision   Any   
-removeverticesonmerge   Any   
Title: Re: [HELP] .msh.option commands
Post by: Snake on December 12, 2011, 12:59:38 PM
Awesome SK, thank you!
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