imp.lvl causing crashes on hoth and Rhen Var snow maps sides mod

Started by JeremyJuggler, December 02, 2022, 06:40:57 PM

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Would anyone know why there would be an issue with crashing on snow maps as the empire? I have tried unmunging the sides.lvl file and cannot find the problem. It is a sides mod I found online.

I recall some issue with the probe droid for Hoth in general. 

Also, finding some side level and using it without the correct mission.lvl file can cause a lot of problems.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: Led on December 03, 2022, 01:27:01 AMI recall some issue with the probe droid for Hoth in general. 

Also, finding some side level and using it without the correct mission.lvl file can cause a lot of problems.

Correct. I believe retail versions did include the probe droid in the lvl file and it is called in the LUA by default even though it's not actually used. It's not in the mod tools so the game crashes when it can't find it.

It is also possible that whoever made the side mod changed the names of certain ODFs, but to be able to tell you whether that's the case we might need to know what mod it is you're playing.
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Quote from: Led on December 03, 2022, 01:27:01 AMI recall some issue with the probe droid for Hoth in general. 

Also, finding some side level and using it without the correct mission.lvl file can cause a lot of problems.
I have downloaded Sereja's Sides mod and the Ultimate sides mod and both result in crashes when I try to play Hoth or other snow maps as the imperials. I am not sure why this is happening. It even happens on the vanilla maps. I have tried to unpack the imp.lvl file but cannot figure out the issue.

I'm having similar issue. I think my modded Empire side works on Rhen Var but not on Hoth.

December 26, 2022, 11:05:54 AM #5 Last Edit: December 26, 2022, 11:07:39 AM by CheeseCakeChuck
As a test, I even tried munging the Empire side without modifying it at all and it still crashes on Hoth. Rebels do not crash Hoth.

It's because of the probe droid absence mentioned in the previous posts.
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Possible suggestion:
Isn't there a way to convert SWBFII maps to SWBFI? Could we try using a SWBFII Hoth converted to SWBFI and see if it allows us to use our modded sides on that Hoth map? It might be cool anyways since it has that back hangar area. It sadly does not have the short tunnel connecting the shield generator to that one CP but it's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make if we could use modded sides on Hoth.

The answer is simpler than you're making it out to be.

The easiest way I believe would be to remove imp_droid_probe from the stock Hoth mission.  Searching "mission.lvl builder" should bring it up.  The one on the site is reasonably easy to use and would allow you to use the stock Hoth level.  It'd probably break online compatibility.
The other answer that nobody has really gotten to is to figure out why it's crashing.  I see the REQs listed correctly but the devs might have used a different model that's compatible with the game, or something else.

There are SWBF2 map conversions on here but that's not the correct answer to the problem you're experiencing and adding a whole other level of complexity.
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Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM
'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

Quote from: Dark_Phantom on January 11, 2023, 10:47:37 AMThe answer is simpler than you're making it out to be.

The easiest way I believe would be to remove imp_droid_probe from the stock Hoth mission.  Searching "mission.lvl builder" should bring it up.  The one on the site is reasonably easy to use and would allow you to use the stock Hoth level.  It'd probably break online compatibility.
The other answer that nobody has really gotten to is to figure out why it's crashing.  I see the REQs listed correctly but the devs might have used a different model that's compatible with the game, or something else.

There are SWBF2 map conversions on here but that's not the correct answer to the problem you're experiencing and adding a whole other level of complexity.

I have tried deleting the lines from the stock hoth Luas and it still is crashing on loading. Not sure if I should have replaced the imp_probe_droid with a different name.

See if you can find Sereja's hoth assets.  I am pretty sure he got it to work.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

I have his Hoth: echo Base Assets now. I have found where the probe droid is in the original Hoth files. Would replacing the code with the assets used in the Echo Base map by Sereja fix it? I originally deleted the lines with the probe droid, but it continued to crash. The files that I remade are do not contain "imp_droid_probe" as I deleted the line.
This is after removing the probe droid
--        "imp_inf_dark_troopersnow",

I have not had any luck. Not sure what I can do for the sides to work for the imp on snow levels. Do not know where I need to remove or add for the probe droid glitch to be fixed. I wish there was a crash log I could see.